Why did Mencius believe that a benevolent ruler would be successful? He would have his subjects’ loyalty. Why is the Book of Songs especially valuable for people studying early Zhou China? It serves as the best source for understanding everyday life at various social levels.

What did Confucius believe quizlet?

Confucius believed that nobility was earned/bestowed through merit, not birth. … Confucius believed that tradition was more important to transmit traditional ways rather than to invent new ideas. You just studied 25 terms!

How did Confucius view the class distinctions?

Confucius revolutionized education by providing education to all. According to him, education has no class distinction. All human beings are teachable and improvable. A person desiring an education should be educated.

What is Confucianism quizlet?

What is Confucianism? the system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucius and his disciples, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct.

What was the ultimate virtue According to Confucius quizlet?

the ultimate virtue of Confucianism, humanity. It is translated as perfect goodness, benevolence, humanity, human-heartedness, and nobility. that people are fundamentally good as everyone is born with the capacity to recognize what is right and act on it.

What was the zhuangzi quizlet?

Zhuangzi. 4th Century BCE China. Kongzi (Confucius) The representative of smug, conventional thinking; a spokesman for Zhuangzi’s vision of the Way; or a ‘wistful’ Daoist. You just studied 16 terms!

What did the Confucius believe in?

Confucius believed that all people–and the society they live in—benefit from a lifetime of learning and a moral outlook. Confucius was a Chinese philosopher, politician, and teacher whose message of knowledge, benevolence, loyalty, and virtue were the main guiding philosophy of China for thousands of years.

What did Confucius say about government?

The confidence of the people in their ruler.” Happiness and joy within relationships, like governments, are based on mutual trust and respect far more than love and affection. …

What were Confucius ideas about government?

Confucian political theory emphasized conflict resolution through mediation, rather than through the application of abstract rules to establish right and wrong in order to achieve social harmony. The belief that the state was the moral guardian of the people was reflected in a number of institutions.

What was Confucius vision of the ideal human being?

The worldly concern of Confucianism rests upon the belief that human beings are fundamentally good, and teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal and communal endeavor, especially self-cultivation and self-creation. Confucian thought focuses on the cultivation of virtue in a morally organised world.

What important role did Shang kings fulfill?

According to texts found in Shang royal tombs, what important role did Shang kings fulfill? They were military chieftains. … Their contents reveal that the Shang practiced human sacrifice.

How many cardinal relationships did Confucius emphasize quizlet?

What were the 5 cardinal relationships according to Confucius? The five key relationships were father and son, husband and wife, ruler and subject, older brother and younger brother, and friend and friend.

What was the goal of Confucianism quizlet?

The goal of Confucianism is a just and peaceful society. What are the 5 basic relationships in Confucianism? friend and friend.

What were the main ideas of Confucianism quizlet?

People should be respectful and loyal to their family members. Leaders should be kind and lead by example. You just studied 4 terms!

What are the followers of Confucianism called?

As simple as it may sound, the followers of Confucianism are plainly referred to as Confucianists.

How does Confucius define goodness?

There have been a variety of definitions for the term ren. Ren has been translated as benevolence, perfect virtue, goodness or even human-heartedness. When asked, Confucius defined it by the ordinary Chinese word for love, ai, saying that it meant to love others.

What was Anyang quizlet?

What was Anyang? the remains of one of the royal cities of the Shang. It is a location where ruins were found from the Shang dynasty. China’s first civilization was.

What does Yin Yang represent quizlet?

Yin and Yang represent two relevant phenomenon or things which have opposite but complementary properties. Yin and Yang can also represent two relevant parts of one phenomenon or thing. … 2) Yin/Yang can be divided limitlessly. 3) Yin and Yang contain the seed of the opposite.

What did Zhuangzi do?

He used his literary and philosophical skills to refute the Confucians and Mohists (followers of Mozi, who advocated “concern for everyone”). Zhuangzi is best known through the book that bears his name, the Zhuangzi, also known as Nanhua zhenjing (“The Pure Classic of Nanhua”).

Which concept is most closely associated with the teachings of Confucius?

Filial piety is most closely associated with Confucian values in the popular mind, and it is also closely linked to many other issues of concern to modern observers of China: education, gender inequality, and human rights.

What is the philosophical motivation of the Zhuangzi quizlet?

Both, Zhuangzi and Marcus Aurelius seek to achieve self-perfection through meditating on the nature of the cosmos. Both believe that one must live attuned to the universe (the tao or cosmos).

What was Confucius golden rule?

And five centuries before Christ, Confucius set forth his own Golden Rule: Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself.

What are the 5 teachings of Confucius?

The Five Virtues

What are the 5 Confucian virtues?

Finally, the five constant virtues of Confucianism are “ren” (benevolence), “yi” (righteousness), “li” (propriety), “zhi” (wisdom), and “xin” (trustworthiness). An integration of the literature shows that there are 12 basic virtues in Confucian thoughts.

What are the 4 main principles of Confucianism?

The concepts of respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice and the moral values of these four prima facie principles have been expressly identified in Confucius’ ethics.

What does Confucius believe knowledge is?

Answer and Explanation: Knowledge (Zhi) was important to Confucius so he declared it one of the five virtues that should guide humanity. For Confucius, wisdom meant being able to speak in an appropriate or knowledgable manner. All of the virtues were designed to have humanity act in a proper way as moral human beings.

What is the role of relationships in Confucianism?

Confucius strongly believed in the importance of inferiors listening to and obeying superiors. He also maintained that there were five critical relationships in Chinese society. The Five Relationships were emperor and subject, father and son, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother, and friend and friend.

What is the role of government in the philosophy?

The purpose of government is to ensure the protection of these natural rights to life, liberty, health, and property. … Recall that Locke’s conception of rights regarded property ownership as a focal point for social contract with government. He also was a strong advocate of religious tolerance.

What is the main philosophy of Confucius?

Confucius’ social philosophy was based primarily on the principle of ren or loving others while exercising self-discipline. He believed that ren could be put into action using the Golden Rule, What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others. (Lunyu 12.2, 6.30).