Actinomycosis is a rare, infectious disease in which bacteria spread from one part of the body to another through body tissues. Over time, it can result in linked abscesses, pain, and inflammation. It can affect the skin or deeper areas within the body and sometimes the blood.

What kills Actinomyces?

Long-term, high-dose penicillin is the mainstay of actinomycosis treatment to completely eliminate the organism and prevent recurrence.

Is Actinomyces normal vaginal flora?

Diseases Caused by Actinomyces Species Actinomyces species are found in humans as normal flora throughout the upper respiratory, gastrointestinal, and female genital tracts.

What covers Actinomyces?

Imipenem/cilastatin (Primaxin) Covers both pathogenic actinomycetes and companion bacteria, which frequently are resistant to penicillin. Useful in moderately severe to severe forms of abdominal and pelvic actinomycosis.

How is Actinomyces treated?

In most cases of actinomycosis, antimicrobial therapy is the only treatment required, although surgery can be adjunctive in selected cases. Penicillin G is the drug of choice for treating infections caused by actinomycetes. Parenteral antibiotics are administered initially via PICC line, with transition to oral agents.

How is Actinomyces infection treated?

Antibiotics are the primary treatment for actinomycosis. High doses of penicillin are usually necessary to cure the infection. If you’re allergic to penicillin, your doctor can give you other antibiotics, such as: tetracycline.

Is Actinomyces a fungus?

meyeri and A. israelii are obligate anaerobe), and they grow best under anaerobic conditions. Actinomyces species may form endospores, and while individual bacteria are rod-shaped, Actinomyces colonies form fungus-like branched networks of hyphae. …

Family: Actinomycetaceae
Genus: Actinomyces Harz 1877

Where is Actinomyces found?

Actinomycosis is usually caused by the bacterium called Actinomyces israelii. This is a common organism found in the nose and throat. It normally does not cause disease. Because of the bacteria’s normal location in the nose and throat, actinomycosis most commonly affects the face and neck.

How can you tell the difference between Actinomyces and Nocardia?

Actinomyces are part of the normal flora of the mouth and gastrointestinal tract and are generally low virulence. In contrast, Nocardia are saprophytic organisms with a worldwide distribution in soil. Human infections result from direct inoculation of the skin or soft tissue or by inhalation of contaminated soil.

Is actinomycosis serious?

Actinomycosis is a rare type of bacterial infection. It can be very serious but can usually be cured with antibiotics.

Which region is most commonly affected in actinomycosis?

Abdominal actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative infection caused by Actinomyces species. The ileo-cecal region is most commonly affected, while the left side of the colon is more rarely involved.

Who gets actinomycosis?

Males are more often affected than women, with a 3:1 ratio. Pulmonary actinomycosis results mainly from aspiration of oropharyngeal or gastrointestinal secretions. Consequently, individuals with poor oral hygiene, preexisting dental disease, and alcoholism have an increased risk for developing pulmonary actinomycosis.

What is the best antibiotic for Actinomyces?

Preferred regimens β€” We generally suggest high-dose penicillin for actinomycosis [1-3]. Reasonable alternatives include ceftriaxone and amoxicillin.

How do you test for Actinomyces?

Actinomycosis is suspected clinically and confirmed by identification of A. israelii or other Actinomyces species using microscopy and culture of sputum (ideally obtained endoscopically), pus, or a biopsy specimen. Imaging tests (eg, chest x-ray, abdominal or thoracic CT) are often done depending on findings.

Can actinomycosis be fatal?

Local actinomycosis in head and neck lesions can be an intractable and sometimes fatal disease. Initial treatment is extremely important. Insufficient dose or intermittent dosage of antibiotics may not be able to control an Actinomyces infection in a patient in an immunocompromised state.

How common is actinomycosis?

Cervicofacial actinomycosis is the most common type of the infection, comprising 50-70% of reported cases. This infection typically occurs following oral surgery or in patients with poor dental hygiene.

How do I know if I have actinomycetes colony?

Actinomycetes form colonies that are leathery and many produce pigments and they have earthy smell. If you look under the microscope you will easily see the spores and you will easily recognize the corkscreww shape of streptomyces. In the litterature many culture media are descibed for isolation of actinomycetes.

Is actinomycosis and Actinomycetoma same?

Actinomycosis is to be differentiated from actinomycetoma, which is a chronic infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, usually involving the foot (see mycetoma). Actinomycetoma is caused by different species of Actinomyces that are found in soil and plant material in tropical regions.

How mycetoma can be diagnosed?

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of mycetoma is based on clinical presentation and identification of the causative organisms which can be detected by directly examining the grains that are discharged by the sinuses. The samples can be obtained from any open discharging sinus by Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) or surgical biopsy.

What does actinomycetes look like?

Actinomycetes. The Actinomycetes are a group of unicellular filamentous bacteria that form a branching network of filaments and produce spores. They have long been recognized as sources of severe earthy-musty tastes and odours in drinking water (Mallevialle and Suffet, 1987).

Is Nocardia and Actinomyces?

Aerobic actinomyces that cause human and veterinary disease include Nocardia, Gordona, Tsukamurella, Streptomyces, Rhodococcus, Mycobacteria, and Corynebacteria. Anaerobic genera of medical importance include Actinomyces, Arachnia, Rothia, and Bifidobacterium.

Are the actinomycetes considered bacteria or fungi?

Actinomycetes. Actinomycetes are a group of bacteria that share some common characteristics with fungi and in the eye can cause similar disease to fungi. They are able to form hyphae, usually considered a trait of fungi only.

Is actinobacteria good?

The actinobacteria are arguably the richest source of small molecule diversity on the planet. These compounds have an incredible variety of chemical structures and biological activities (in nature and in the laboratory). Their potential for the development of therapeutic applications cannot be underestimated.