Simple Summary: Avian schistosomes are a group of parasites responsible for most of the reported cases of cercarial dermatitis outbreaks. Among others, Trichobilharzia is considered the largest genus of avian Schistosomatidae, and it infects more than 40 avian species.

What parasite causes Cercarial dermatitis?

Cercarial dermatitis is caused by penetration of the skin by avian schistosomal larval forms called cercariae. Snails infected with schistosome (blood fluke) species shed the infective cercariae into the water. The cercariae penetrate the wet skin of warm-blooded animals, including people.

How is Cercarial dermatitis transmitted?

Cercarial dermatitis, also known as swimmer’s itch, is an itchy rash caused by a tiny parasitic worm. It’s contracted by swimming or wading in infested fresh water lakes or ponds. The parasite’s usual hosts are waterfowl and rodents. After the parasite is excreted from the waterfowl or rodent, it then enters a snail.

What is the name of the condition caused by humans being penetrated by avian bird schistosomes that will not fully develop in the human host?

Cercarial dermatitis (“swimmer’s itch”, “clam-digger’s itch”, “duck itch”) is caused by the cercariae of certain species of schistosomes whose normal hosts are birds and mammals other than humans.

How do you prevent Cercarial dermatitis?


  1. Choose swimming spots carefully. Avoid swimming in areas where swimmer’s itch is a known problem or signs warn of possible contamination. …
  2. Avoid the shoreline, if possible. If you’re a strong swimmer, head to deeper water for your swim. …
  3. Rinse after swimming. …
  4. Skip the bread crumbs. …
  5. Apply waterproof sunscreen.

How do I get rid of swimmer’s itch?

Common treatments and advice include:

  1. Apply plain calamine lotion.
  2. Take antihistamines. …
  3. Take shallow, lukewarm baths with 3 tablespoons of baking soda in the water.
  4. Take colloidal oatmeal baths.
  5. Apply cool compresses.
  6. Avoid scratching.

What does cercarial dermatitis look like?

Symptoms of cercarial dermatitis or swimmer’s itch include burning, tingling, and itching of the infected skin. Small reddish pimples appear within 12 hours of exposure. The pimples may develop into small blisters. Itching may last up to a week or more but will gradually go away.

How is cercarial dermatitis treated?

Treatment of cercarial dermatitis has not been evaluated in clinical trials. Systemic antihistamines or topical antihistamines or corticosteroids can be used to reduce symptoms. Topical antiseptics or antibiotics as well as systemic antibiotics may be needed in the case of secondary infection.

Can dirty water cause rash?

If contaminated water stays on someone’s skin for a long time, it can cause a rash known as “hot tub rash” (Pseudomonas folliculitis). Hot tub rash is caused by the germ Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This germ is commonly found in the environment (for example, in water or soil).

How long does Cercarial dermatitis last?

Your body has an allergic reaction to it, causing a rash. The parasites cannot survive in human skin, so they die shortly after burrowing into your skin. The rash usually gets better after a few days, but it can last for up to two weeks.

What type of pathogen is Cercarial dermatitis?

Cercarial dermatitis (swimmer’s itch) is a common non-communicable water-borne disease. It is caused by penetration of the skin by larvae (cercariae) of schistosomatid flukes and develops as a maculopapular skin eruption after repeated contacts with the parasites.

What time of year does Swimmer’s itch start?

Swimmer’s itch organisms are most commonly noticed in early summer, when the water is its warmest. The season is relatively short – usually four to six weeks, depending on the weather.

What are the side effects of swimmer’s itch?

Within minutes to days after swimming in contaminated water, you may experience tingling, burning, or itching of the skin. … Symptoms of swimmer’s itch may include:

Can you get swimmer’s itch in the UK?

Swimmer’s itch is a growing public health issue worldwide, yet research has focused on identifying various species of parasite, rather than how many people, and what waters, are affected. More infection in the UK will affect tourism, watersports, and raise costs to the NHS.

Can you get swimmer’s itch from a pool?

Swimmer’s itch is a rash caused by an allergic reaction to the larvae of certain parasites. The parasites can get under your skin when you swim in freshwater (such as lakes and ponds) and sometimes salt water. But you can’t get swimmer’s itch from swimming pools that are treated with chlorine.

Does vinegar help swimmers itch?

If you get a bad case of swimmer’s itch, soak in a tepid oatmeal bath. For just a few spots, spritz on apple cider vinegar or swab with a damp washcloth dipped in baking soda.

Does Vaseline prevent swimmer’s itch?

Apply a water repellant substance such as petroleum jelly, waterproof sunscreen or other skin oils to reduce the ability of the Cercariae from penetrating the skin. Dry off with a towel as soon as you get out of the water.

What is the difference between chiggers and swimmer’s itch?

It’s not chiggers Swimmer’s itch is often incorrectly referred to as chiggers. However, chiggers are tiny earthbound mites that live amidst grass and weeds. They also cause itchy bumps on your skin. The parasite that causes swimmer’s itch is actually a tiny worm.

Does swimmer’s itch look like mosquito bites?

As the picture to the right shows, swimmer’s itch appears as a series of red welts that itch like mosquito bites. Often the welts appear in a line near the waistband or straps on your bathing suit and there’s a good reason for that. arasite’s eggs into the water (you can guess how that happens).

Does baby oil prevent swimmer’s itch?

To Reduce the Chance of Getting Swimmer’s Itch Apply waterproof sunscreen or baby oil to help prevent swimmer’s itch organisms from entering the skin. Thoroughly and briskly towel-off or shower as soon as you leave the water to help prevent swimmer’s itch organisms from entering the skin.

How do I know if I have swimmer’s itch?

Symptoms of swimmer’s itch include:

  1. A rash that usually goes away in about a week.
  2. An itching or burning feeling on your skin.
  3. Pimples that show up minutes or even days after you were in the water. The pimples may later turn into blisters.

What does a chlorine rash look like?

Chlorine rash is a red, itchy rash that appears within a few hours after swimming in chlorinated pools or hot tubs. The rash can be raised and scaly, and the skin may be swollen or tender. In some cases, hives also develop.

What does pool rash look like?

Symptoms of a chlorine rash Chlorine rash symptoms can include: dry or chapped skin that may grow worse with repeated exposure to chlorine. itchy, red, swollen, or scaly patches of skin. burning, stinging, or itching skin.

How do you get rid of sea lice on your skin?

How are sea lice bites treated? You can usually treat sea lice bites with over-the-counter treatments. Examples include applying 1 percent hydrocortisone cream to areas of the bites two to three times a day for one to two weeks. This can help to reduce itching and inflammation.

Is duck itch contagious?

Swimmer’s itch is not contagious and cannot be spread from one person to another.

Can salt water pools cause skin irritation?

In most cases, salt water causes dry and itchy skin but chlorine triggers irritated skin and sometimes even a nasty rash.

What parasites cause itching?

The most common symptoms of scabies, itching and a skin rash, are caused by sensitization (a type of “allergic” reaction) to the proteins and feces of the parasite. Severe itching (pruritus), especially at night, is the earliest and most common symptom of scabies.

What gets rid of a rash overnight?

Here are some relief measures to try, along with information about why they might work.

  1. Cold compress. One of the fastest and easiest ways to stop the pain and itch of a rash is to apply cold. …
  2. Oatmeal bath. …
  3. Aloe vera (fresh) …
  4. Coconut oil. …
  5. Tea tree oil. …
  6. Baking soda. …
  7. Indigo naturalis. …
  8. Apple cider vinegar.

What’s heat rash look like?

Common symptoms of heat rash include red bumps on the skin, and a prickly or itchy feeling to the skin (also known as prickly heat). The rash appears as reddened skin with tiny blisters and is due to inflammation. It often occurs in skin creases or areas of tight clothing where air cannot circulate.

Is salt water good for skin infections?

A Great Remedy for Various Skin Conditions Magnesium, calcium, and potassium are all skin-friendly minerals that can be found in sea salt. These minerals are great benefits of salt water since they help combat acne-causing bacteria, skin infections, and speed up the healing process.