Eat smaller meals more frequently, eat heavier meals earlier in the day, concentrate on light and mildly spiced foods, stir fry, poach and steam, high vegetable, low carbohydrate, low meat. Avoid cold raw foods that freeze and constrict circulation.

What is blood stasis in the uterus?

Blood stasis causes a Fire syndrome and the accumulation of Damp-heat in the lower part of the body (“Lower Jiao”). As most of the patients with endometriosis suffer from the symptoms of pelvic inflammation, the accumulation of Heat and Blood stasis are the main pathologic changes.

What is dissipate blood stasis?

Removing Blood stasis is a common and important treatment method in treating autoimmune diseases. Blood stasis is not only a pathological substance but also a pathogen that affects recovery from illness. According to our clinical experience, removing Blood stasis may be able to reduce inflammation, pain and swelling.

What causes stagnant blood in uterus?

Cold and Dampness can also invade the uterus and cause stagnation. Cold and Damp conditions, especially when they come in direct contact with the vaginal, abdominal, and/ or lower back region, can cause the uterus to contract and Blood to stagnate. Women are most vulnerable to Cold before and during their period.

How do you fix blood stagnation?

Blood stasis can be accompanied by damp and pain may be improved by avoiding damp producing foods such as penuts, soy, and dairy. Try taking a calcium and magnesium supplement to help relax the muscles and calm the nerves.

How do I reduce qi stagnation?

Below, you’ll find some of the most common methods:

  1. Get enough sleep. Being tired is a hallmark sign of a qi deficiency. …
  2. Work on your breathing. One way to improve a qi deficiency is through purposeful breathing. …
  3. Try tai chi or qi gong. …
  4. Give acupuncture a go. …
  5. Balance your diet. …
  6. Take care of your mental health.

What causes blood deficiency in TCM?

menstruation, child birth, or internal or external bleeding can lead to blood deficiency. Poor diet, lack of proper nutrition, and digestion problems can lead to blood deficiency.

What causes qi deficiency?

Spleen Qi Deficiency is caused by overexertion, poor dietary habits, and/or emotional imbalances. Irregular eating,155 consuming cold or raw foods and drinks, skipping meals, not eating enough, or overeating all weaken Spleen Qi. Overthinking, worrying, or feeling anxious can lead to mental strain and harm Spleen Qi.

What foods are good for liver Qi stagnation?

Liver Qi stagnation diet PLUS the following: YES: Lettuce, celery, cucumbers, mango, pears, spinach, tomatoes, NO: alcohol, spicy food, coffee, fried foods, red meat, sugar.

What is qi and blood stagnation?

Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome (QS&BSS) is one of the common Zhengs in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which manifests as various symptoms and signs, such as distending pain or a tingling sensation in a fixed position.

What is yin deficiency?

When Yin is deficient or out of balance, the body shows signs of heating up. It develops slowly over several years and is often due to a lifestyle of overwork and little rest. The major clinical manifestation of Yin deficiency is dryness. This includes dry mouth, dry skin, dry eyes, and dry hair and nails.

What is yang deficiency?

Yang deficiency causes coldness and clamminess of the skin. This is because coldness affects the function of the skin (Lung Qi) to open and close when required, i.e. the skin should open, causing sweating and elimination of heat, when the body is hot; and should close and retain the body heat when it is cold.

How do you get rid of liver qi stagnation?

Combine one TBSP of unrefined apple cider vinegar and one TBSP of raw local honey with one cup of filtered water, mix well, add an ice cube and enjoy. There are many herbal formulas that may be used to help soothe the liver and move Qi.

What is TCM deficiency?

What does it mean if my Acupuncturist says I have a Blood Deficiency? It means you do not have enough blood (low volume) in circulation and/or the quality of your blood indicates a lack of nourishment (such as low iron) so it cannot carry out these functions.

What emotions are connected to the liver?


What causes blood stasis?

Blood stasis can be localized, such as occurs in trauma or in strains, sprains or bruises, or such as myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) or cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), or any thrombosis (blood clots).

How do you know if your Qi is blocked?

Qi can stagnate – otherwise known as becoming blocked – due to stress of anxiety. … Signs of Qi stagnation include, but are not limited to:

  1. Depression.
  2. Mood swings.
  3. Hiccups.
  4. Inappropriate anger.
  5. Feeling as though there’s a lump in the throat.
  6. Pain or discomfort in the abdomen.
  7. Irregular or painful periods.
  8. Lack of appetite.

How do you increase yang energy?

Invite life energy: Yang vibes are generated in the presence of living beings and natural elements like flowing water features and tall plants. Alternatively, you can move appliances and electrical devises to your living room as noise, movement and heat; all set the atmosphere for enhancing yang energies.

How do you fix Yin deficiency?

Drink thin fluids – water, herbal tea, clear soups and watery fruits. Some added salt in food (health permitting) to retain water. Some raw foods, especially vegetables (not in the evenings) to cool the body. Tonify Kidney yin – point K 7 or K 10.

How can I improve my liver qi?

The Liver loves Tai Qi, aerobic exercise, weight-lifting, in fact, any exercise. Keep a journal or find a therapist, close friend or partner who is present and available for you to both vent and process the stressful issues in your life, as well as find dynamic solutions. Eat healthy, fresh foods…

What is Lung qi?

The Lungs influence the Defensive Qi (Wei Qi) of the body. It spreads the Defensive Qi all along the surface of the body so that it can warm the body and protect it. If the Lung Qi is weak, the defensive qi also become weak. As a result, your protection against outside pathogens is inadequate.

How do you replenish yin energy?

Yin energy is all about calm, cool energy. … Consider these:

  1. Practice moderate exercise like tai qi, walking, swimming, hatha yoga, and restorative yoga (avoid “hot” yoga which can further deplete the yin).
  2. Practice meditation, guided imagery, mindfulness, or chi gong. …
  3. Go to bed by 10:30 in order to restore yin.

How can I strengthen my Lung qi?

In Chinese Medicine, we recommend specific Lung-strengthening foods which are naturally fresh foods that are “white” or have white centers– like cauliflower, almonds, daikon radish, potatoes, turnip, parsnip, rutabaga, apple, pear, rice, oats, sesame seeds, onion, garlic, and white peppercorns.

How do you build blood in TCM?

Building the “Blood”: In particular, dark green leafy vegetables and chlorophyll-rich foods are helpful. Some other good Blood building foods are beets, dark berries, red meat (especially organ meat), the redder fish such as salmon and molasses.

What is plum pit syndrome?

At present, it is mostly regarded as a psychosomatic disease belonging to TCM category of imagined plum pit in throat. 7 The disease is caused by sadness, pensiveness, emotional disorder, qi sta- gnation and phlegm accumulation in the throat as if the throat is obstructed by a foreign object.

What is good for liver TCM?

Foods that detoxify and strengthen the liver