Venous drainage of the abdomen is by the inferior vena cava and its tributaries. The blood from the portal vein passes through the liver and finally drains into the inferior vena cava. The inferior vena cava forms at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra by the joining of left with the right common iliac veins.

What vein is in your stomach?

The portal vein is formed by the union of the splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein. It receives additional tributaries from: Right and left gastric veins – drain the stomach.

What are the 4 main veins draining the stomach?

Conventionally the following veins drain into the splenic vein—short gastric, left gastroepiploic, pancreatic, and inferior mesenteric veins. The short gastric veins include four or five veins, which drain the fundus and part of the greater gastric curvature.

What is the significance of dilated abdominal veins?

The technique of determining the direction of blood flow in a vein is described in standard clinical manuals. In inferior vena caval obstruction, anterior abdominal veins are dilated. To determine the direction of blood flow in a vein, first, the vein that is free from branches for a distance of 3 cm is identified.

What is epigastric vein?

In human anatomy, superior epigastric vein refers to a blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood and drains into the internal thoracic vein. It anastomoses with the inferior epigastric vein at the level of the umbilicus and drains the anterior part of the abdominal wall and some of the diaphragm.

Where are the large veins in the abdomen?

The anterior abdominal wall is drained by: Two large veins from above: the superior epigastric (medial) and musculophrenic (lateral) Two large veins from below: the inferior epigastric and the deep circumflex iliac.

Is there a main vein in your stomach?

The gastric veins are similar in position to the arteries along the lesser and greater curvatures. These veins drain either directly or indirectly into the portal system. The left gastric vein runs to the left along the lesser curvature, receiving the esophageal veins below the esophageal hiatus in the diaphragm.

Is there veins in your belly?

The submucosal veins of the stomach balloon up (dilate) due to gastric varices. When the pressure is more in the portal veins than that in the inferior vena cava, secondary conditions develop resulting in inflated and sinuous submucosal vessels in the stomach.

Can you have varicose veins in your abdomen?

Varicose veins are swollen blood vessels that do not function efficiently. While the most frequently appear on the legs, they may also develop in the pelvic region, in the lower abdomen or around the genitals, thighs, or buttocks.

What supplies blood to the abdominal wall?

Blood Supply and Lymphatics The major arteries of the anterolateral abdominal wall are the superior epigastric, inferior epigastric, musculophrenic, subcostal, and posterior intercostal arteries, deep circumflex iliac artery, superficial circumflex iliac artery, and superficial epigastric artery.

What drains blood from stomach?

The splenic vein (formerly the lienal vein) is a blood vessel that drains blood from the spleen, the stomach fundus and part of the pancreas. …

Splenic vein
Source short gastric veins, left gastroepiploic vein, pancreatic veins, inferior mesenteric vein
Drains to hepatic portal vein
Artery splenic artery

What vein drains blood from the stomach?

The right gastric vein (pyloric vein) drains blood from the lesser curvature of the stomach into the hepatic portal vein. It is part of the portal circulation.

Are capillaries under high pressure?

Blood Flow Like all fluids, blood flows from a high pressure area to a region with lower pressure. Blood flows in the same direction as the decreasing pressure gradient: arteries to capillaries to veins.

What varicose vein means?

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins. Varicose veins can happen anywhere in the body, but are more common in the legs. Varicose veins are not considered a serious medical condition. But, they can be uncomfortable and can lead to more serious problems.

What are swollen veins called?

Varicose veins, also known as varicoses or varicosities, occur when your veins become enlarged, dilated, and overfilled with blood. Varicose veins typically appear swollen and raised, and have a bluish-purple or red color. They are often painful. The condition is very common, especially in women.

What is the arcuate line?

The arcuate line is an area of demarcation visible from the peritoneal surface of the abdominal wall, residing one-third the distance between the umbilicus and the pubis. The arcuate line can be a sharp demarcation, or it can be a gradual transition zone where the fibers of the posterior sheath gradually disappear.[1]

What is meant by venae comitantes?

Medical Definition of vena comitans : a vein accompanying an artery The accompaniment is so complete, in fact, that for much of the route up the arm, the vein network forms true venae comitantes, or parallel paired veins on either side of the artery.—

What is an internal pudendal vein?

The internal pudendal veins (internal pudic veins) are a set of veins in the pelvis. They are the venae comitantes of the internal pudendal artery. They begin in the deep veins of the vulva and of the penis, issuing from the bulb of the vestibule and the bulb of the penis, respectively.

What causes thread veins on stomach?

There are conditions such as abdominal tumours or severe liver disease which can cause thread veins to develop. These can obstruct the normal flow of blood through the veins and to and from the heart. Any interruption such as a blockage can put pressure on the veins, causing them to weaken and fail to work properly.

What is cystic vein?

15403. Anatomical terminology. When present the cystic vein drains the blood from the gall-bladder, and, accompanying the cystic duct, usually ends in the right branch of the portal vein. It is usually not present, and the blood drains via small veins in the gall-bladder bed directly to the parenchyma of the liver.

How do you treat varicose veins in the stomach?

Diagnosis and Treatment: The condition can be diagnosed using pelvic venous ultrasound in addition to an external exam. The diagnosis is then confirmed using an MRI or CT scan. Treatment consists of balloon angioplasty (stretching) followed by placing a stainless steel stent in the affected area.

Is it normal to have spider veins on stomach?

Spider veins are the tiny red or blue veins that may appear anywhere on the body, but more often on the legs, ankles, face, chest, or abdomen. They are extremely common.