Allegedly means according to what has been claimed. It’s used to describe an action or situation that someone claims happened but that has not been confirmed or proven, especially a crime.

Can you use allegedly in a sentence?

Allegedly is defined as apparently, but without proof. An example of allegedly used as an adverb is in the sentence, He allegedly came home before curfew last night, which means that he said he came home before curfew last night, but there is no proof. According to someone’s allegation.

What is the synonym of alleged?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for allegedly. purportedly, reportedly, reputedly.

What is the antonym of allegedly?

What is the opposite of allegedly?

genuinely improbably
confirmedly definitely
absolutely undoubtedly
in fact in actuality
without a doubt

What is Isalleged?

Alleged is an adjective that’s used to describe things that have been claimed. It’s most often used to describe an action or situation, especially a wrongdoing or crime, that someone claims happened but that has not been confirmed or proven. … Example: The alleged crime took place when my client was half a state away.

How do you use exaggerate in a sentence?

Examples of exaggerate in a Sentence The book exaggerates the difficulties he faced in starting his career.It’s impossible to exaggerate the importance of this discovery.He tends to exaggerate when talking about his accomplishments.He exaggerated his movements so we could see them more clearly.

Who is alleged person?

The definition of alleged is something that has been stated but not necessarily confirmed. An example of someone who is alleged is person who has been arrested for a crime who has not yet been through the process of trial. adjective.

Why do they use the word allegedly?

The word is used to make it clear that an allegation has been made and it has not been tested in court, not that either party should be believed or disbelieved.

Is presumedly a word?

adverb. As is presumed; supposedly.

How is allegedly pronounced?

What’s a synonym for should?

must, need, ought (to), shall.

What is a synonym for supposedly?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for supposedly, like: apparently, probably, seemingly, supposably, allegedly, purportedly, believably, ostensibly, despot, ideologist and moralism.

What is an alleged complaint?

A plaintiff starts a civil action by filing a pleading called a complaint. … This case requires that a complaint must allege enough facts to state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face. Complaints must be served on defendants. This lets defendants know that they are being sued and why.

Why do people exaggerate?

The Cambridge Dictionary defines exaggeration as the fact of making something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is. … But if we use our common sense, I think we can agree that we typically exaggerate stories/facts to make our conversations more entertaining and to draw people’s attention.

How do you talk exaggerate?

What are some examples of exaggeration?

An example of exaggeration would be: I was walking along when suddenly this enormous dog walked along.It was as big as an elephant. The dog may have been big, but it was certainly not as big as that. Another example of exaggeration would be: I caught a fish as big as my house.

What is the difference between apparently and allegedly?

‘Allegedly’ has a legalistic connotation, as though the subject has been accused but the fact has not been proven. It indicates a lack of trust in the situation or the reference (the citation). ‘Apparently’ has a more attitudinal nuance.

Is allegedly and apparently the same thing?

As adverbs the difference between allegedly and apparently is that allegedly is according to someone’s allegation while apparently is plainly; clearly; manifestly; evidently.

Is it defamation if you say allegedly?

Legal Difference Between Opinion and Defamation If the accusation is untrue, then it will defame her. This is why the news media is so careful to use the word allegedly when talking about people accused of a crime. … This means it is easier to prove defamation when you are a private citizen.

Is it presumedly or presumably?

Both exist as separate entries in most dictionaries, but the distinction between their definitions is so subtle as to almost not exist: presumably usually means ‘one might reasonably suppose’ or ‘in all probability;’ presumedly is typically shown as a synonym for ‘supposedly.

Is Assumably a word?

To take up or receive into heaven.

Is it Supposably or supposedly?

Supposably means as may be conceived or imagined and is the adverb form of supposable, which means capable of being supposed or conceived. On the other hand, supposedly usually means allegedly. The words are often conflated when one usually intends to say supposedly.