The dentinoenamel junction or dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) is the boundary between the enamel and the underlying dentin that form the solid architecture of a tooth. It is also known as the amelo-dentinal junction, or ADJ.

Where is the amelodentinal junction?

The line around the tooth that marks the boundary between the crown and root of the tooth; the interface between enamel and cementum.

Why DEJ is scalloped?

In straight DEJ models, tensile stresses act at the DEJ over continuous areas in a direction, which would push the two tissues apart, thus leading to delamination of the DEJ. … These findings suggest that the scalloped nature of the DEJ confers a biomechanical advantage to the integrity of the tooth during mastication.

What does DEJ mean in dentistry?

Published online: 13 February 2005; doi:10.1038/nmat1323. The dentinenamel junction (DEJ), which is the interfacial.

What are Ameloblasts?

Ameloblast: One of a group of cells originating from the ectoderm from which the dental enamel is developed; an enamel cell. The ameloblasts cover the papilla of the enamel organ.

Why is Dej sensitive?

As it is known, dentin is covered by enamel in the crown surface and by a thin layer of cementum in the root surface of the tooth. Dentin is sensitive to stimuli due to the lesion extension of odontoblastic process and formation of dentin-pulp complex [1, 3, 6]. Dentin and pulp are histologically different.

What is the shape of Dej?

Enamel, dentin, and cementum are coupled at the DEJ. The DEJ is a complex structure associating two calcified tissues, preventing the propagation of cracks from enamel to dentin. It is a scalloped structure with convexities toward dentin and concavities toward enamel (Shimizu & Macho 2007 , Brauer et al.

What is reactionary dentin?

Reactionary dentine and reparative dentine are two strategies used by the dentinepulp complex to respond to injury. The reactionary dentine is secreted by original odontoblasts, while the reparative dentine is formed by odontoblast-like cells.

What is Osteodentin?

Osteodentin is formed after injury to the pulp or displacement of odontoblasts. If a tooth fractures, the pulp chamber will fill with this material in order to seal it off.

What is primary dentine?

Primary dentin is the most prominent form of dentin within the tooth. It is located between the enamel and the pulp chamber. The outer layer of dentist which is closest to the enamel is referred to as mantle dentin. This layer of dentin is unique to the rest of primary dentin.

What does Dej stand for in English?


Acronym Definition
DEJ Deferred Entry of Judgment (court mandated program for nonviolent drug offenders)
DEJ Dpartement des tudes Japonaises (French: Department of Japanese Studies)
DEJ Dentino-Enamel Junction
DEJ Deutsche Esperanto-Jugend (German: German Esperanto Youth)

What is Peritubular dentin?

Peritubular dentin (PTD) is a relatively dense mineralized tissue that surrounds the tubules of coronal tooth dentin. It is composed mainly of crystals of carbonated apatite together with a small amount of collagen.

How is the Dej formed?

Formation of the DEJ begins at the early stages of tooth morphogenesis and is thought to be linked to a mixture of dentin proteins secreted by odontoblasts and enamel proteins from ameloblasts [34-36].

What are Ameloblasts and Odontoblasts?

Ameloblasts secrete enamel matrix and are derived from oral ectodermal cells. Odontoblasts produce dentine and develop from CNC cells, as do all other supporting dental cells. Ameloblasts are the only cells remaining in teeth at birth that are derived from the ectoderm.

What are Cementocytes?

Cementocytes are cementoblasts enclosed in a self-generated matrix. Following matrix mineralization, cementoblasts lose their secretory ability and become cementocytes. Read Less. Postnatal. Tooth.

What do Odontoblasts do?

Odontoblasts are specialized cells that produce dentin and exhibit unique morphological characteristics; i.e., they extend cytoplasmic processes into dentinal tubules.

Is dentin hypersensitivity serious?

Prognosis. Dentin hypersensitivity may affect individuals’ quality of life. Over time, the dentin-pulp complex may adapt to the decreased insulation by laying down tertiary dentin, thereby increasing the thickness between the pulp and the exposed dentin surface and lessening the symptoms of hypersensitivity.

What does Abfraction mean?

Dental abfractions are v-shaped notches that appear near the gingival margin. These lesions are not caused by decay. Rather, they are the result of certain dental conditions, such as bruxism (teeth grinding).

Can dentin hypersensitivity be cured?

They may not realize it, but patients with dentinal hypersensitivity don’t have to resign themselves to living with the problem. The most common first-line treatment for reducing pain is over-the-counter potassium nitrate dentifrice, which aims to desensitize the teeth by reducing nerve excitability.

Where is the enamel?

Enamel is the thin outer covering of the tooth. This tough shell is the hardest tissue in the human body. Enamel covers the crown which is the part of the tooth that’s visible outside of the gums. Because enamel is translucent, you can see light through it.

What is the future dentino enamel junction?

The frontier between the enamel organ and the dental papilla, the future dentino-enamel junction, undergoes coordinated modifications. The mineralization of the extracellular matrix starts within the predentine, which is a prerequisite for the formation of the first enamel crystallites in vivo.

Is Amelogenesis imperfecta hereditary?

Amelogenesis imperfecta can have different inheritance patterns depending on the gene that is altered. Many cases are caused by mutations in the FAM83H gene and are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern . This type of inheritance means one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder.