The westerlies, anti-trades, or prevailing westerlies, are prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. They originate from the high-pressure areas in the horse latitudes and trend towards the poles and steer extratropical cyclones in this general manner.

Where are the antitrades?

A deep layer of westerly winds in the troposphere above the surface trade winds of the Tropics. They comprise the equatorward side of the midlatitude westerlies, but are found at upper levels rather than at the surface.

What is the difference between trade and anti trade winds?

1. The trade winds blow from Sub-Tropical high-pressure regions, 30 degrees N and S to Equatorial low-pressure regions, 5 degrees N and S. … The anti-trade wind blows from sub-tropical high-pressure belts towards sub-polar low-pressure belts between 30 and 6 degrees latitudes.

What is the difference between trade winds and westerlies?

Trade winds blow between 30 North and 30 South latitudes but the westerlies blow between 30 and 60 on either side of the equator. … There are known as westerlies because they blow out of the west.

What is the main role of the westerlies?

Westerlies are generally strongest in the winter hemisphere and at times when the pressure is lower over the poles. … The Westerlies play an important role in carrying the warm, equatorial waters and winds to the western coasts of continents, especially in the southern hemisphere because of its vast oceanic expanse.

Are westerlies cold or warm?

The winter westerlies, often from the southwest, bring in warm tropical air; in summer, by contrast, they veer to the northwest and bring in cooler Arctic or subarctic air. In Mediterranean Europe the rain-bearing westerlies chiefly affect the western areas, but only in winter.

Why a westerly is called so?

The Roaring Forties are strong westerly winds found in the Southern Hemisphere. The roaring forties called so because Western winds move in both the hemispheres (northern and southern) between 35 to 60 degrees latitudes. In the southern hemisphere, these winds show a very stormy nature after 40 degree latitude.

What is north east trade wind?

n. Often, trade winds. any of the nearly constant easterly winds that dominate most of the world’s tropics and subtropics, blowing mainly from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere, and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere. [162535]

What causes trade winds to weaken?

The air-sea interaction that occur during an El Nio event feed off of each other. As the pressure falls in the east and rises in the west, the surface pressure gradient is reduced and the trade winds weaken.

How trade winds are caused?

Trade winds are caused by the strong warming and evaporation within the atmosphere around the equator. (1) Around the equator, the warm air rises rapidly, carrying a lot of moisture. … Thereby, warm air rises 12-15 km high, and is continously followed by more warm air.

What is westerlies Upsc?

Westerlies. The westerlies are the winds blowing from the sub-tropical high pressure belts towards the sub polar low pressure belts. They blow from southwest to north-east in the northern hemisphere and north-west to south-east in the southern hemisphere.

Why are westerlies stronger in winter?

Westerlies are strongest in the winter, when pressure over the pole is low, and weakest in summer, when the polar high creates stronger polar easterlies. … The horse latitudes are a narrow zone of warm, dry climates between westerlies and the trade winds. Horse latitudes are about 30 and 35 degrees north and south.

What is westerly and easterly winds?

If the winds move from west to east, they are called westerlies. If they move from east to west, they are called easterlies. There are winds because there are differences in pressures.

What is Ferrel cell in geography?

Ferrel cell, model of the mid-latitude segment of Earth’s wind circulation, proposed by William Ferrel (1856). In the Ferrel cell, air flows poleward and eastward near the surface and equatorward and westward at higher altitudes; this movement is the reverse of the airflow in the Hadley cell.

What are westerlies quizlet?

The Westerlies, anti-trades, or Prevailing Westerlies, are prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. They originate from the high-pressure areas in the horse latitudes and tend towards the poles and steer extratropical cyclones in this general manner.

What are the features of westerlies?

Characteristics of westerlies:

What are horse latitudes?

The horse latitudes are subtropical regions known for calm winds and little precipitation. The horse latitudes are regions located at about 30 degrees north and south of the equator. These latitudes are characterized by calm winds and little precipitation.

What are the 3 types of winds?

There are three prevailing wind belts associated with these cells: the trade winds, the prevailing westerlies, and the polar easterlies (Fig.

What are the 4 types of wind?

The four major wind systems are the Polar and Tropical Easterlies, the Prevailing Westerlies and the Intertropical Convergence Zone. These are also wind belts. There are three other types of wind belts, also. They are called Trade Winds, Doldrums, and Horse Latitudes.

What are the screeching sixties?

screaming sixties pl (plural only) The area of the earth between 60 and 70 degrees south, prone to strong winds and extreme waves quotations

What’s the meaning of Westerly?

1 : situated toward or belonging to the west the westerly end of the farm. 2 : coming from the west a westerly breeze.

What is westerly direction?

A westerly point, area, or direction is to the west or towards the west. … A westerly wind blows from the west. … a prevailing westerly wind.