Polytonality (also polyharmony) is the musical use of more than one key simultaneously. Bitonality is the use of only two different keys at the same time. Polyvalence is the use of more than one harmonic function, from the same key, at the same time.

What is bitonal image mean?

Bitonal means that each pixel in the image file can only have one of two tonal values, black or white (the tonal value can be stored in one bit of digital data, hence 1-bit or binary). … Because of the limited color range, bitonal images are dramatically smaller than a greyscale or color files.

What does glissando mean?

: a rapid sliding up or down the musical scale.

What are bitonal chords?

Bitonality is the use of only two different keys at the same time. Polyvalence is the use of more than one harmonic function, from the same key, at the same time (Leeuw 2006, 87). Example of C and F sharp major chords together in Stravinsky’s Petrushka (see: Petrushka chord).

What does PIZZ mean in music?

plucking pizzicato adj. Abbr. pizz. Played by plucking rather than bowing the strings.

Is Gliss a word?

No, gliss is not in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you glide on piano?

What is a Bichord?

: having two strings in unison for each note the mandolin is a bichord instrument.

What is sidestepping in jazz?

What is a Polychord in music theory?

In music and music theory, a polychord consists of two or more chords, one on top of the other. In shorthand they are written with the top chord above a line and the bottom chord below, for example F upon C: FC. The use of polychords may suggest bitonality or polytonality.