1 : a contingent event or condition: such as. a : an event (such as an emergency) that may but is not certain to occur trying to provide for every contingency. b : something liable to happen as an adjunct to or result of something else the contingencies of war.

What is an example of contingency?

Contingency means something that could happen or come up depending on other occurrences. An example of a contingency is the unexpected need for a bandage on a hike. The definition of a contingency is something that depends on something else in order to happen.

What does the term Continently mean?

In a continent manner; chastely; moderately; temperately.

What’s the meaning of hence?

1 : from this place : away. 2a archaic : henceforth. b : from this time four years hence. 3 : because of a preceding fact or premise : therefore.

What is contingency in business?

Key Takeaways. A contingency is a potentially negative event that may occur in the future, such as an economic recession, natural disaster, or fraudulent activity. Companies and investors plan for various contingencies through analysis and implementing protective measures.

What is the synonym of contingency?

Some common synonyms of contingency are crisis, emergency, exigency, juncture, pinch, straits, and strait.

What is a contingent statement?

Contingent Statement a statement which could logically be either true or false. All true statements which are not necessarily true (logically could not be other than true) are contingently true. Their truth is said to be contingent upon (depends on) the facts concerning the way the world is.

What is contingency behavior?

What are behavioral contingencies? Behavioral contingencies state the if-then conditions that set the occasion for the potential occurrence of certain behavior and its consequences. For example: if a certain party performs certain behavior, then certain consequences may follow.

What is a contingent situation?

When an event or situation is contingent, it means that it depends on some other event or fact. For example, sometimes buying a new house has to be contingent upon someone else buying your old house first.

What does temperately mean?

adjective. moderate or self-restrained; not extreme in opinion, statement, etc.: a temperate response to an insulting challenge. moderate as regards indulgence of appetite or passion, especially in the use of alcoholic liquors. not excessive in degree, as things, qualities, etc.

Is contingently a word?

Happening by or subject to chance or accident; unpredictable: contingent developments that jeopardized the negotiations. See Synonyms at accidental.

When can I use hence?

‘Hence’ is typically used in a sentence to show a cause and effect relationship between two parts of a sentence: ‘Because this happened, hence this will now happen. ‘ In this way, it’s used in a similar way to words like ‘therefore,’ ‘thus,’ and ‘consequently.

What does Henlo?

What does henlo mean? Henlo is another way of saying hello. It is obviously slang, and people use it during chatting or texting online.

What is the sentence of hence?

hence adverb (THEREFORE) that is the reason or explanation for: His mother was Italian, hence his name – Luca. Peter’s leaving at the end of this week – hence his anxiety to get his work finished. The prime minister was attending the conference, hence all the extra security.

What is contingency leadership?

The contingency theory of leadership supposes that a leader’s effectiveness is contingent on whether or not their leadership style suits a particular situation. According to this theory, an individual can be an effective leader in one circumstance and an ineffective leader in another one.

What is contingency in accounting?

A contingency arises when there is a situation for which the outcome is uncertain, and which should be resolved in the future, possibly creating a loss. The accounting for a contingency is essentially to recognize only those losses that are probable and for which a loss amount can be reasonably estimated.

What is contingency used for?

In the case of an owner’s budget for a collaborative delivery project, the purpose of a contingency is to incorporate an additional allotment of funds within the final approved budget that can be used when and if the scope of a project changes with an associated cost increase in the delivered project.

What is the opposite of contingency?

Opposite of a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. advantage. certainty. definiteness. impossibility.

What is the synonym of deem?

deem. Synonyms: judge, estimate, consider, believe, think, suppose, conceive. Antonyms: misjudge, misestimate, mis-consider.

What is contingency in psychology?

Definition: Contingency is the relationship between two events, one being contingent or a consequence of the other event. Behaviorism (ABA) sees all behavior as a response to an antecedent and driven by the consequences.

What is contingent truth?

A contingent truth is one that is true, but could have been false. A necessary truth is one that must be true; a contingent truth is one that is true as it happens, or as things are, but that did not have to be true. In Leibniz’s phrase, a necessary truth is true in all possible worlds.

What is contingency in DM?

Contingency. A Contingency is a formula which has both some true and some false values for every value of its propositional variables. Example Prove (AB)(A) a contingency. The truth table is as follows

What is an example of a contingent statement?

In contrast, consider a statement like: Matt is both 40 years old and not 40 years old. That statement is a contingent statement. It doesn’t have to be true (as tautologies do) or false (as contradictions do).

What are the 4 types of contingencies?

They are Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment and Negative Punishment.

What is a contingent relationship?

A contingency relationship exists when one party agrees to pay the other party, or carry out some other action, upon completion of a task. A publisher, for example, may agree to pay an author upon completion and delivery of a book manuscript.

What is the four term contingency?

A four-term contingency is something that is very important when understanding behavior and the why that Grafton tries to identify within its philosophy. … Antecedents, the behavior, and its consequences are common when looking at behavior, but sometimes there is a forgotten fourth piece of that puzzle motivation.

What is a contingent of people?

A contingent is a group of people representing a country or organization at a meeting or other event. [formal]

What does contingent mean in employment?

Contingent employment means a worker’s position with a company is temporary. The individual is not an employee of the business, and therefore isn’t hired on a permanent basis. Typically, contingent workers are hired to complete a project. … Instead, contingent workers use their judgment.

How do you use the word contingent?

Contingent in a Sentence

  1. The job offer was contingent upon the return of a clean background review.
  2. According to my supervisor, the job promotion is contingent upon my ability to pass the management exam.
  3. The cashier told me the free cheeseburger was contingent upon the purchase of a medium drink and fries.