Definitions of couthie. adjective. (chiefly Scottish) agreeable and genial. synonyms: couthy friendly. characteristic of or befitting a friend.

What is Couthie in English?

adjective Scot. sociable; friendly; congenial. comfortable; snug. plain; homely; unsophisticateda couthie saying.

What is mean by diverting?

1a : to turn from one course or use to another : deflect divert traffic to a side street diverting funds to other projects. b : distract trying to divert her attention. 2 : to give pleasure to especially by distracting the attention from what burdens or distresses children diverting themselves with their toys.

What is Coute?

: cost what it may : at all costs : no matter what.

What is a lekker?

– Lekker: An Afrikaans word meaning superb or fantastic which is applied equally to a person, object or event.

What is the meaning of Canty?

Definitions of canty. adjective. lively and brisk. Synonyms: energetic. possessing or exerting or displaying energy.

What’s another word for couth?

What is another word for couth?

refined cultured
genteel accomplished
polite urbane
decorous courteous
sophisticated gracious

What does pleasurable mean?

: causing a feeling of pleasure or enjoyment : pleasant a pleasurable sensation pleasurable emotions the pleasurable effects of a drug There aren’t many more pleasurable activities than shaking your thing in the streets, surrounded by all the sights and sounds of the carnival.

Does divert mean entertain?

Frequently Asked Questions About divert The words amuse and entertain are common synonyms of divert. While all three words mean to pass or cause to pass the time pleasantly, divert implies distracting attention from worry or routine occupation especially by something funny.

Who is diverting something?

Something that’s diverting is a pleasant distraction. A movie on a long bus ride even a bad movie is diverting. The adjective diverting describes anything that grabs your attention, especially if it’s entertaining and distracts from something less interesting.

What is Cher English?

dear; beloved: used in referring to or addressing a man or boy.

What is a Coate?

: a short coat especially : a close-fitting coat with short skirts or tails.

What does coup de main?

: a sudden attack in force.

What does cookie mean in South Africa?

biscuit: In South Africa a cookie is known as a biscuit. The word is also a term of affection, as in, Hey, you biscuit. bliksem: To beat up, hit or punch; or a mischievous person.

What does lekka mean in South Africa?

If something is really nice the Afrikaans word lekker is used, usually pronounced as lekka.

What is a brie in South Africa?

A braai is all about having a good time and catching up with friends, a combination of everything South Africans lovefamily, friends, good food, and drinks. A braai also often revolves around another event, like a rugby match, ensuring a lively (and loud) atmosphere.

How do you spell Canty?

kanti, adj. cheerful, lively.

What does Canty mean in Scots?

lively Scottish and Northern England dialect. lively; brisk; in good spirits.

How do you say Canty?

  1. Phonetic spelling of canty. canty. kan-tee. k-AE-n-t-ee.
  2. Synonyms for canty. cantier. cantiest. energetic.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. Two-year anniversary of quadruple murder at Elizabeth Canty Apartments. Arlington Heights Trustee Canty running for state rep. Regina C. Canty. …
  4. Translations of canty. Hindi :

How do you use couth?

Couth in a Sentence

  1. Because Kim is couth and cultured, she knows the proper way to greet a member of the royal family.
  2. The couth young man handled himself well at the formal dinner.
  3. When I saw the gang leader at the opera, I knew he had more couth than he led people to believe.

What is the etymology of couth?

couth (adj.) Middle English couth known, well-known; usual, customary, from Old English cue known, past participle of cunnan to know, less commonly to have power to, to be able (see can (v. 1)). As a past participle it died out 16c.

What’s the opposite of couth?

The opposite of couth is uncouth. Around such a person, expect doors to slam in faces and uncomfortable conversations about sensitive matters. Definitions of couth.

What is it’s my pleasure in English?

My pleasure is an idiomatic response to Thank you. It is similar to You’re welcome, but more polite and more emphatic. Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it.

What is base pleasure?

Of particular interest are base pleasures (those, say, of gluttony, sex, and so on), malicious pleasures (i.e., those taken in the pain or misfortune of others), and repeated pleasures (i.e., ones that are qualitatively identical to past ones). …

Is Redivert a word?

verb To divert elsewhere .

What does divert mean in the outsiders?

divert. turn aside; turn away from. suspicion.

What is this word contemptuously?

: manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval : feeling or showing contempt.