1 : to mar the appearance of : injure by effacing significant details deface an inscription. 2 : impair. 3 obsolete : destroy.

What do u mean by absconding?

: to depart secretly : withdraw and hide oneself specifically : to evade the legal process of a court by hiding within or secretly leaving its jurisdiction absconded with the funds abscond from New York abscond to Canada.

What parried mean?

1 : to ward off (something, such as a blow) parried the thrust of his opponent’s sword. 2 : to evade especially by an adroit answer parried the question.

What is an example of deface?

Frequency: To deface is defined as to spoil the appearance, mar or disfigure. When you draw graffiti over a beautiful piece of art, this is an example of when you deface the art.

Can a person be defaced?

Defacing a human is a criminal offence. Defacing also means making illegible by injuring the face of a written document. … Defacing can also be done on monuments or statutes by deliberately damaging something valuable by writing on it or breaking it.

What is defacement in cyber security?

Website defacements are the unauthorized modification of web pages, including the addition, removal, or alteration of existing content. These attacks are commonly carried out by hacktivists, who compromise a website or web server and replace or alter the hosted website information with their own messages.

What is Abscording?

to go away suddenly and secretly in order to escape from somewhere: Two prisoners absconded last night. She absconded from boarding school with her boyfriend. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Running away and escaping.

Is absconding a crime?

Absconding from a company is a crime and it is dealt with under section 82 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. So the company can take legal actions against the absconder.

What is abscond in nursing?

RESULTS. Absconding defined. From the literature, ‘Absconding’ or ‘Absent without leave’ (AWOL) are common terms used to describe the departure of a patient without staff consent or sanction from the physical boundaries of the hospital or MHS.

What is the meaning of pari?

pari- combining form. equal or equally; even (in number)parisyllabic; paripinnate.

What are prevarications?

intransitive verb. : to deviate from the truth : equivocate.

What is rebuff?

transitive verb. : to reject or criticize sharply : snub.

What is defaced and devalued?

As verbs the difference between devalue and deface is that devalue is to lower or remove the value of something while deface is to damage something, especially a surface, in a visible or conspicuous manner.

How do you use defer in a sentence?

Defer sentence example

  1. You must defer to him in my absence as you do me, he reminded her. …
  2. There was still no improvement in the countess’ health, but it was impossible to defer the journey to Moscow any longer. …
  3. Hilden might defer to him in her absence, but Taran knew where the loyalty of most of the men lay.

How do you use deface in a sentence?

Deface in a Sentence

  1. They used spray paint to deface the professor’s portrait.
  2. If unguarded, thugs will deface the monument.
  3. The mock historian will deface history with his undocumented book.
  4. Oscar was arrested for attempting to deface the flag.
  5. Graves were defaced at the local cemetery, putting people on edge.

Is vandalism a crime?

In general, vandalism is not a serious crime unless the property destroyed is worth a lot of money. Many acts of vandalism are misdemeanors, meaning the maximum penalties include fines and up to a year in the local jail. However, vandalism that results in serious damage to valuable property is a felony.

What is a 594 PC charge?

(a) Every person who maliciously commits any of the following acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her own, in cases other than those specified by state law, is guilty of vandalism: (1) Defaces with graffiti or other inscribed material.

What do you do if someone destroys your house?

When a person defaces, alters, or otherwise destroys someone’s property, they may be required to clean-up, repair, or replace the damaged property or, more substantially, face criminal penalties in the form of jail time, fines, or both.

What is botnet Trojan?

Botnet Definition Botnets are networks of hijacked computer devices used to carry out various scams and cyberattacks. … The bots serve as a tool to automate mass attacks, such as data theft, server crashing, and malware distribution.

Is website defacement illegal?

Even though the act of cyber-defacement happens on the internet, it is considered to be illegal, as it involves the unauthorized use of a computer or internet account that belongs to somebody else.

What category does website defacement fall into?

Website defacement is a form of: information attack. The Chinese government restricts the use of cyber warfare to the Chinese military.

What is absconding in UAE?

The term abscond is used when an employee in the UAE does not return to work and fails to give notice that they have left their job. … An absconding ban is usually for up to 12 months and the person will be unable to enter the UAE or obtain employment in the country during this period.

What does address absconded mean?

An offender is an absconder when their whereabouts are unknown and the offender has been unavailable for contact for 30 days without explanation or permission, and/or reliable information has been received indicating that the offender is taking flight or absconding.

Can you get fired for absconding?

It can therefore be said that absconding means that one does not have the intention to return to work. In circumstances where the employer does not know whether the employee will return to work or not, the employer will have to establish this before the employee can be dismissed.

What are the consequences of absconding?

An employee will face a loss of pay or salary. There will not be any experience letter with the employee. Absconder will be left with a bad reputation, as he/she will be put into the blacklist and never be rehired.

What is CRPC 82?

(1) If any Court has reason to believe (whether after taking evidence or not) that any person against whom a warrant has been issued by it has absconded or is concealing himself so that such warrant cannot be executed, such Court may publish a written proclamation requiring him to appear at a specified place and at a …

How can I abscond from home?

Contact the absconder telephonically and by sending an email. If there is no response, then communicate by sending an official (registered or courier) letter on the last known address of the employee. Quote the appropriate sections of your employee handbook and enquire reasons for not coming to work.

What is abscond in hospital?

Absconding refers to the departure of patients from hospital wards without permission. … Absconding status is influenced by the patient’s admission, whether it be voluntary, involuntary, or legally detained. There are significant implications of absconding for patients, carers and family members.

What is discharge plan?

Discharge planning is the process of identifying and preparing for a patient’s anticipated health care needs after they leave the hospital. … Ensuring safe transitions from hospital to home requires a systematic approach that includes the patient and family in the discharge process.

What does leaving against medical advice mean?

Abstract. Discharge against medical advice (AMA), in which a patient chooses to leave the hospital before the treating physician recommends discharge, continues to be a common and vexing problem. This article reviews the prevalence, costs, predictors, and potential interventions for this clinical problem.