Definition: Collagenomas (connective tissue nevi of collagen type) are rare hamartomas of the skin in which there is an increase in dermal collagen. Macroscopy. Collagenomas usually present as asymptomatic, firm, flesh-colored plaques and nodules, 0.55.0 cm in diameter, on the trunk and upper part of the arms.

What is connective tissue nevi?

Connective tissue nevi (CTN) are hamartomas of the dermis, with the 3 main components being collagen, elastin, and proteoglycans. Each subtype can present as a solitary lesion or multiple lesions. They could present as part of systemic diseases or inherited disorders.

What causes Collagenoma?

Repetitive friction or rubbing of the skin can result in local irritation that leads to a connective-tissue reaction. This can cause an increased number of collagen fibers and a thickening of the dermis, known as collagenomas, or athlete’s nodules.

Is a nevus a hamartoma?

Connective tissue nevi are hamartomas that typically present at birth or during early childhood as firm, flesh-colored papules, nodules, or plaques. They may be solitary or multiple and occur in a grouped, linear, or irregular distribution.

What is epidermal nevus?

An epidermal nevus (plural: nevi) is an abnormal, noncancerous (benign) patch of skin caused by an overgrowth of cells in the outermost layer of skin (epidermis ). Epidermal nevi are typically seen at birth or develop in early childhood. Affected individuals have one or more nevi that vary in size.

How do you treat Collagenoma?

The only real options for these lesions is excision if removal is needed or desired. Treatment with laser ablation has been described. Cosmetic or symptomatic improvement by partial removal or shaving them flat could be considered to reduce the overall size.

What causes connective tissue nevus?

A connective tissue naevus (American spelling nevus) is an uncommon skin lesion that occurs when the deeper layers of the skin do not develop correctly or the components of these layers occur in the wrong proportion. There may be too much collagen; this is called a collagenoma.

What is shagreen patch?

Shagreen patches are oval-shaped and nevoid, skin-colored or occasionally pigmented, smooth or crinkled, The word shagreen refers to a type of roughened untanned leather. [ from HPO]

What is the common word for nevus?

The term originates from nvus, which is Latin for birthmark; however, a nevus can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Common terms, including mole, birthmark, and beauty mark, are used to describe nevi, but these terms do not distinguish specific types of nevi from one another.

What is a sebaceous nevus?

A nevus sebaceous (NEE vuhs sih BAY shus) is a type of birthmark that usually appears on the scalp. It may also appear on the face but this is less common. It is made of extra oil glands in the skin. It starts as a flat pink or orange plaque (slightly raised area). Hair does not grow in a nevus sebaceous.

Do hamartomas grow?

Hamartomas are noncancerous growths that can appear anywhere on the body. While seen as harmless, these benign tumors can grow to large sizes and cause pressure on surrounding tissues. Depending on where they grow externally or internally, hamartomas can cause life-threatening symptoms.

How do you treat epidermis nevus?

Surgical excision, dermabrasion, cryosurgery, electrosurgery and laser surgery have each been used to treat epidermal nevi. Surgical excision always result in scar formation and thus is reserved for the small-sized lesions.

Is epidermal nevus a genetic disorder?

Epidermal nevi are genetically ‘mosaic’, meaning that the mutation causing the nevi are not found in other cells of the body. Mosaicism arises when the genetic mutation occurs in one of the cells of the early embryo sometime after conception; such mutations are called ‘somatic’ mutations.

What causes nevus?

What causes nevi? Large congenital melanocytic nevi form in the womb very early in development, within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. They are caused by a mutation during embryologic development. There is no known method of prevention.