A fringe theory is an idea or viewpoint which differs from the accepted scholarship of the time within their respective fields. … The term fringe theory is commonly used in a narrower sense as a pejorative, roughly synonymous with pseudo-scholarship.

What are rural urban fringe areas?

Ans : Definition : Rural-Urban fringe is the boundary zone outside the urban area proper where rural and urban land uses intermixed. It is the area where the city meets the countryside. It is an area of transition from agriculture and other rural land use to urban use.

What is urban fringe in geography?

The ruralurban fringe, also known as the outskirts, rurban, peri-urban or the urban hinterland, can be described as the landscape interface between town and country, or also as the transition zone where urban and rural uses mix and often clash.

What does urban fringe include?

Thus, urban fringe is a marginal area both of town as well as countryside. It can be better identified in terms of land uses or modifications of land uses than in any other way.

What does fringe mean in the UK?

hair /frnd/ UK. (US bangs) hair that is cut short and straight at the top of someone’s face. loose threads that hang along the edge of cloth as a decoration.

What is Fringe accounting?

Companies with employees must report payroll and fringe benefits on their financial statements through a process commonly called payroll accounting. Fringe benefits, or fringes, typically include supplementary wage and nonwage payments or benefits you receive from your employer.

What is Fringe real estate?

Definition of Rural-urban fringe Sue Beaudet, Real Estate Agent 1 Worcester Homes. Area that is located between a rural and urban area.

What is the fringe of a state called?

Rimland. the fringe of a state. Public housing.

What does fringe land mean?

Urban fringe, sometimes also called urban-rural fringe, is the area of land where town meets country. The urban fringe is an area most often reserved for urban-based people who wish to be closer to nature and for industries that require large amounts of open land such as airports and wind farms.

What is rural area and urban area?

Rural area or countryside is a geographic area that is located outside towns and cities. Cities, towns and suburbs are classified as Urban areas. Typically, Urban areas have high population density and rural areas have low population density.

What is fringe farming?

Fringe Farming is a timely intervention that will help remove the barriers to land access, enabling citizens to grow food sustainably, live well and build resilient communities. This is an opportunity to collectively advocate for policies supportive of city growers and farmers.

Who gives urban fringe?

The term ‘urban fringe’ appeared for the first time in 1937 when T.L. Smith used it to signify ‘the built-up area just outside the corporate limits of the city’ (Pryor 1968). This term was widely adopted in the academic literature for the transition zone between city and countryside (Jhonson 1974).

What are the 6 types of urban land uses?

Cities are classified into 6 major land-use groups residential, transportation, institutional and public buildings, commercial and industrial.

What is rural society?

rural society, society in which there is a low ratio of inhabitants to open land and in which the most important economic activities are the production of foodstuffs, fibres, and raw materials.

Whats is rural?

A rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes or other buildings, and not very many people. A rural areas population density is very low. Many people live in a city, or urban area. … In a rural area, there are fewer people, and their homes and businesses are located far away from one another.

Who is a fringe person?

The definition of fringe is someone or something at the edge. An example of fringe is someone who doesn’t fit in with the mainstream culture but who is unconventional like punk rock or grunge. An example of fringe is the edge of the television reception area. adjective.

Is Fringe a British word?

In America, though, the term bangs refers to a shorter section of hair which is cut straight across the forehead what is called a fringe in Britain. The word bangs first started being used in 1878 and is thought to have stemmed from the adverbial use of bang to mean ‘abruptly’ the hair is cut bang off.

What is society Fringe?

people or activities that are considered strange or extreme. Their views belong to the wilder fringes of European politics. on the fringe/fringes: He has been forced to live on the fringes of society.

What is fringe in a budget?

In a budget that has personnel or paid staff, fringe benefits include your costs for mandatory fees and taxes required by state and federal laws. If your organization provides insurance, retirement plan contributions or tuition reimbursement, include these expenses in fringe benefits.

What does fringe mean in payroll?

Fringe benefits – often called perks – are a form of compensation for services beyond the employee’s normal rate of pay. … Essentially, any benefit other than salary than an organization provides its employees is a fringe benefit.

What are fringes wages?

Fringe benefits are additional compensation provided to employees above and beyond an agreed-upon wage or salary. A fringe rate, or benefit rate, is the cost of an employee’s benefits divided by the wages paid to an employee for the hours working on the job.

Who has given the concept of urban fringe in India?

Mukherjee (1961) proposed a method of delineating fringe by employing two main principles : (1) the use of survey township section of 640 acres as a ‘unit’ for boundary delineation purposes and : (2) the consideration of intensity of urban land-use or subdivided land as a basic criteria for determining the urban fringe …

What are the characteristics of the rural urban fringe?

The urban-rural fringe contains a mixture of land use. this includes residential areas, recreational facilities such as golf courses and farming. These areas tend to contain areas of better quality housing. Gardens and houses are larger due to lower land values and more open space.

What is urban fringe farming?

City fringe agriculture gives farmers unique access to direct markets and provides those living in cities the opportunity to connect with local growers.

Where is the suburb of a city most likely to be located?

suburb Add to list Share. A suburb is a residential district located on the outskirts of a city. If you live in the suburbs, you probably travel to the city for work. Suburb comes from Latin: sub means below or near and urbis means city. You also will recognize this root in urban.

What are the land use zones?

Land-use zones are areas in urban areas that have particular functions, such as retail, residential and industry. All cities have different land-use zones. These include: Commercial land use: hotels, shops, offices and other businesses cluster together in the central business district (CBD) at the centre of the city.

What is rural fringe geography?

Rural/urban fringe the area at the very edge of the city beside the countryside. … Urban sprawl- the growth of towns and cities spreading and taking over areas of the countryside.