n. A cell in the hilum of the ovary that produces androgens and thus is functionally analogous to an interstitial cell. What is Dysgerminoma of the ovary?
(DIS-jer-mih-NOH-muh) A type of cancer that begins in germ cells in females. Germ cells are cells that form sperm in males or eggs in females. Dysgerminomas occur most often in the ovaries, but they may also occur in other areas of the body, including the central nervous system.

What is Arrhenoblastoma?

Listen to pronunciation. (uh-REE-noh-blas-TOH-muh) A rare type of ovarian tumor in which the tumor cells secrete a male sex hormone. This may cause virilization (the appearance of male physical characteristics in females). What are interstitial cells?
Interstitial cell refers to any cell that lies in the spaces between the functional cells of a tissue. Examples include: … Leydig cells, cells present in the male testes responsible for the production of androgen (male sex hormone) A portion of the stroma of ovary.

What hormones do hilus cells produce?

Hilus cells are steroid hormone-producing cells, although to what extent hilus cells contribute to the steroid hormone pool is unknown. In vitro incubation studies indicate that the major product of hilus cells is the androstenedione, but small amounts of estradiol and progesterone are also produced [9]. Can dysgerminoma be benign?

Dysgerminoma: This is the most common type of malignant ovarian germ cell tumor. Mature teratoma (dermoid cyst or ovarian cyst): This is the most common type of benign ovarian germ cell tumor. These noncancerous tumors usually grow in teenage girls and young women.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is dysgerminoma benign or malignant?

A dysgerminoma is a type of germ cell tumor; it usually is malignant and usually occurs in the ovary. A tumor of the identical histology but not occurring in the ovary may be described by an alternate name: seminoma in the testis or germinoma in the central nervous system or other parts of the body.

Is dysgerminoma hormone secreting?

Dysgerminomas may be involved in hormone production in some animals. Persistent oestrus has been described in two equine cases; one of these mares had high oestradiol levels (approximately double the level expected at oestrus).

What is granulosa cell?

The granulosa cell (GC) is a critical somatic component of the ovary. It is essential for follicle development by supporting the developing oocyte, proliferating and producing sex steroids and disparate growth factors.

What are the symptoms of granulosa cell Tumour?

The clinical symptoms of GCT are abdominal pain and abnormal vaginal bleeding, and some cases may also present with menorrhagia, irregular menstruation, or amenorrhea in the reproductive age group. GCT is a cancer with long natural history, and recurrence often happens after 5 years of follow-up [1].

What do granulosa cell tumors secrete?

What is a Thecoma?

Thecomas or theca cell tumors are benign ovarian neoplasms composed only of theca cells. Histogenetically they are classified as sex cord-stromal tumours. They are typically estrogen-producing and they occur in older women (mean age 59; 84% after menopause).

Are all Sertoli Leydig cell tumors cancerous?

Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (SLCT) is a rare cancer of the ovaries. The cancer cells produce and release a male sex hormone called testosterone.

What is an Androblastoma?

Listen to pronunciation. (AN-droh-blas-TOH-muh) A rare type of ovarian tumor in which the tumor cells secrete a male sex hormone. This may cause virilization (the appearance of male physical characteristics in females).

What is the function of interstitial cell?

production of androgens In males the interstitial cells of Leydig, located in the connective tissue surrounding the sperm-producing tubules of the testes, are responsible for the production and secretion of testosterone.

What do interstitial cells produce and release?

*What do the interstitial cells produce? They are responsible for the production of androgens, the dominant sex hormones in males. Testosterone is the most important androgen.

What are interstitial cells in cnidaria?

Hydroid cnidarians were the first animals in which stem cells have been described. These cells, which today are referred to as interstitial cells, or shortly, i-cells, constitute a pool of migratory, undifferentiated cells, capable of self-renewal as well as of differentiation into specialized cell types.

What causes LH surge?

Ovulation. When the level of estrogen is sufficiently high, it produces a sudden release of LH, usually around day thirteen of the cycle. This LH surge (peak) triggers a complex set of events within the follicles that result in the final maturation of the egg and follicular collapse with egg extrusion.

What does the corpus luteum secrete?

Your corpus luteum produces the hormone progesterone that makes your uterus a healthy environment for a developing fetus. A new corpus luteum forms each time you ovulate and breaks down once you no longer need it to make progesterone.

When does the corpus luteum secrete progesterone?

This normally occurs at approximately day 14 of the menstrual cycle and it stimulates the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation) and the formation of the corpus luteum from the remnant of the follicle. The corpus luteum then secretes progesterone, which prepares the body for pregnancy.

Is Dysgerminoma aggressive?

Although all dysgerminomas are considered malignant, only about one third are aggressive. These tumors usually respond well to therapy.

Are Dysgerminoma radiosensitive?

Ovarian dysgerminoma is a highly radiosensitive malignant tumor occurring in young age group. The conventional treatment was total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy followed by radiotherapy.

What is the most common malignant ovarian tumor?

Epithelial ovarian cancer, which arises from the surface of the ovary (the epithelium), is the most common ovarian cancer. Fallopian Tube Cancer and Primary Peritoneal Cancer are also included within this designation. Germ Cell ovarian cancer arises from the reproductive cells of the ovaries, and is rare.

Are ovarian germ cell tumors hereditary?

The exact cause of ovarian germ cell tumors is unknown, but certain inherited birth defects or genetic conditions (chromosomal abnormalities or gene mutations) may increase the risk of developing the disease. Most often, this type of tumor is seen in teenage girls and younger women, or in women older than 60.

Do teratomas have to be removed?

Teratomas are usually benign in newborns, but may still require surgical removal.

Is Cystadenoma cancerous?

They classify as benign, borderline, or malignant tumors. Ovarian cystadenomas are common benign epithelial neoplasms which carry an excellent prognosis. The two most frequent types of cystadenomas are serous and mucinous cystadenomas whereas endometrioid and clear cell cystadenomas are rare.

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