Azaleas are small to medium sized shrubs with many, smaller stems whilst rhododendrons tend to be larger plants with fewer stout stems. Everything about rhododendrons is on a more grand scale, with bigger flowers and foliage than azaleas. How big do rhododendrons get?
3 to 8 feet Rhododendron Shrub

genus name Rhododendron
height 3 to 8 feet8 to 20 feet
width Up to 25 feet
flower color Purple Red Orange White Pink Yellow
foliage color Blue/Green

Do rhododendrons grow back every year?

Some species simply don’t bloom every year, or will bloom heavily one year and need another to rest before doing it again. If your rhododendron went to seed last season, that can also have an influence on blooms– watch for next time and remove any dying blooms you find before they can become seed pods. Where is the best place to plant a rhododendron?
Unlike many blooming plants, rhododendron does not like full morning sun in winter and does best when planted in dappled shade on the north side of a building. Growing rhododendrons are happiest in a location protected from the wind and not under eves of a building.

Do rhododendrons like sun or shade?

Plant in full sun to increase flowers and avoid mildew problems. Shrubs need a minimum of 6 hours of full sun daily. Plant on the sheltered side of a windbreak. If subjected to cold, dry winds, their leaves and buds dry out and die. What is the best time of year to plant rhododendrons?

When to plant:

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Are rhododendron fast growing?

Rhododendron growth varies, with fast-growing plants reaching 7 feet in 10 years. … Speed of growth is determined by calculating how tall a plant grows in 10 years. Many rhododendron plants grow from 3 to 4 feet in 10 years, but some can grow up to 7 feet in 10 years.

How long do rhododendron flowers last?

Coveted for their spectacular blooms which come in a wide range of shapes and colors, Azaleas and Rhododendrons usually proudly display their colorful blooms in spring for about three weeks, depending on the weather.

Do butterflies like rhododendron?

Azalea (Rhododendron) attracts Swallowtail Butterflies – Gardens with Wings.

Do rhododendrons multiply?

Though rhododendrons can be grown from seed, you can propagate new rhododendron plants from cuttings as well. … If you cannot take a terminal bud cutting, remove the flower bud before taking the cutting. Avoid branches near the top of the rhododendron or branches that have turned brown, as they are unlikely to root well.

Are rhododendrons poisonous to dogs?

Do you need to deadhead rhododendrons?

Deadheading prevents the flowers from going to seed and rhododendrons should be deadheaded too in order to give the plant energy for more flower production next year. Deadheading will also give your rhododendron a tidier appearance until next year’s flowering period.

Do rhododendrons make good hedges?

Rhododendrons are simply fabulous hedging plants. Of course, their aesthetic value is immediately apparent, but as most rhododendron varieties commonly used for hedging will reach an ultimate height of about 2 metres, they make very decent privacy hedges as well.

Does rhododendron need full sun?

Plant in full sun to increase flowers and avoid mildew problems. Shrubs need a minimum of 6 hours of full sun daily. Plant on the sheltered side of a windbreak. If subjected to cold, dry winds, their leaves and buds dry out and die.

Do rhododendrons bloom twice a year?

He also asked, does rhododendron bloom more than once? Since there are so many different types of rhododendrons and azaleas, flowering periods can occur at different times of the year. In general, most varieties of rhododendrons and azaleas (including hybrids) bloom in the spring.

Do rhododendrons lose their leaves in winter?

Broadleaf evergreens, such as rhododendrons, lose water through their leaves even in winter when the weather is relatively warm and sunny or during periods of high winds. When the ground is frozen, the roots aren’t able to take up enough water in the soil to make-up for what is lost through the leaves.

Is Rhododendron a tree or shrub?

Rhododendron is a genus of shrubs and small to (rarely) large trees, the smallest species growing to 10–100 cm (4–40 in) tall, and the largest, R. protistum var.

How often should I water rhododendrons?

How to Water Rhododendrons. Rhododendrons are shallow-rooted plants that require water twice per week during the first growing season. Once plants are established, though, you should only have to water during dry periods (2 to 3 weeks without rain).

What can I plant next to rhododendrons?

Among the most popular companion plants for Rhododendrons and Azaleas are Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) and Pieris japonica (Japanese andromeda). Both species are medium-size evergreen shrubs with great flower interest and they provide a textural contrast to Azaleas and Rhododendrons.

Can you plant rhododendrons in full shade?

Rhododendrons will grow nicely in full sun to moderate shade. A few Rhododendron varieties such as ‘Caroline’, ‘Scintillation’, Yakushimanum hybrids, ‘Hong Kong’ and the hardy varieties from Finland must have some shade in midday or the foliage will yellow or even burn – especially during a hot summer.

Does hydrangea like sun or shade?

Hydrangeas like morning sun, but do not do well if they’re in direct, hot afternoon sun. Partial shade in the later parts of the day is ideal for these beauties.

Why is my rhododendron dying?

Rhododendrons and azaleas are susceptible to a fungal wilt disease called Phytophthora root rot. The Phytophthora fungus enters the roots of the plant from infested soil and clogs the water-conducting vessels of the plant. Symptoms include poor growth, rolling of leaves, and the eventual death of the plant.

Are rhododendrons bad for foundations?

Planting rhododendrons and azaleas too deep can eventually lead to plant death. Planting near concrete foundations or other concrete materials is to be avoided as the concrete creates alkaline conditions (a pH of 6 or above) that are harmful for healthy rhododendron and azalea growth.

What’s the tallest rhododendron?

The tree discovered in 1993 at Mount Japfu in Kohima district of Nagaland, India, holds the Guinness Record for the tallest Rhododendron at 108 ft measured at the time of discovery which is still growing.

What is the fastest-growing tree for privacy?

What are the fastest-growing trees for privacy? Hybrid poplar tops the list. It can grow upwards of five feet per year. The Leyland cypress, green giant arborvitae, and silver maple are all close seconds because they add about two feet to their height each year.

How do you speed up rhododendrons?

For example, you’ll want to make sure that their soil is moist enough, which means regularly watering it, even if you do live in a humid, moist climate. While you don’t want to drown these plants, providing them with enough moisture is essential for making sure that they not only grow faster, but that they grow at all.

What month does a rhododendron bloom?

For example, early-season azaleas and rhododendrons can start blooming between December and March in mild climates and between April and early May in colder climates.

Is Rhododendron annual or perennial?

Rhododendrons (Rhododendron spp.) are evergreen perennial shrubs that produce elegant rose-like blooms each year. Preparation and proper planting provides the right environment for perennial growth and flowering.

How many times a year does a rhododendron flower?

Certain species can bloom throughout the entire summer, into the autumn and even into the winter months. The seasons are broken up into ‘early season’, ‘mid season’ and ‘late season’, to better understand exactly when the blooms will flower.

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