US, informal. : it is reasonable, normal or expected : it is not surprising It figures that he would be late today. He’s late. Well, it figures. What does the slang figures mean?
informal (also that figures) used to say that you are not surprised by something unpleasant that has happened: Dad, Sadie spilled her milk all over the floor. It figures.

What I figured means?

Origin of I Figured As Much Figured is also an informal way to say thought, concluded, or had the opinion. Therefore, this expression is fairly literal. It means, “What I thought is the same as what really happened.” This meaning of figure can also be seen in the expression to figure something out. What is a six-figure?
: in the hundreds of thousands : totaling 100,000 or more but less than one million a six-figure income.

What is a eight figure salary?

8-Figures represents eight digits and a 8-figure salary will fall between $10,000,000 – $99,999,999. People who are earning this amount of income are typically multi-millionaires and would be considered quite wealthy. What nice figure means?

A physically attractive woman is said to have a nice figure.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How do you respond to Go figure?

Go figure is an exclamation and does not require a reply. In your example, the only thing inviting a response is right?. Of course, even if there had been no right?, there’s nothing to stop you from volunteering a comment which either agrees or disagrees with whatever you think your friend means.

What does didn’t figure mean?

It means that the speaker didn’t expect that you, of all people, would be full of nonsense.

What is fact and figures in it?

phrase. DEFINITIONS1. pieces of information about something, rather than opinions or ideas. Let me give you just a few facts and figures. Synonyms and related words.

What is facts and figures called?

ANSWER. (a) Data. The Raw Facts and Figures are Called Data. The Raw Facts and Figures are Called Data. The word raw means that the facts have not yet been processed to get their exact meaning.

What is an example of facts and figures?

Is it figure or figure?

We do not use Figures because the word is not used as common noun but as a proper noun with identifier 1 and 2. So it is basically Figure 1 and Figure 2; to reduce wordings we compact it as Figure 1 and 2. Capitalization of F is required. Since subject is plural the verb would be indicate.

Did you figure it out meaning?

to begin to comprehend someone or something; to come to understand someone or something better.

What is the meaning of i thought so?

1 —used to say that one believes that something is true, that a particular situation exists, that something will happen, etc. Has she accepted the job? I think so.

How much is a 3 figure salary?

A 3-figure salary would mean that someone earns at least $100 and up to $999.

What are 7 figure jobs?

What are seven-figure jobs? A seven-figure job refers to the number of digits listed in your salary. This includes people who earn anywhere from $1,000,000 to $9,999,999 per year.

How much is a 10 figure salary?

The ten-figure income is $1,000,000,000 up to $9,999,999,999, which is more commonly known as billion dollars or thousand million dollars. Most of those who earn ten figures and up would see these individuals making ten figures at an income level of up to nine billion.

What is a 12 figure salary?

Fun fact : there are now people making 12 figures (, or I say that have a 12 figures fortunes as for July 2020.

Can lawyers make 7 figures?

It can also lead to a 7-figure income. I have personally trained over 18,000 lawyers on how to manage and market their firms more efficiently and effectively. I have probably helped more attorneys break the seven-figure barrier in revenues than anyone else.

What is 6 figures a month?

How much is 6 figures monthly? To calculate how much six figures is monthly, you simply divide the annual income by 12. Again, this can give us a huge range. But the minimum monthly income to earn six figures a year would be $8,333.33. $100,000 per year / 12 months = $8,333.33 per month.

How do you compliment a girl’s body?

She goes on to say that “the core of [compliments] is the same message: Your body is bad.” … Encouraging compliments

  1. “Your smile is so radiant and contagious!”
  2. “Looking snazzy — You’re always so well-dressed!”
  3. “You look so happy! Hope you keep having days like these.”

What is the purpose of figure?

Figures provide visual impact and can effectively communicate your primary finding. Traditionally, they are used to display trends and patterns of relationship, but they can also be used to communicate processes or display complicated data simply.

What’s your figure meaning?

The definition of a figure is a number, a certain amount of money, a person’s body shape or a notable person with an important or unique characteristic. … An example of a figure is a person you see far off in the distance who is in shadows. An example of a figure is someone who stands in for a father.

What is sarcastic Go figure?

US, informal. —used to say that something is surprising or hard to understand After losing their first six games, they won the next ten.

Where did go figures originate?

“It is derived from the Yiddish expression gay vays, ‘go know. ‘ ” A dozen readers shot in that two-word message: go know.

Do you figure meaning?

talking to someone Is it okay to understand that How do you figure that? means what makes you think that? or why do you think that??

What does five figures mean?

: containing five numerical figures : rated at an annual salary of $10,000 or more.

How do you use figures in a sentence?

Figures sentence example

  1. I’m sure he figures it’s all in a days’ work. …
  2. Taran saw the two struggling figures teeter dangerously close to the edge of a pit. …
  3. Three figures emerged to block her path. …
  4. Figures with rubber gloves were turning him over.

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