Both Aristotle and Confucius aimed at the development of morality- the ability to distinguish between the right and wrong behavior. According to Aristotle and Confucius, virtue ethics involve living a good life and for one to live a good life, he or she must know the different between right and wrong (Santiago, 7).

What is the difference between Confucius theory of virtue and Plato’s theory of virtue?

Plato emphasized justice, individual rights, and using law to adjust citizens’ relations and build social order. Although both of them thought virtue is externally regulated, Confucius thought in order to engage with Ren, we must return to ritual, while Plato thought justice is the key to regulating behavior.

What is virtue for Confucius?

Within Confucianism there are five constant virtues or wu chang (五常). In descending order of importance, the virtues are benevolence or ren (仁), righteousness or yi (义), propriety or li (理), wisdom or zhi (智) and fidelity or xin (信).

What is the main philosophy of Confucius?

Confucius’ social philosophy was based primarily on the principle of ren or loving others while exercising self-discipline. He believed that ren could be put into action using the Golden Rule, What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others. (Lunyu 12.2, 6.30).

Which doctrine do Aristotle and Confucius hold in common?

Both Confucian and Aristotelian theories of virtue characterize virtue as the mean. Why does each, independently from each other, develop a doctrine of the mean?

What is the golden mean taught of Confucius is this the same as the golden mean of Aristotle?

Confucius´ & Aristotle’s Golden Mean: Confucius´ & Aristotle’s Golden Mean: In Aristotle’s Rule of the Golden Mean, he discussed that for every polarity, there is a mean which when practiced are good benchmarks for a life of moderation. … In the polarity of consumption and abstinence, the golden mean is moderation.

What is the similarities and differences of Confucianism?

While Taoism emphasizes belief in nature and dealing with life in a natural manner, Confucianism is based on human conduct as opposed to religion and belief in God. Focus. Taoism focuses majorly on nature; Confucianism is focused on improving society.

Is there any similarity between Greeks and the Chinese in their respective views of philosophy?

Although being two opposite ends of the Eurasian continent, the Greek and Chinese philosophers in the period of 600 BC to 300 BC came with some similar cures for the government. Both Greek and Chinese philosophers emphasized the importance of harmony, virtue and music in politics.

What are the fundamental differences between Socrates Plato and Aristotle?

While Socrates casted fatalistic and monolithic dispositions in his analysis and elaborated his thoughts in dialectic form, Aristotle, in contrast, embraced freedom of choice and diversity (pluralism) and articulated the importance of contingent particularity of historical experiences.

What are the 5 teachings of Confucius?

The Five Virtues

What are the 5 Confucian virtues?

Finally, the five constant virtues of Confucianism are “ren” (benevolence), “yi” (righteousness), “li” (propriety), “zhi” (wisdom), and “xin” (trustworthiness). An integration of the literature shows that there are 12 basic virtues in Confucian thoughts.

What is the highest Confucian virtue?

Ren Ren. Ren is the highest virtue or ideal in Confucianism. This virtue is the culmination of all virtues and includes moral excellence, love, and all virtues at their highest possible attainment.

What ideas did Confucius teach?

Confucius stressed the cultivation of personal qualities such as benevolence, reciprocity, and filial piety. Confucius believed that education and reflection led to virtue, and that those who aspired to command others must cultivate discipline and moral authority in themselves.

Why Confucianism is a philosophy?

Confucianism is often characterized as a system of social and ethical philosophy rather than a religion. In fact, Confucianism built on an ancient religious foundation to establish the social values, institutions, and transcendent ideals of traditional Chinese society.

What are the 4 main principles of Confucianism?

The concepts of respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice and the moral values of these four prima facie principles have been expressly identified in Confucius’ ethics.

What are the most important virtues that an ethical manager should have according to Confucius and Aristotle?

As a form of virtue ethics, Confucian ethics focuses on cultivating virtuous attributes of a man of virtue. The major Confucian virtues include benevolence, righteousness, ritual propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness, filial piety, loyalty, and reciprocity (Ip, 2009;Woods & Lamond, 2011; Yu, 2007) . …

What is Aristotle virtue ethics?

Virtue ethics is a philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks. … This character-based approach to morality assumes that we acquire virtue through practice. By practicing being honest, brave, just, generous, and so on, a person develops an honorable and moral character.

What is the difference between Eastern and Western ethics?

The main difference between eastern and western ethics is the fact that Western Ethics is about finding truth, whereas Eastern Ethics are very much about the protocol, and showing of respect. Eastern ethics is much more about doing what is right in terms of what is expected of you by your family, society and culture.

What are the two types of virtue according to Aristotle?

There are two kinds of virtue: intellectual and moral. We learn intellectual virtues by instruction, and we learn moral virtues by habit and constant practice. We are all born with the potential to be morally virtuous, but it is only by behaving in the right way that we train ourselves to be virtuous.

What is the golden mean of Aristotle?

The basic principle of the golden mean, laid down by Aristotle 2,500 years ago is moderation, or striving for a balance between extremes. … The golden mean focuses on the middle ground between two extremes, but as Aristotle suggests, the middle ground is usually closer to one extreme than the other.

Did Confucius believe in the golden mean?

In Confucianism, the golden mean or the doctrine of the mean was understood as a primary virtue and was described in the Confucian classic, the Doctrine of the Mean. For centuries, the text has been integrated into the education system in China.

What is the similarities of Confucianism and Buddhism?

Comparison chart

Buddhism Confucianism
Views on Other Religions Being a practical philosophy, Buddhism is neutral against other religions. Confucianists see no contradiction in following more than one religion.
Goal of Philosophy To eliminate mental suffering. Social Harmony.

What are similarities between Confucianism and Buddhism?

The goal of the individual believer is similar in Confucianism and Buddhism because they each follow a certain behavior and want to be in harmony with nature. The Tao just have to follow the life according to the Tao. All of the three beliefs have a different view on life.

How is Confucianism similar to Christianity?

It is true that Christianity and Confucianism share a lot in common in their doctrines. The first big similarity in the two philosophic systems is about love. … Thus, Confucius taught that people should love each other and practice respect and courtesy towards each other in their daily life.

Is there any similarity between the Greeks and the Chinese?

Such a comparison can be made between the philosophies of the Greeks and the Chinese. Both were virile and brilliant peoples, both developed significant philosophies at about the same time. … Greece and China developed their thought quite independently, consequently a significant comparison of these two is possible.

What did Confucianism and Greek philosophy have in common?

What did Confucianism and Greek rationalism share in common? What did Confucius, Zarathustra, and Siddhartha Gautama share in common? They were all historical founders of philosophical or religious traditions. … The civil service exam was based on Confucian texts.

What is Greek social thought?

The social thoughts of a person consist of his ideas about social phenomena. In order to think about social phenomena it is not necessary to be conscious of any fundamental axis of inquiry, any methods, any concepts, or any frame of reference — these are what distinguish a science and a discipline from random thought.

Who is better Plato or Aristotle?

Though many more of Plato’s works survived the centuries, Aristotle’s contributions have arguably been more influential, particularly when it comes to science and logical reasoning. While both philosophers’ works are considered less theoretically valuable in modern times, they continue to have great historical value.

How did Plato and Aristotle differ?

Plato (c. 428–c. 348 BCE) and Aristotle (384–322 BCE) are generally regarded as the two greatest figures of Western philosophy. … According to a conventional view, Plato’s philosophy is abstract and utopian, whereas Aristotle’s is empirical, practical, and commonsensical.

How did Plato and Aristotle differ in their opinions on government?

How did Plato and Aristotle differ in their opinions on government? Plato believed that there should be 3 tiers in government: Philosopher-kings, warriors, and the rest of the people. … Aristotle believed that he 3 best forms of government are monarchy, aristocracy, and constitutional government.