Creese Definition of Creese by Merriam-Webster.

Is creese a Scrabble word?

Yes, creese is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does it mean when someone is outrageous?

grossly offensive to the sense of right or decency: outrageous behavior; an outrageous remark. passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking: an outrageous price. violent in action or temper.

What does creased mean in slang?

laugh a lot /kris/ us. /kris/ UK informal. to laugh a lot, or make someone else laugh a lot: The look on his face just creased me up.

What does crease mean?

1 : a line, mark, or ridge made by or as if by folding a pliable substance. 2 : a specially marked area in various sports especially : an area surrounding or in front of a goal (as in lacrosse or hockey) crease. verb. creased; creasing.

Is outrageous positive or negative?

outrageous = very good

How do you use outrageous?

greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation.

  1. I must apologise for my outrageous behaviour.
  2. It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.
  3. It’s outrageous that the poor should pay such high taxes.

What is the synonym of outrageous?

evil, wicked, abominable, terrible, horrible, horrid, horrendous, dreadful, hideous, foul, nauseating, sickening, vile, villainous, nasty, ghastly, odious, loathsome, shameful, infamous, nefarious, iniquitous, unspeakable, intolerable, insufferable, insupportable, unendurable, unbearable.

What does crease mean on Snapchat?

Summary of Key Points To Laugh is the most common definition for CREASE UP on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. CREASE UP. Definition: To Laugh.

What does crease mean in British slang?

/kris/ uk. /kris/ UK informal. to laugh a lot, or make someone else laugh a lot: The look on his face just creased me up.

What does Crinckled mean?

1a : to form many short bends or ripples. b : wrinkle. 2 : to give forth a thin crackling sound : rustle crinkling silks. transitive verb.

What does creasing mean in makeup?

What Exactly is a Cut Crease? The cut crease combines a lighter shade of eyeshadow application with a line (or cut) across the middle crease of your eyelid. On its own, the look makes your eyes appear wider and draws more attention to the colors on your lids, but you don’t have to stop there.

What are skin creases?

Skin crease is a visible, fixed, and permanent anatomical structure,10 with attachment to the underlying structures. The creases are important structures and define the contour of the relevant area. … Skin crease is a permanent line, whereas skin fold is the redundancy of the skin over this permanent line.

What are creases in clothing?

Creases are the transformation of a surface through action, gestures embodied in a material form. Most commonly creases occur at the joints of our bodies flex, bringing together non-adjacent sections of fabric to create pockets, ridges, and furrows.

How do you use outrageously in a sentence?

(1) Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile. (2) Car-parks are few, crammed, and outrageously expensive. (3) He criticized them for dressing outrageously and posing pretentiously. (4) He flirts outrageously with his female clients.

What does outrageous mean in a good way?

The definition of outrageous is someone or something that is not in good taste, violent or extremely unusual. An example of outrageous behavior is something that is done in a very offensive way. An example of outrageous dressing, is someone who dresses in a very unusual way. adjective.

What does mean egregious?

1 : conspicuous especially : conspicuously bad : flagrant egregious errors egregious padding of the evidence Christopher Hitchens.

Is Obnoxion a word?

annoying or objectionable due to being a show-off or attracting undue attention to oneself: an obnoxious little brat. Archaic. exposed or liable to harm, evil, or anything objectionable. Obsolete.

What is the base word of outrageous?

outrageous (adj.) 1300, excessive, extravagant, exorbitant, immoderate, from Old French outrageus, outrajos immoderate, excessive, violent, lawless (Modern French outrageux), from outrage, oltrage, from Vulgar Latin *ultraticum excess, from Latin ultra beyond (from suffixed form of PIE root *al- beyond).

Is outrageousness a word?

The quality or state of being flagrant: atrociousness, atrocity, egregiousness, enormity, flagrance, flagrancy, flagrantness, glaringness, grossness, rankness.

What is the opposite in meaning of outrageous?

Opposite of very bold and unusual and rather shocking. inconspicuous. unobtrusive.

What do you call a person who is unreasonable?

Middle School Level. adjective. not reasonable or rational; acting at variance with or contrary to reason; not guided by reason or sound judgment; irrational: an unreasonable person.

What are synonyms for unfair?

synonyms for unfair