Keep soil evenly moist, allowing it to dry only slightly between waterings. Reduce water in winter (stop watering tuberous begonias in fall). Always avoid wet or waterlogged soil. When plant is in full growth, fertilize with balanced liquid fertilizer at half strength at alternate waterings. Do indoor begonias need a lot of light?
Light. Cane begonias need bright, indirect sunlight. Rhizomatous and rex begonias prefer a bit more shade. If leaves appear scorched, move your plant to a less sunny spot.

How long do potted begonias last?

Pour water over the stones, just short of covering them, and set your plant pot on top of the stones, above the surface of the water. As the water evaporates, it will create a zone of humidity around your plant. No begonia has a long life span. Most only live for 2 to 3 years, even with good care. Will my indoor begonia flower again?
All types of begonias are considered annuals outdoors, unless you live in very warm climates. Indoors they will grow as a perennial and come back year after year. … I have begonias growing outside in the summer, and then in the fall I either take cuttings or bring the whole plant indoors to use as a house plant.

Will begonias bloom indoors?

Growing begonias as houseplants can fill your home with lovely flowers and foliage. In the right location, begonia houseplants can flourish indoors. Do begonias do well in pots?

Begonias prefer growing in light, rich soil with a good concentration of humus, similar to the makeup of potting soil. So it’s no surprise the plants tend to thrive in containers. Begonias planted in a pot should be spaced 4-6″ apart and with the tubers buried hollow-side up.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Why is my begonia drooping?

Overwatering and underwatering are the most common causes of a begonia wilting. Begonias wilt quickly once their soil dries out, but maintaining excessively wet soil can also result in dramatic wilting due to root rot. Temperature stress, transplant shock, pests, and disease can also cause drooping.

Do begonias need sun or shade?

Most begonias grow best in part shade (4 to 6 hours of direct morning sun a day), or filtered sun (as through trees). Most will tolerate full shade (no direct or filtered sun), but won’t be as dense and usually have fewer flowers. A few grow in full sun. They prefer moist, but not soggy, soils.

How do you bring a begonia back to life?

Clean the pot with bleach, then add sterile potting mix. Replant the begonia and water it, making sure the water drains well, as root rot is more common in waterlogged soil. If the plant is outdoors, move the plant to new location to help prevent reinfection by the root rot fungus.

Why are my begonia leaves turning white?

Powdery mildew is a fungal infection. Begonias with powdery mildew are infected by Odium begoniae. … A begonia with powdery mildew will have white, powdery or thread-like growths on the top surface of leaves. The fungus may additionally cover stems or flowers.

Is Miracle Grow good for begonias?

Do begonias need deadheading?

Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 6 through 11, depending on the cultivar, begonias (Begonia spp.) do not require deadheading to thrive. Rather they self-clean by dropping spent flowers on their own, says the University of Illinois Extension.

How do I make my begonia Bushy?

General Pruning Pinch the stems back to the first or second healthy bud from the tip. You can repeat this process two or three times at about four week intervals to encourage maximum bushiness. Pinching forces the begonia to branch at the pinch point, resulting in more stems, leaves and flowers.

How do you prune indoor begonias?

Use clean, sharp shears or a knife to cut the stems back to a leaf node. Begonias can be cut back to within 3 inches of the soil to revitalize them, if necessary, but pinching and pruning is not the end of the story. Sterilize pruning tools with household disinfectant spray before and after use.

When should I repot my begonia?

When to Repot a Begonia Wait to repot until the container is filled with roots. This will be clearly obvious if you gently remove the plant from its pot. If there is still loose soil, allow the begonia to grow more. When the plant’s roots hold all of the soil, it’s time for a transplant.

Why do begonia flowers turn brown?

Begonia plants do not like very wet soil, and too much soil moisture can cause the plants’ roots to rot. … Either may lead to wilting and browning of the plant. Decrease watering so the begonias’ soil dries out between watering sessions.

What month do begonias flower?

Begonias grow in moist, shady gardens where they have well-drained soil, wind protection and filtered or indirect sunlight. A typical blooming season starts in June and ends with the first frost. They are so easy to grow that a broken stem or leaf stalk stuck in soil often roots as a new plant.

How do you water indoor begonias?

Begonias like evenly moist soil, but they prefer to dry out just a bit between waterings. Stick your finger in the soil up to the first knuckle—if it’s dry, water it. When watering your Begonia, opt for distilled water or rainwater if possible, as the plant can be sensitive to the dissolved salts in tap water.

Can I bring my begonia inside for the winter?

Tuberous begonias should be dug up and stored indoors during winter until the return of warmer weather in spring. Begonias can be dug up in fall once foliage has faded or just after the first light frost. … You should also be overwintering a begonia grown outdoors in containers.

How do you care for a begonia in a hanging basket?

What kind of pots do begonias like?

clay pots Many types of begonias grow well in clay pots, such as rhizomatous begonias which resent wet potting mix. The mix in clay pots dries out faster so clay will especially help growers who are chronic over-waterers. Many growers exclusively use clay pots and have found them to be the best pots to use.

What is the best potting mix for begonias?

Use light potting soil with extra perlite to promote proper drainage. In the garden, grow begonias in sandy loam soil. If you have heavy clay soil, grow begonias in raised beds filled with compost and topsoil.

Do begonias come back?

This results in at least four months of blooms a year and if looked after properly, they will come back year after year so one purchase will give years of enjoyment in your garden. Begonias are extremely versatile and can be used in different ways. … Begonias are particularly well suited to growing in pots.

How can you tell the difference between overwatering and underwatering?

Feeling the leaves and the soil is the best way to differentiate between overwatering and underwatering. If the leaves feel dry & crispy, you are underwatering the plant. If it is soft and droopy, you are overwatering it. Also, dry and crusty soil indicated underwatering, whereas soggy soil indicated overwatering.

How do you save an overwatered begonias?

Wilted, overwatered plants are not always a lost cause.

  1. Move your plant to a shady area even if it is a full-sun plant. …
  2. Check your pot for proper drainage and, if possible, create additional air space around the roots. …
  3. Water only when the soil is dry to the touch, but do not let it get too dry. …
  4. Treat with a fungicide.

What’s wrong with my begonia?

Begonia plants can collapse and die from advanced stem rot diseases. … Rhizoctonia fungus causes fine webbing and sunken, brown, dry areas of stem rot at the soil surface. Botrytis stem rot symptoms include a soft, brown rot in begonia stems, with gray, fuzzy Botrytis spores in the rotting stem tissue.

Can begonias survive in shade?

They do best in situations with shade or morning sun/afternoon shade. Most varieties have flowers that hang down a little, making tuberous begonias ideal for hanging baskets and window boxes rather than garden beds and borders. No matter where you grow them, make sure they have good drainage to prevent rot.

Do begonias like a lot of water?

Begonias rely on moisture in the soil to keep their tuberous roots healthy and active. However, as noted earlier, too much water can cause their roots to rot and decay. When planted in flowerbeds, begonias require about an inch of water per week to thrive.

Do begonias like grow lights?

Fluorescent Light As a low-light plant, begonias require less intensive artificial light than many other types of plants — which grow with an artificial light as close as 3 inches from the top leaves.

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