The conjunctiva on the eyeball should be equally white in both eyes. The conjunctiva lining the inner eyelid of the lower lid may be inspected by gently pulling down the lid with a finger. The conjunctiva lining the upper lid can only be observed by everting the upper lid as shown in Figure 114.1.

What is bulbar conjunctiva in human eye?

Bulbar conjunctiva. This portion of the conjunctiva covers the anterior part of the sclera (the white of the eye). The bulbar conjunctiva stops at the junction between the sclera and cornea; it does not cover the cornea.

Where is the bulbar conjunctiva located?

anterior sclera The bulbar conjunctiva is found on the eyeball over the anterior sclera. Tenon’s capsule binds it to the underlying sclera.

What does conjunctival hyperemia look like?

Conjunctival hyperemia is a conjunctival reaction that appears as dilation and redness of the conjunctival vessels. The pattern of hyperemia often appears with the greatest redness at the fornices and fades moving toward the limbus.

What color is bulbar conjunctiva?

The bulbar conjunctiva is loosely bound to the globe and it appears mainly white due to the color of the sclera beneath. Blood-filled capillaries impart a salmon pink color.

What is the color of the conjunctiva?

Normal: In a normal patient, the sclera is white in color and the palpebral conjunctiva appears pink. Unless conjunctiva is diseased you are only visualizing sclera and palpebral vascular bed through the translucent conjunctiva.

What color should sclera be?

The white part of the eye that serves as a protective layer is called the sclera, which covers over 80% of the eyeball’s surface. A healthy sclera should be white. If it becomes yellow or discolored, an underlying condition may be present. Here are some reasons why your sclera might turn color.

What is the function of bulbar conjunctiva?

The bulbar conjunctiva covers the anterior part of the sclera (the white of the eye). It does not cover the cornea. The palpebral conjunctiva covers the inner surface of the upper and lower eyelids. The bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva are both continuous, making it impossible to lose a contact lens behind your eye.

How do you describe conjunctiva?

Conjunctiva: A thin, clear, moist membrane that coats the inner surfaces of the eyelids (palpebral conjunctiva) and the outer surface of the eye (ocular, or bulbar, conjunctiva). Inflammation of the conjunctiva is called conjunctivitis (pinkeye).

What is the bulbar?

neurological disorders (In this context, the term bulbar refers to the medulla oblongata, which looks like a swelling, or bulb, at the top of the spinal cord.) Damage to the 9th through 12th cranial nerves, the bulbar nerves, causes impairment of swallowing and speech and…

Is conjunctiva a skin?

The conjunctiva is a tissue that lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the sclera (the white of the eye). … Structure.

Part Area
Palpebral or tarsal conjunctiva Lines the eyelids

What are the layers of conjunctiva?

Microscopically conjunctiva consists of three layers- epithelium, adenoid layer, and a fibrous layer.

How can you tell the difference between conjunctiva and sclera?

Some people confuse the conjunctiva for the white part of the eye, which is the sclera. The sclera is a tough, opaque, fibrous tissue. This connective tissue helps to maintain the shape of your eyeball, while the conjunctiva is a mucous membrane covering the outer part of your sclera.

What is the difference in sclera and conjunctiva?

The conjunctiva contributes to the tear film and protects the eye from foreign objects and infection. The sclera is the thick white sphere of dense connective tissue that encloses the eye and maintains its shape.

What is conjunctiva and sclera?

The conjunctiva is the membrane that lines the eyelid and loops back to cover the sclera (the tough white fiber layer covering the eye), right up to the edge of the cornea (the clear layer in front of the iris and pupil—see Structure and Function of the Eyes.

Why is the sclera yellow?

Jaundice is a condition in which the skin, sclera (whites of the eyes) and mucous membranes turn yellow. This yellow color is caused by a high level of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment. Bile is fluid secreted by the liver. Bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of red blood cells.

Is conjunctiva transparent?

The conjunctiva is a thin, transparent, vascularized mucous membrane that covers the posterior surface of the eyelids, reflects forwards on the eye at the fornix, to cover the anterior sclera. Anatomically, the conjunctiva is composed of a bulbar and a palpebral component.

What is injected conjunctiva?

Conjunctival injection or hyperemia is a nonspecific response with enlargement of conjunctival vessels induced by various diseases. Conjunctival injection is an important diagnostic clue for infection or inflammation and can be utilized for the monitoring of the disease progression and response to treatment.

What is pink palpebral conjunctiva?

Conjunctivitis, which is defined as inflammation of the bulbar and/or palpebral conjunctiva (the transparent lubricating mucous membrane that covers both the surface of the eye and lining of the undersurface of the eyelids), has many etiologies, including infection from various bacteria, fungi, and viruses, as well as …

What is white pupil?

What is leukocoria? Leukocoria literally means white pupil. It occurs when the pupil (the round hole in the colored part of the eye) is white rather than the usual black [See figure 1]. Fig. 1: Leukocoria occurs when the pupil is white rather than the usual black.

What is blue sclera?

Blue sclera: a bluish coloration of the whites of the eyes. The blue color is caused by thinness and transparency of the collagen fibers of the sclera, allowing the veins in the underlying tissue to show through. Blue sclerae are characteristic of a number of conditions, particularly connective tissue disorders.

What part of the body is affected most from Keratomalacia?

Keratomalacia is an eye (ocular) condition, usually affecting both eyes (bilateral), that results from severe deficiency of vitamin A. That deficiency may be dietary (i.e., intake) or metabolic (i.e., absorption).

Which part of the eye is protected by the conjunctiva?

The conjunctiva is a loose connective tissue that covers the surface of the eyeball (bulbar conjunctiva) and reflects back upon itself to form the inner layer of the eyelid (palpebral conjunctiva). This tissue firmly adheres to the sclera at the limbus, where it meets the cornea.

What kind of eyes do vertebrates have?

Vertebrate eye is a hollow ball made of three layers, outermost of which is called sclera that is made of bone, cartilage or fibrous tissue for protection of this delicate and important organ.