What does Esquamulose mean?

Filters. Not covered in scales or scale-like objects; having a smooth skin.

What does Logorrheic mean?

: excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness.

What is the meaning of word Ursprache?

: a parent language especially : one reconstructed from the evidence of later languages.

What does lustrous hair mean?

lustrous Add to list Share. In shampoo commercials, the hair you see swinging is lustrous. It is brilliant, in the shiny sense. Lustrous has its root in the Latin lustrare which means to illuminate or shine light over. When something is lustrous, it reflects light in a glossy and shiny way.

What is a word for having curly or woolly hair?

ulotrichous. / (jultrks) / adjective. having woolly or curly hair.

What does Pluviosity mean?

rain; rainfall noun. rare. The quality of being rainy or of bringing rain; rainfall.

What is Chloropsia?

: a visual defect in which all objects appear green.

What is a Tricenarian?

Tricenarian: Someone in his or her thirties. Quadragenarian: Someone in his or her forties. Quinquagenarian: Someone in his or her fifties.

Is Logorrhea an English word?

pathologically incoherent, repetitious speech. incessant or compulsive talkativeness; wearisome volubility.

What’s the longest word in the world?

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

How do you pronounce Ursprache?

How do you pronounce Serrefine?

How do you pronounce Chiaroscurist?

What does lustrous mean dictionary?

adjective. having luster; shining; luminous: lustrous eyes. brilliant; splendid; resplendent; illustrious: a lustrous career.

What is Lustrou?

bright, brilliant, radiant, luminous, lustrous mean shining or glowing with light. bright implies emitting or reflecting a high degree of light. … lustrous stresses an even, rich light from a surface that reflects brightly without glittering.

What is lustrous and example?

The definition of lustrous is something that is shiny and bright. An example of lustrous is shiny hair in a shampoo commercial. adjective. 10. 2.

What is a Cruciverbalist?

: a person skillful in creating or solving crossword puzzles.

How do you describe curly hair?


What is a Halfpace?

1 : a raised floor or dais or a platform or footpace at the top of steps (as for a throne or an altar) 2 : a landing of a staircase like a broad step between two half flights compare quarterpace.

What does Hyetal mean?

relating to rain : of or relating to rain, rainfall, or rainy regions.

What does Soliterraneous mean?

: of or relating to the earth and sun specifically : constituting a period when solar and terrestrial conditions jointly affect weather.

What causes cyanopsia?

Cyanopsia is a medical symptom and not a sign. It is a purely subjective state and can be caused by a physical or functional abnormality of the eye, a physical or functional abnormality of the brain, or be purely psychological.

What causes Chromatopsia?

Chromatopsia is caused by drugs, intense stimulation, or snow blindness, and it can occur after eye hemorrhages, cataract extraction, electric shock, or optic atrophy. There are several forms: erythropsia (red vision), chloropsia (green vision), xanthopsia (yellow vision), and cyanopsia (blue vision).

Is Akinetopsia real?

Akinetopsia (Greek: a for without, kine for to move and opsia for seeing), also known as cerebral akinetopsia or motion blindness, is an extremely rare neuropsychological disorder, having only been documented in a handful of medical cases, in which a patient cannot perceive motion in their visual field, despite …

What is a Sexiganarian?

: a person who is between 60 and 69 years old.

What is age 40 called?

A person between 10 and 19 years old is called a denarian. … A person between 40 and 49 is called a quadragenarian. A person between 50 and 59 is called a quinquagenarian. A person between 60 and 69 is called a sexagenarian. A person between 70 and 79 is called a septuagenarian.

What is an octogenarian woman?

Octogenarian: Someone in his or her eighties, that is, between 80 and 89 years of age.