the plural of calix.

What is calyces?

Your calyces are where urine collection begins. Each kidney has 6 to 10 calyces. They’re on the outer edges of your kidneys. With caliectasis, the calyces become dilated and swollen with extra fluid. It’s usually caused by another condition that affects the kidneys, such as a urinary tract infections (UTI).

What does Calicectomy mean?

(kal’-sot’-m), Incision into a calix, usually for removal of a calculus.

What does Calyx mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of calyx : a cuplike division of the renal pelvis surrounding one or more renal papillae.

What do calloused hands mean?

/ uk. / If feet or hands are calloused, they are covered with hard areas of skin: She had the calloused hands of someone who had always worked hard for a living.

What is Challis in English?

challis in American English (li) noun. a soft fabric of plain weave in wool, cotton, rayon, or other staple fiber, either in a solid color or, more often, a small print.

What is Ureterectasis?

Medical Definition of ureterectasis : dilation of a ureter.

What is hydronephrosis of kidney?

Hydronephrosis is a condition where one or both kidneys become stretched and swollen as the result of a build-up of urine inside them. It can affect people of any age and is sometimes spotted in unborn babies during routine pregnancy ultrasound scans.

Is hydronephrosis a kidney disease?

Hydronephrosis (kidney swelling) occurs as the result of a disease. It is not a disease itself. Conditions that may lead to hydronephrosis include: Blockage of a ureter due to scarring caused by prior infections, surgeries, or radiation treatments.

What is the meaning of hypotensive?

hypotension Hypotensive: Having abnormally low blood pressure (hypotension).

What is an afebrile?

Medical Definition of afebrile : free from fever : not marked by fever.

What does the word Apyrexial mean?

: absence or intermission of fever.

What does cortex mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of cortex 1a : the outer or superficial part of an organ or body structure (as the kidney, adrenal gland, or a hair) especially : cerebral cortex.

What does minor calyx do?

A minor calyx surrounds the renal papillae of each pyramid and collects urine from that pyramid. Several minor calyces converge to form a major calyx. From the major calyces, the urine flows into the renal pelvis; and from there, it flows into the ureter.

What is calyx Corolla?

Calyx and corolla are two important parts of a flower. They are together called perianth. Calyx is the collection of sepals while the corolla is the collection of petals of a flower. Calyx basically protects the developing flower and provides structural support to the flower.

What does calloused mean in the Bible?

insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic: They have a callous attitude toward the sufferings of others.

Why do calluses hurt?

A callus is an area of hard, thickened skin on the foot that forms in response to pressure or friction, usually through poor-fitting shoes. When pressure is concentrated in a small area, a corn, which has a central core, may develop. If the pressure is not relieved, calluses and corns can become painful.

Are calluses good or bad?

Calluses and corns are not usually harmful, but sometimes they may lead to irritation, infections, or ulcerations of the skin, especially among people with diabetes or poor circulation in the feet.

What is meant by poisoned chalice?

The expression ‘poisoned chalice’ is frequently used in sports and politics to refer to a job or task given to someone. Initially, the person thinks he has been honoured; he soon realises, however, the job is, in fact, a burden one that is likely to ruin his reputation.

What does Challis feel like?

It feels very soft to touch. This means that wearing this material feels comfortable when you use it for making everyday outfits. This material drapes very well. It’s soft and pliable so it hugs your body softly.

How much is chalis?

Hindi Numbers 1 100 Posted by Nitin Kumar on Dec 18, 2011 in Hindi Language

Numeral in English Numeral in Hindi
Rom. Hindi
39 thirty nine Untaalis
40 forty Chalis
41 forty one Iktalis

How do you get rid of urinary blockage?

Drainage procedures. A ureteral obstruction that causes severe pain might require an immediate procedure to remove urine from your body and temporarily relieve the problems caused by a blockage. Your doctor (urologist) may recommend: A ureteral stent, a hollow tube inserted inside the ureter to keep it open.

Can you pass a 7mm kidney stone?

The smaller the kidney stone, the more likely it will pass on its own. If it is smaller than 5 mm (1/5 inch), there is a 90% chance it will pass without further intervention. If the stone is between 5 mm and 10 mm, the odds are 50%. If a stone is too large to pass on its own, several treatment options are available.

Can ureter stone be dissolved?

Your urologist will thread a thin tube with a scope into your urethra and up into your ureter. Once your doctor can see the stone, the stone can be removed directly or broken up with a laser into smaller pieces that can pass on their own.

What is the best treatment for hydronephrosis?

Most people with hydronephrosis will have a procedure called catheterisation to drain the urine from their kidneys. Depending on the underlying cause, medication or surgery may be needed afterwards to correct the problem.

How serious is hydronephrosis?

Left untreated, severe hydronephrosis can lead to permanent kidney damage. Rarely, it can cause kidney failure. But hydronephrosis typically affects only one kidney and the other kidney can do the work for both.

Can hydronephrosis be cured?

Hydronephrosis is usually treated by addressing the underlying disease or cause, such as a kidney stone or infection. Some cases can be resolved without surgery. Infections can be treated with antibiotics. A kidney stone can pass through by itself or might be severe enough to require removal with surgery.

What is the main cause of hydronephrosis?

Hydronephrosis is usually caused by a blockage in the urinary tract or something disrupting the normal workings of the urinary tract. The urinary tract is made up of the kidneys, the bladder, the ureters (the tubes that run from the kidney to the bladder) and the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body).

Is hydronephrosis an emergency?

Hydronephrosis is a true emergency in patients with only one kidney and should the person believe that the lone kidney is at risk, urgent medical care should be accessed.

What is the surgery for hydronephrosis?

The most common surgical procedure is pyeloplasty. This repairs the most common type of blockage that causes hydronephrosis: ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJ). In pyeloplasty, the surgeon will remove the narrowed or obstructed part of the ureter.