Couvelaire uterus is a rare but nonfatal complication of severe forms of abruption placentae. A diagnosis of this condition can only be made by direct visualization or biopsy.

What is uterine apoplexy?

Uteroplacental apoplexy is a rare but nonfatal complication of severe forms of placental abruption. It occurs when vascular damage within the placenta causes hemorrhaging that progresses to and infiltrates the wall of the uterus. It is a syndrome that can only be diagnosed by direct visualization or biopsy (or both).

Is the uterus purple?

The outer uterus demonstrates a bluish, purplish discoloration (Fig. 1). FIGURE 1. The dark purple patches of ecchymosis and induration is diagnostic for Couvelaire uterus.

What is Accreta?

Placenta accreta is a serious pregnancy condition that occurs when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterine wall. Typically, the placenta detaches from the uterine wall after childbirth. With placenta accreta, part or all of the placenta remains attached. This can cause severe blood loss after delivery.

What causes Couvelaire uterus?

Couvelaire uterus is caused when haemorrhage from placental blood vessels seeps into decidua basalis causing placental separation, followed by infiltration in the lateral portions of the uterus. Occasionally, the infiltrations reach the peritoneal cavity. Couvelaire uterus is managed conservatively.

How do I manage my Couvelaire uterus?

Treatment. The uterus should be evacuated and contractions should be stimulated using intravenous oxytocin; hysterectomy (the removal of the uterus) may be needed in some cases.

What is the definition of Couvelaire uterus?

Medical Definition of Couvelaire uterus : a pregnant uterus in which the placenta has detached prematurely with extravasation of blood into the uterine musculature.

What is a Bandl’s ring?

A pathologic retraction ring (Bandl’s ring) of the uterus is a constriction located at the junction of the thinned lower uterine segment and the thick retracted upper uterine segment that is associated with obstructed labor.

Is uterine rupture painful?

Common signs of uterine rupture include searing abdominal pain a sensation that something is ripping followed by diffuse pain and tenderness in the abdomen during labor. This pain can be felt even if you’ve had an epidural.

What is Succenturiate lobe?

A succenturiate lobe is a variation in placental morphology and refers to a smaller accessory placental lobe that is separate to the main disc of the placenta. There can be more than one succenturiate lobe.

What is Vasa Previa?

Vasa previa occurs when unprotected fetal blood vessels run through the amniotic membranes and traverse the cervix. Complications include fetal hemorrhage, exsanguination, or death. Diagnosis by ultrasound.

How do you test for Asherman syndrome?

Asherman’s syndrome is usually diagnosed through imaging the size and shape of the uterus. The gold standard for diagnosis is a scope and camera tool called a hysteroscope that is inserted into the uterus to display a real-time view of the uterine cavity.

Can Accreta go away?

However, small or focal accretas can sometimes be removed without a hysterectomy. In other cases, patients and their doctors may agree that leaving some or all of the accreta in the uterus (rather than removing the uterus) is a reasonable option.

Can you have another baby after placenta accreta?

Successful conservative treatment for placenta accreta does not appear to compromise the patients’ subsequent fertility or obstetric outcome. Nevertheless, these women should be advised of the high risk that placenta accreta may recur during future pregnancies.

Why does the placenta get stuck to the uterus?

Placenta accreta can occur during pregnancy when the placenta attaches too deeply into the wall of the uterus. This condition is thought to be caused by scarring on the lining of the uterus.

What is a Hysterotomy procedure?

: surgical incision of the uterus usually made by a transabdominal approach also : a procedure (as a cesarean section) involving such an incision.

How is uterine hyperstimulation treated?

Uterine hyperstimulation may result in fetal heart rate abnormalities, uterine rupture, or placental abruption. It is usually treated by administering terbutaline.

How do you pronounce Couvelaire?

How does placenta previa affect the mother?

Placenta previa can cause severe bleeding in the mother before or during delivery. A C-section delivery might be required. The placenta is a structure that develops inside your uterus during pregnancy, providing oxygen and nutrition to and removing wastes from your baby.

What is a hysterectomy and why is it done?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the womb (uterus). You’ll no longer be able to get pregnant after the operation. If you have not already gone through the menopause, you’ll no longer have periods, regardless of your age. Many women have a hysterectomy. It’s more common for women aged 40 to 50.

What is premature separation of the placenta?

Placental abruption occurs when the placenta separates from the inner wall of the uterus before birth. Placental abruption can deprive the baby of oxygen and nutrients and cause heavy bleeding in the mother. In some cases, early delivery is needed.

What are the types of placenta previa?

There are 3 types of placenta previa:

What is uterine hyperstimulation?

Uterine hyperstimulation is a complication that can occur with excessive use of Pitocin during labor. Pitocin is a medication administered to pregnant women to induce or speed up labor. It is a synthetic form of oxytocin the hormone a mother’s body produces naturally during labor.

How rare is Bandl’s ring?

Bandl’s ring is a relatively rare medical condition that arises in less than one percent of live births. Due to recent labor guideline changes, however, the average time expecting mothers spend in labor has increased.

What is the difference between constriction ring and Bandl’s ring?

Bandl’s ring is an anatomic concept. It is located at the junction of the active contractile portion of the uterus with the lower uterine segment. … On the other hand, a constriction ring does not rise, but remains fixed to the fetus, and spontaneous rupture of the uterus does not occur.

What is retracting ring?

A ridge sometimes felt on the uterus above the pubes, marking the line of separation between the upper contractile and lower dilatable segments of the uterus.

Can your uterus grow back?

Can the uterine lining grow back following an endometrial ablation? Yes. It’s possible that the endometrial lining will grow back after an endometrial ablation.

Who is at risk for uterine rupture?

Uterine rupture is most common among pregnant women who previously delivered a baby via a cesarean section. When you undergo a cesarean section, your doctor cuts open your uterus to deliver your baby. A uterine rupture is most likely to occur along the scar line of previous cesarean deliveries.

How many C sections can you have?

So, every patient is different and every case is unique. However, from the current medical evidence, most medical authorities do state that if multiple C-sections are planned, the expert recommendation is to adhere to the maximum number of three.