Caput occurs in one third of vaginal deliveries, especially with vacuum extraction, and is recognized by soft swelling of the scalp at the vertex that crosses suture lines. Caput is considered benign and resolves over several days without treatment. Subgaleal hemorrhage refers to bleeding beneath the scalp.

What is a Subgaleal hematoma?

Background: Subgaleal hematoma (SGH), an abnormal accumulation of blood under the galeal aponeurosis of the scalp, is more commonly observed in newborns and children. According to previous cases, the etiology of SGH includes mild head trauma, vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery, contusion, and hair braiding or pulling.

How do you know if you have a Subgaleal hematoma?

Subgaleal hematoma is most often caused by the use of vacuum extractors and forceps during delivery (3). …

  1. Palpable swelling on the head, which may shift with movement and expand over time due to additional bleeding.
  2. Tachycardia.
  3. Pallor.
  4. Decreasing blood pressure.
  5. Diminished tone.
  6. Respiratory distress.

What does Subgaleal hematoma feel like?

The scalp is boggy (feels like a water balloon, fluid is firm to fluctuant with ill defined borders, may have crepitus or waves and shifts dependently when the infant’s head is repositioned). SGH may be misdiagnosed as cephalohematomas or caput succedaneum.

Can Subgaleal hematoma be cured?

The haematoma usually has a low volume and often resolves spontaneously or with compression bandage within a few weeks. If conservative treatment fails, aspiration, surgery or even endovascular surgery can be effective.

Is Subgaleal hematoma curable?

Other than appropriate resuscitation, intensive care management and the massive quantities of blood products that are often urgently required to maintain circulation in babies with subgaleal hemorrhage, there is no specific treatment.

How do you treat a scalp hematoma?

To manage a hematoma under the skin, nail, or other soft tissue, a person should rest the injured area and apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel to reduce any pain or swelling. It may help to wrap or splint the area around the hematoma to keep the blood vessel from reopening as it heals.

What is a Subgaleal hematoma in adults treatment?

SGH is an uncommon phenomenon that is caused by tearing of the emissary veins in the loose areolar tissue located beneath the galeal aponeurosis. Conservative treatment with bandage compression is recommended for SGH. Surgery is reserved for cases where non-invasive management fails or severe complications.

Is it normal for a hematoma to harden?

Many injuries can develop a hematoma and give the area a firm, lumpy appearance. If you have an injury, you might have more than a bruise. It’s important to see your doctor if your bruise swells or becomes a firm lump, because it might mean something more severe happened under the skin.

How long does it take for a Subgaleal hematoma to go away?

It can take weeks or months, with three months being pretty common. Often the middle of the hematoma will start to disappear first while the outer rim gets harder (from calcium).

What is boggy swelling?

Boggy swelling or excessive tenderness on palpation may suggest an underlying fracture that tends to imply application of greater force. Lacerations should be gently explored in a good light with a gloved finger for evidence of a depressed fracture.

How long does Subgaleal hemorrhage last?

2 These haemorrhages are usually transient with no long term ophthalmological sequelae. to resolve within an hour of birth and should completely resolve within 18 hours5,6.

What is cephalohematoma?

A cephalohematoma is an accumulation of blood under the scalp. During the birth process, small blood vessels on the head of the fetus are broken as a result of minor trauma.

What hematoma crosses suture lines?

Since the dura is normally fused to the calvarium at the margins of the sutures, it is impossible for an epidural hematoma to cross suture lines (subdural hematomas can cross sutures). Epidural hematomas can cross the tentorium (subdural hematomas do not).

Does cephalohematoma hurt?

Cephalohematoma itself is a completely harmless condition that goes away without any treatment. In some cases, however, cephalohematoma can lead to other health complications. The most common complication related to cephalohematoma is jaundice.

Should a hematoma be drained?

A hematoma is a larger collection of blood, usually caused by surgery, injury, or a greater trauma. Hematomas will usually reabsorb into the body, like a bruise. However, depending on the size, location and cause of the hematoma, the area may need to be drained surgically, or take a longer period of time to resolve.

Can a hematoma cause death?

An enlarging hematoma can cause gradual loss of consciousness and possibly death. The three types of subdural hematomas are: Acute. This most dangerous type is generally caused by a severe head injury, and signs and symptoms usually appear immediately.

What is a Subgaleal hemorrhage in adults?

Subgaleal hematoma describes scalp bleeding in the potential space between the periosteum and the galea aponeurosis. It is a rare but possibly lethal emergency.

How long does it take for a scalp hematoma to resolve?

This takes from 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the size of the hematoma. The skin over the hematoma may turn bluish then brown and yellow as the blood is dissolved and absorbed. Usually, this only takes a couple of weeks but can last months.

How do you speed up the healing of a hematoma?

Apply ice immediately after the injury. Apply heat to bruises that have already formed to clear up the trapped blood. Compression, elevation, and a bruise-healing diet can also help speed up the healing process.

What causes a scalp hematoma?

Intracerebral hematomas may be due to bleeding from uncontrolled high blood pressure, an aneurysm leak or rupture, trauma, tumor, or stroke. Scalp hematomas occur on the outside of the skull, and often can be felt as a bump on the head.

Is Subgaleal hematoma extracranial?

Subgaleal hematoma (SGH) is a potentially life-threatening extracranial hematoma and well-known condition in neo- nates especially after prolonged or instrumental delivery, but it has been rarely reported in childhood or beyond.

What constitutes mild brain injury?

From a clinical perspective, individuals with injuries in which the duration of unconsciousness is less than 30 minutes, the duration of posttraumatic amnesia is less than 24 hours, and the GCS score (1) score is 13–15 out of a possible 15 (with higher scores indicating more normal function) are considered to have had …

Does massaging a hematoma help?

Most haematomas get better quickly and remember to avoid massage to your injured area. Some may take longer to resolve and you might feel a raised lump for some time. After the first 48 hours and whilst you wait for it to heal, just keep gently exercising and stretching the area as long as you don’t cause pain.

What if my hematoma doesn’t go away?

If you have a hematoma over your shinbone, your doctor may recommend surgery. If you have a large hematoma that doesn’t go away for several days following your injury, your doctor might suggest that it be drained.

How do you treat a hematoma lump?


  1. Rest the area. Rest will help your body heal and will also help prevent more damage.
  2. Apply ice as directed. Ice helps reduce swelling. …
  3. Compress the injury if possible. Lightly wrap the injury with an elastic or soft bandage. …
  4. Elevate the area as directed. …
  5. Keep the hematoma covered with a bandage.