Testing frequency At the accelerated storage condition, a minimum of three time points, including the initial and final time points (e.g. 0, 3 and 6 months), from a six- month study is recommended.

What is the temperature in accelerated storage stability test?

How do you test accelerated stability? Most commonly, it is storage at 40°C +/- 2 degrees and Relative Humidity (RH) of 75% +/- 5% when the long-term stability storage condition for the product is 25°C +/- 2 degrees and RH of 60% +/- 5%.

How do you calculate accelerated stability?

t90 : Time required to reduce the concentration to 90% of its initial concentration. stability of formulation can be determined by shelf life. …

Accelerated 40 ± 2ºC & 75 ± 5% RH 0,1,2,3 & 6
Intermediate 30 ± 2ºC & 65 ± 5% RH 0,3,6,9,12,18,24 & 36

What is accelerated stability study?

Accelerated Stability Testing is done to determine the shelf life of finished products. As per the result, the expiry date of a particular product is fixed. Pharmaceutical products are kept under accelerated conditions. The changes under extreme conditions like temperature, light intensity and humidity are monitored.

How shelf life of a product is determined by accelerated stability studies?

Accelerated shelf life takes the climatic conditions to more extreme levels in order to compress required test time. This is done by applying the Arrhenius equation to determine the rate of acceleration of time based on increased temperatures.

How do you predict shelf life?

The food system uses four main methods (other than static testing) to predict shelf life. … Most measure the internal status and external conditions of fresh produce.

  1. Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy uses light to analyze the internal status of fruits and vegetables. …
  2. Imaging. …
  3. Chemical Analysis. …
  4. Temperature.

What is accelerated storage test?

In accelerated stability tests, a product is stored at elevated stress conditions (such as temperature, humidity, and pH). Degradation at the recommended storage conditions can be predicted using known relationships between the acceleration factor and the degradation rate.

What is shelf life testing?

A shelf life study assesses the food product quality and hygiene by undergoing a thorough chemical and physical, as well as microbiological analysis and gives food manufacturers and producers confidence of their product’s shelf life. keep their brand and consumers safe.

Why accelerated stability testing is important?

1. Main aim of accelerated stability study to predict the stability profile of a drug product that prediction of self life of the product before launching into market. 3. Prediction of shelf life, which is the time a product will remain satisfactory when stored under expected or directed storage condition.

How is accelerated aging calculated?

Accelerated Aging is an artificial procedure for establishing the lifespan or shelf life of a product in an expedited manner. … Accelerated Aging Calculator.

Accelerated Aging Temperature in °C Higher temp. = Less days
Q10 Value: Higher value = Less days Q10 Value = 2 Q10 Value = 1.8

How do you perform an accelerated stability test in brief?

 The Preparation is stored at different elevated temperatures, to accelerate the degradation  Samples are withdrawn at different time intervals  The Order of the reaction is determined by plotting the appropriate function of concentration against time and linear relationship is determined  Straight line in a graph …

How do you find the shelf life of Arrhenius?

What is the condition for accelerated stability testing in India?

2. The accelerated stability testing data at 40°C / 75% for minimum six months and long term stability testing data at 30°C / 65% for minimum 12 months should be available at the time of submission for new drug application and can be continued further. 3.

What is shelf life of drug?

The expiration date of a drug is estimated using stability testing under good manufacturing practices as determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Drug products marketed in the US typically have an expiration date that extends from 12 to 60 months from the time of manufacturer.

What is accelerated stability study Slideshare?

30. Accelerated stability Testing  Studies designed to increase the rate of chemical degradation or physical change(s) of a drug product by using exaggerated storage conditions with the purpose of monitoring degradation reactions.

What are the limitations of accelerated stability testing?

The following are some of these limitations: 1. High temperatures used in accelerated stabil- ity models may result in a change in pH of the reagent and consequently may result in stabili- zation or destabilization of analytes or active ingredients and inaccurate stability predictions.

What is shelf life specification?

shelf-life specifications applies to drug products only; it pertains to the establishment of more restrictive criteria for the release of a drug product than are applied to the shelf-life. Examples where this may be applicable include assay and impurity (degradation product) levels.

What is accelerated shelf life?

Accelerated shelf life can be defined as the storage of the food at controlled environments to accelerate the deterioration of the product without inducing new changes.

What is shelf life theory?

Shelf life is the length of time that a commodity may be stored without becoming unfit for use, consumption, or sale. In other words, it might refer to whether a commodity should no longer be on a pantry shelf (unfit for use), or just no longer on a supermarket shelf (unfit for sale, but not yet unfit for use).

Is shelf life the same as expiration date?

FACT: Shelf Life does NOT mean expiration date. FACT: A standard’s expiration date should never exceed 1 year. FACT: A standard’s expiration date and shelf life are two entirely different entities. Chemical stability is only one of many factors involved in defining expiration date and shelf life.

How much does shelf life testing cost?

A shelf life study for 1 product generally costs $1,200. Pricing does decrease if 1 study includes multiple varieties (flavors) of the same product. The following questionnaire should take about 20 minutes to complete.

What is Q10 shelf life?

A tool used in accelerated studies is “the rule of ten,” or Q10, which is the factor by which the rate of spoil-age increases when the temperature is raised by 10C. Q10 allows for the prediction of a product’s shelf life under real-life conditions based on the results of testing conducted at high temperatures.

Why do we do shelf life testing?

Why is shelf life testing important? By conducting food product shelf life testing, it helps you identify the causes of reduced shelf life and improve your products, processes and ultimately profitability. With accurate dates for your food products, you can ensure quality and safety for your consumers.

Do I need to do shelf life testing?

Shelf life testing is required to find out use by or best before date for a food product. … These quality attributes include colour, taste, texture, and flavour and quality for which you make claims, such as the freshness of the food.

Why shelf life testing is necessary?

The objective of most shelf life testing is to determine how rapidly microbiological, chemical and physical changes occur in the food during distribution and storage. Since different storage conditions accelerate some changes but not others, it helps to know what changes are likely to occur prior to testing.

Why stability testing is done?

The purpose of stability testing is to provide evidence on how the quality of a drug substance or drug product varies with time under the influence of a variety of environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light, and to establish a re-test period for the drug substance or a shelf life for the drug …

What are the types of stability testing methods?

Two common types of stability tests are real-time and accelerated. Real-time tests are accomplished by storing pharmaceutical products according to the recommended conditions and checking or monitoring the product until it fails.

How stability testing is done?

During a stability study, materials are stored at various temperature and humidity conditions and samples are pulled at predetermined time points and subjected to a battery of tests that may include: an identification test, assay, physical tests, microbiological limits, and preservative effectiveness testing, using …