A beggar is a poor person who asks others, or begs, for money or food. Another word for a beggar is a panhandler, although both terms are vaguely offensive. No one wants to be a beggar. Many people who are beggars are also homeless and haven’t been able to find jobs.

What does beggar all description mean?

chiefly British. used to talk about something that is very difficult to describe a plot so complex that it beggars description.

What is the synonym of beggar?

In this page you can discover 79 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for beggar, like: mendicant, scamp, fakir, pauperise, panhandler, moocher, freeloader, tramp, touch artist, indigent and down-and-outer.

What meaning beggars belief?

chiefly British. : to be unbelievable or not deserving to be believed : to defy belief It almost beggars belief that anyone can be so cruel.

How do you describe a beggar in a story?

A beggar is a poor man.He is dressed in torn clothes.He is untidy and un bathed. Some beggars have bandages on their limbs.

What is the sentence of beggar?

(1) The rich man waved the beggar away. (2) Don’t let that beggar in. (3) The beggar begged from the rich but they refused. (4) The beggar resorted to me for one dollar.

What does scalded mean in English?

: to burn (someone or something) with hot liquid or steam. : to put (something) in hot liquid or steam for a brief time. : to heat (a liquid) until it is very hot but not boiling.

What is a person who talks too much called?

A loquacious person talks a lot, often about stuff that only they think is interesting. You can also call them chatty or gabby, but either way, they’re loquacious.

What is the meaning of hitting below the belt?

See synonyms for hit below the belt on Thesaurus.com. To say something that is often too personal, usually irrelevant, and always unfair: To remind reformed alcoholics of their drinking problem is to hit below the belt. The expression comes from boxing, in which it is illegal to hit an opponent below the belt.

What is a positive word for begging?

What is another word for begging?

urgent earnest
positive hell-bent
gritty obsessed
bent upon sure
spunky dynamic

What is the opposite of a beggar?

beggar. Antonyms: exactor, extortioner. Synonyms: mendicant, petitioner, suitor, suppliant, applicant.

What is street beggar?

Whereas Street beggars are individuals, including children, elderly people, people with disabilities, and families, who normally beg or make their living from the streets or public spaces such as shopping areas, churches, and mosques by asking people for money and food (Namwata, Mgabo & Dimoso, 2012) . …

Why do we say beggars belief?

Meanings of Beggar Belief The phrase beggar belief means to defy or exceed the common beliefs or belief system, unbelievable or something that has crossed the believable standards. It also means that something is not worthy of belief or trust. The phrase is also used to describe an impoverished person.

What does it mean when beggars can’t be choosers?

Definition of beggars can’t be choosers used to say that people who need something should be satisfied with what they get even if it is not exactly what they wanted.

How do you use beggars belief in a sentence?

‘ ‘Why it simply beggars belief that such a thing could happen! ‘ ‘It beggars belief that anyone could do such a thing, let alone to a defensive pensioner going about her weekly business completely innocently.

What is the descriptive paragraph?

A descriptive paragraph is a collection of multiple sentences to convey a distinct message of a single person, place or thing. … A well-written descriptive paragraph pulls in all five senses to engage the reader. The use of smell, sight, touch, sound and taste in expressive language captivates the reader on many levels.

How would you describe beggar clothes?

The beggar wore an aged, tattered and torn windbreaker. The colour of his clothes were shop-worn and dirty. His hair was long and unkempt. He also wore a tight woollen cap to keep him warm during the cold nights on the street. … littered.

Slang Idioms
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What are the best adjectives to describe a girl?

What is begging sentence?

children begging strangers for food. children begging food from strangers He begged the doctor for medicine. She begged him to read the story again. He begged that she would forgive him. begging a favor of someone He’s too proud to beg.

What is the abstract noun of beggar?

Beggarhood is the abstract nouns for the word beggar.

What is subject and predicate?

Subject and Predicate. Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate tells something about the subject.

Whats the meaning of curdle?

1 : to form curds also : to congeal as if by forming curds a scream curdled in her throat. 2 : to go bad or wrong : spoil.

How do you scald milk?

How Do You Scald Milk Quickly?

  1. Add the cold milk to a wide, shallow, heavy bottomed saucepan. …
  2. Heat the saucepan over medium heat, stirring frequently.
  3. The milk is scalded with small bubbles appear around the outside of the saucepan, or the temperature registers 180 to 185 degrees F.

How do you spell Scalled?

  1. scald 2 / (skld) / noun. a variant spelling of skald.
  2. scald 3 / (skld) obsolete / adjective Also: scalled. scabby. noun. a scab or a skin disease producing scabs.
  3. scald. [ skld ]

What do you call someone who won’t shut up?

If someone’s always mouthing off and just can’t shut up, they’ve got logorrhea, a pathological inability to stop talking. … As its sound suggests, logorrhea is related to diarrhea an inability to stop something far more unpleasant from flowing.

What is it called when someone talks non stop?

Compulsive talking (or talkaholism) is talking that goes beyond the bounds of what is considered to be socially acceptable. … Studies have shown that most people who are talkaholics are aware of the amount of talking they do, are unable to stop, or do not see it as a problem.

What do you call a person that never stops talking?

A garrulous person just won’t stop talking (and talking, and talking, and talking…). Garrulous comes from the Latin word garrire for chattering or prattling. If someone is garrulous, he doesn’t just like to talk; he indulges in talking for talking’s sake whether or not there’s a real conversation going on.

Can’t hold a candle to mean?

If someone or something is just not as good enough when compared to another, it is said that it can’t hold a candle to the far superior, much better version…

What does it mean to have an AXE to grind?

phrase. If someone has an axe to grind, they are doing something for selfish reasons. [informal, disapproval] He seems like a decent bloke and I’ve got no axe to grind with him. [ + with]

Does every pie have a finger?

If you say that someone has a finger in every pie, you mean they are involved in a lot of things. He very much likes to have a finger in every pie.