belowground adj. Situated or occurring below the surface of the ground: belowground telephone cables.

What does it mean to portray something?

transitive verb. 1 : to make a picture of : depict. 2a : to describe in words. b : to play the role of : enact. Other Words from portray Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About portray.

What is the mean of Beneath?

1a : in or to a lower position than : below beneath the surface. b : directly under the ground beneath her feet. c : at the foot of a camp beneath a hill. 2 : not suitable to the rank of : unworthy of a job that is beneath his dignity. 3 : under the control, pressure, or influence of the chair sagged beneath his weight.

What does below ground mean?

: beneath the surface of the earth.

What is below ground biomass?

Definition: Below-Ground Biomass is one of seven key agriculture, forestry, and land-use carbon pools. It includes all living biomass of live roots. Fine roots of less than two mm diameter are often excluded because these often cannot be distinguished empirically from soil organic matter or litter.

What is a synonym for below ground?

Situated beneath the surface of the ground. underground. subterranean. subterraneous. basement.

What is character portrayal?

Actors portray characters too. … To portray a person is to show who that person is, giving a sense of their personality or character. Often, famous people don’t like how they’re portrayed. For example, Presidents usually hate how they’re portrayed in editorial cartoons.

What does it mean by characterize?

transitive verb. 1 : to describe the character (see character entry 1 sense 1a) or quality of characterizes him as ambitious. 2 : to be a characteristic of : distinguish an era characterized by greed.

What is the meaning of portray portray?

to make a likeness of by drawing, painting, carving, or the like. to depict in words; describe graphically. to represent dramatically, as on the stage: He portrayed Napoleon in the play.

What do cloudless mean?

clear : free from clouds : clear.

Where do we use beneath?

We use beneath most commonly to describe the position of things which are at a lower level than something else:

How do you talk beneath?

What is the difference between ground and underground?

is that underground is (label) below the ground; below the surface of the earth while belowground is beneath the surface of the ground; underground.

How is belowground biomass measured?

The monolith method is adopted for estimating root biomass below the depth of 30 cm and is mostly used in non-tree based land-use systems, such as grassland. The procedure involves cutting a monolith that is a large block of soil from a plot, separating the roots and weighing them.

What does tree biomass mean?

Tree biomass may be that of a single individual or all individuals occupying a unit of area. Since trees have a substantial moisture content (Chapter 1), weights may be either with (i.e., green) or without (i.e., oven-dry) moisture.

How is above ground biomass calculated?

Another way of estimating the above-ground forest biomass by non-destructive method is by climbing the tree to measure the various parts [27] or by simply measuring the diameter at breast height, height of the tree, volume of the tree and wood density [14] and calculate the biomass using allometric equations [28-30].

What is it called when you put something into the ground?

To place into the ground or soil to grow. sow. plant. seed. implant.

What is the synonym of sunken?

adj.depressed, hollowed; submerged.

What is actor portrayal?

An actor’s portrayal of a character in a play or movie is the way that he or she plays the character. … An artist’s portrayal of something is a drawing, painting, or photograph of it.

What are the 4 types of characters?

One way to classify characters is by examining how they change (or don’t change) over the course of a story. Grouped in this way by character development, character types include the dynamic character, the round character, the static character, the stock character, and the symbolic character.

What is the root word of portrayal?

portrayal Add to list Share. … You can also talk about the portrayal of an object or idea: Dorothea Lange’s photographs are an accurate portrayal of the Great Depression. The Old French word portraire, to draw or trace, is the root of portrayal.

What is the difference between character and Characterisation?

According to this paragraph, a character is a person in a story whereas characterization is a device used to create a character and make him or her seem vivid and real. A character is literally just a figure in a story whose actions drive the plot. … These elements make a character seem like a real person.

What is the British word of characterize?

verb. (also British characterise) [with object] 1Describe the distinctive nature or features of. ‘she characterized the period as the decade of revolution’

What is the British English of the word characterize?

characterize. verb [ T ] (UK usually characterise)

What is the adjective of portrayal?

portrayable. Capable of being portrayed.

How do you use portrayal in a sentence?

Portrayal sentence example. It was a poignant portrayal of the effects of a war that touched every aspect of society.

Whats the meaning of Personate?

transitive verb. 1a : impersonate, represent. b : to assume without authority and with fraudulent intent (some character or capacity) 2 : to invest with personality or personal characteristics personating their gods ridiculous, and themselves past shame John Milton.