It is used as a lingua franca, mainly in the gold, diamond, coal and copper mining industries in South Africa and to a lesser extent in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. … Fanagalo.

Linguasphere 99-AUT-fh

What language is Afrikaans derived from?

Dutch Afrikaans is a creole language that evolved during the 19th century under colonialism in southern Africa. This simplified, creolised language had its roots mainly in Dutch, mixed with seafarer variants of Malay, Portuguese, Indonesian and the indigenous Khoekhoe and San languages.

How did South African gold miners communicate?

Born in the darkness of South African gold mines during Apartheid, gumboot dancing sprung from the basic need for exploited miners to communicate in what was a harrowing environment, where they were forbidden to even speak to one another.

What does patois mean in French?

The term patois comes from Old French patois, ‘local or regional dialect’ (originally meaning ‘rough, clumsy or uncultivated speech’), possibly from the verb patoier, ‘to treat roughly’, from pate, ‘paw’ or pas toit meaning ‘not roof’ (homeless), from Old Low Franconian *patta, ‘paw, sole of the foot’ -ois.

Is pidgin a language?

The Oxford English Dictionary definition of Pidgin is: A language containing lexical and other features from two or more languages, characteristically with simplified grammar and a smaller vocabulary than the languages from which it is derived, used for communication between people not having a common language; a …

Are Afrikaans white?

Afrikaners make up approximately 5.2% of the total South African population, based upon the number of white South Africans who speak Afrikaans as a first language in the South African National Census of 2011. … Distribution.

Province Mpumalanga
Afrikaners 164,620
% Afrikaners 83.5%
All whites 197,078

Are Afrikaners friendly?

Afrikaners are, by nature, a friendly, loyal, and gregariousbut also no-nonsensebunch of people. The latter may be due to their Dutch heritage, a nation known for its straightforward manner. … They’re usually trusting, and their nature is to be generous and helpful when they can be.

Is Afrikaans a beautiful language?

Afrikaans is helluva nice language, he says. It is so expressive and flows so beautifully. You can’t say lekker my bru in any other way.

Where did gold originate in Africa?

South Africa is famous for its rich deposits of gold, the vast majority of which come from the Witwatersrand Basin, an underground geological formation believed to have once been the floor of a prehistoric sea where rivers deposited their sediments, forming gold and other minerals.

Who discovered the gold in South Africa?

Jan Gerrit Bantjes The first recorded discovery of gold was to have been found on the banks of Witwatersrand by Jan Gerrit Bantjes in June 1886; a defining moment in South African history. Gold, more so than diamonds; revolutionized South Africa from an agricultural society to become the largest gold-producer in the world.

Where was the first gold found?

Gold! On January 24, 1848, James W. Marshall discovered gold on the property of Johann A. Sutter near Coloma, California.

What do Jamaicans say a lot?

These are the top Jamaican sayings and phrases to use when you visit Jamaica:

What is broken French called?

Haitian Creole (Kreyl ayisyen) is spoken in Haiti by all of its 7 million people. It is also spoken in the Bahamas, Canada, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. (Ethnologue). … It is often incorrectly described as a French dialect or as broken French.

How do Jamaicans say hello?

Hail up Hi or Hello Mostly used by Jamaican men especially those practicing the Rastafarian faith.

What is Ebonics called now?

The more formal name for Ebonics is African American Vernacular English(AAVE). Supporters of AAVE claim that it has specific grammatical linguistic rules and is not a careless, lazy language where anything goes.

Is Tok Pisin a language?

It is one of the three official languages of Papua New Guinea, along with English and Hiri Motu. Tok Pisin (literally, bird talk) is one of the Pacific pidgins that emerged during the second half of the 19th century on copra and sugarcane plantations to which labour was imported from Melanesia, Malaysia, and China.

Is pidgin and creole the same?

What is the difference between pidgin and creole? In a nutshell, pidgins are learned as a second language in order to facilitate communication, while creoles are spoken as first languages. Creoles have more extensive vocabularies than pidgin languages and more complex grammatical structures.

Where do Coloureds come from?

Coloureds are to be mostly found in the western part of South Africa. In Cape Town, they form 45.4% of the total population, according to the South African National Census of 2011. The apartheid-era Population Registration Act, 1950 and subsequent amendments, codified the Coloured identity and defined its subgroups.

Why is ZA used for South Africa?

None of the official names for South Africa can be abbreviated to ZA, which is an abbreviation of the Dutch Zuid-Afrika. Dutch was considered an official language in the Union of South Africa until 1961; it subsequently lost its synonymous status with Afrikaans in 1983.

What is the difference between Boers and Afrikaners?

Afrikaner directly translated means African, and thus refers to all Afrikaans-speaking people in Africa who have their origins in the Cape Colony founded by Jan Van Riebeeck. Boer is a specific group within the larger Afrikaans-speaking population. … This usage is often viewed as pejorative in contemporary South Africa.

Does Bantu believe in apartheid?

South African Bantu-speaking peoples are the majority of Black South Africans. … The Oxford Dictionary of South African English describes its contemporary usage in a racial context as obsolescent and offensive because of its strong association with white minority rule with their Apartheid system.

What is considered rude in Africa?

Pointing At Things Pointing at something or someone with the index finger is usually considered rude or just straight offensive it’s not something you want to do.

Why did the Boers hate the British?

The British attempted to force the Boers to change their way of life. In 1834 they abolished slavery, an act the Boers resented because they believed (as did many others of European descent) that God had established a hierarchy of being in which white Christians were superior to people of indigenous races.

How do you say my love in South Africa?

Valentine’s Day: How to say I love you in all 11 official languages of South Africa:

  1. Afrikaans: Ek is lief vir jou or ek het jou lief.
  2. English: I love you (for those who were struggling).
  3. Ndebele: Niyakutanda.
  4. Sepedi: Ke a go rata.
  5. Sesotho: Ke a go rata.
  6. Siswati: Ngiyakutsandza.
  7. Tshonga: Ndzakurhandza.

How do you say darling in South Africa?

Hartlam (hart-lam) / darling.

What is the most attractive language in the world?

The Beauty Of Languages

Why is gold always valuable?

The metal is abundant enough to create coins but rare enough so that not everyone can produce them. Gold doesn’t corrode, providing a sustainable store of value, and humans are physically and emotionally drawn to it. Societies and economies have placed value on gold, thus perpetuating its worth.

Can you ship gold from Africa to USA?

Gold coins, medals, and bullion may be brought into the U.S. However, under regulations administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, such items originating in or brought from, Cuba, Iran, and Sudan* are prohibited entry.

Which country is the largest producer of gold?

China 1. China 368.3 tonnes. For many years, China has been the top producing nation, accounting for 11 percent of global mine production.