It is a little better known in the US, where the behoove spelling is standard. British pundits and politicians feel that the occasional behove adds a statesmanlike and elevated air to their utterances, though they risk sounding old-fashioned and pompous.

What does Behoves mean?

If it behoves you to do something, it is right, necessary, or useful for you to do it. [formal] It behoves us to think of these dangers. [ VERB noun to-infinitive] Synonyms: be fitting, benefit, be necessary, be wise More Synonyms of behove.

How do you use behove in a sentence?

be appropriate or necessary.

  1. It behoves us to help the needy.
  2. It behoves us to think of these dangers.
  3. Perseverance is a quality that behoves in a scientist.
  4. It behoves us to study these findings carefully.
  5. It ill behoves her to criticize her colleagues.
  6. It would behove you to take better care of your health.

Is behoove rude?

it is right for someone to do something: It ill behoves you to (= you should not) speak so rudely of your parents. Want to learn more?

What is the meaning of antiquity?

1 : ancient times especially : those before the Middle Ages a town that dates from antiquity. 2 : the quality of being ancient a castle of great antiquity. 3 antiquities plural. a : relics or monuments (such as coins, statues, or buildings) of ancient times a museum of Greek antiquities.

Where does the word behove come from?

behofian Behoove comes from the Old English word behofian, which means to be of use.

What does it mean when someone says it behooves me?

: to be necessary, proper, or advantageous for it behooves us to go. intransitive verb. : to be necessary, fit, or proper.

Does not behove meaning?

/bhuv/) it behoves sb to do sth. it is right for someone to do something: It ill behoves you to (= you should not) speak so rudely of your parents.

What is a win fall?

1 : something (such as a tree or fruit) blown down by the wind. 2 : an unexpected, unearned, or sudden gain or advantage. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About windfall.

How do you use belittle in a sentence?

Belittle sentence example

  1. It is against the rules for students to belittle each other. …
  2. Just make sure you don’t order her around or belittle her, Katie ordered. …
  3. A good way to hurt someone’s confidence is to belittle their hard work.

Can ill afford meaning?

: to be unable to afford : to be unable to do (something) without having problems or being seriously harmed She bought a new car, which she could ill afford. We can ill afford more bad publicity.

Is Behoven a word? To be necessary or proper for: It behooves you at least to try. To be necessary or proper. [Middle English behoven, from Old English behfian; see kap- in Indo-European roots.]

Does behoove mean confused?

Very confusing. I behoove you to do something. I hear it very, very rarely, and it’s usually used to mean, beg, urge, request.

What do you mean by remission?

1 : the act or process of remitting. 2 : a state or period during which something is remitted.

What part of speech is behoove?

verb (used with object), behooved, behooving. to be necessary or proper for, as for moral or ethical considerations; be incumbent on: It behooves the court to weigh evidence impartially.

Is simultaneity a real word?

Simultaneity (music), more than one complete musical texture occurring at the same time, rather than in succession.

Is the Bible a book of antiquity?

The Bible is the most copied book of antiquity. It has been translated into its present form directly from the original languages from a vast supply of ancient manuscripts sifted by the best minds and most competent scholars of our day and of many prior generations.

What does an electorate mean?

Electorate may refer to: The people who are eligible to vote in an election, especially their number e.g. the term size of (the) electorate. The dominion of a Prince-elector in the Holy Roman Empire until 1806. An electoral district or constituency, the geographic area of a particular election.

What is the literal meaning of behove?

be necessary / (bhv) / verb. (tr; impersonal) archaic to be necessary or fitting forit behoves me to arrest you.

What is an incumbent?

The incumbent is the current holder of an office or position, usually in relation to an election. For example, in an election for president, the incumbent is the person holding or acting in the office of president before the election, whether seeking re-election or not.

When was the word behoove invented?

behoof (n.) c.1200, use, benefit, advantage, from Old English *bihof advantage, utility (implied by bihoflic useful, and compare behoove), from Proto-Germanic *bi-hof that which binds, requirement, obligation (source also of Old Frisian.

How do you use the word behooves?

verb (used with object), behooved, behooving. to be necessary or proper for, as for moral or ethical considerations; be incumbent on: It behooves the court to weigh evidence impartially. to be worthwhile to, as for personal profit or advantage: It would behoove you to be nicer to those who could help you.

What is the antonym of behoove?

What is the opposite of behoove?

have hold
halt lose
offer refuse
reply repress

Is incumbent upon?

: necessary as a duty for (someone) It is incumbent on us to help.

What does play the second fiddle mean?

: one that plays a supporting or subservient role.

Is Injunct a word?

verb. Issue a legal injunction against.

What does at the behest mean?

1 : an authoritative order : command The meeting was called at the senator’s behest.

Why is it called windfall?

First used in the fifteenth century, the word windfall originally referred to fruit that the wind blew from the trees. … The word eventually came to mean any unexpected and easily-gained good fortune, typically one involving money, such as the windfall profit from a lucky stock purchase.

What is set somebody back?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishset somebody/something back phrasal verb1 set somebody/something back to delay the progress or development of something, or delay someone from finishing something Environmental experts said the move would set back further research.

What does windfall mean in legal terms?

Windfall Profit is a profit that occurs suddenly as a result of an event not controlled by the company or person realizing the gain from the event. They can occur due to unforeseen circumstances in a product’s market, such as unexpected demand or government regulation.