It is very disrespectful to simply call them beggars. If you don’t want to give you don’t.

What is the synonym of beggar?

In this page you can discover 79 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for beggar, like: mendicant, scamp, fakir, pauperise, panhandler, moocher, freeloader, tramp, touch artist, indigent and down-and-outer.

What do you mean by the term of beggar?

noun. a person who begs alms or lives by begging. a penniless person. a wretched fellow; rogue: the surly beggar who collects the rents.

What is a female beggar called?

nounplural noun beggarwomen. dated. A woman, typically a homeless one, who lives by asking for money or food. ‘the local beggarwoman accosts every passer-by for small change’

What is the sentence of beggar?

(1) The rich man waved the beggar away. (2) Don’t let that beggar in. (3) The beggar begged from the rich but they refused. (4) The beggar resorted to me for one dollar.

Which country has most number of beggars?

1. Manila, Philippines. The most homeless city in the world is Manila, Philippines with 3.1 million people, with 70,000 of them being children. Homelessness is a large problem across all of the Philippines with one-fourth of the the overall population living in poverty.

What is the opposite of a beggar?

beggar. Antonyms: exactor, extortioner. Synonyms: mendicant, petitioner, suitor, suppliant, applicant.

What is a positive word for begging?

What is another word for begging?

urgent earnest
positive hell-bent
gritty obsessed
bent upon sure
spunky dynamic

What is the synonym of poor?

OTHER WORDS FOR poor 1 needy, indigent, impoverished, destitute, penniless, poverty-stricken, necessitous, straitened. 5 meager. 6 unsatisfactory, shabby. 7 sterile, barren, unfruitful, unproductive. 8 thin, skinny, meager, gaunt.

Who is beggar in the world?

1. Bharat Jain. He is a 49-year old man who started begging our of the Parel region of Mumbai.

What’s another word for panhandling?

What is another word for panhandling?

begging bumming
freeloading hustling
mooching scrounging
sponging asking alms
hitting up holding out one’s hand

Where does beggars belief come from?

Origin of Beggar Belief The phrase beggar belief seems to have originated in the 16th century from the word beggar but it has occurred in The Scheme and Completion of Prophecy which was published in 1830. It is stated that John Whitely used this phrase in this book to deny Biblical studies.

Why do people beg?

They estimate that 80 per cent of people begging do so to support a drug habit. … But we know that many people who are begging have accommodation, and the money will often be used to buy drugs or alcohol, not food or shelter.

What is a seer person?

1 : one that sees. 2a : one that predicts events or developments. b : a person credited with extraordinary moral and spiritual insight. 3 : one that practices divination especially by concentrating on a glass or crystal globe.

What is a wandering beggar called?

gaberlunzie in American English (gbrlnzi ; gbrlunji ) noun. a wandering beggar.

How do you use beggar in a sentence?

beggar (all) description proverb To defy attempts at description; to be difficult or impossible to describe or explain. My mother loves decorating for Christmas, so during the holidays, her house is fit for Santa himself.It truly beggars description.My boss’s incompetence is astounding.

How do you use Beg in a sentence?

Beg sentence example

  1. I beg your pardon. …
  2. If I want anything, I won’t beg –I’ll take it! …
  3. I beg you to excuse me… …
  4. She tried to look towards Gerry and silently beg him to help her. …
  5. No, I beg you to attend to the business. …
  6. I beg you to forgive me.

What is the abstract noun of beggar?

Beggarhood is the abstract nouns for the word beggar.

Are there beggars in Pakistan?

It is almost impossible to find a street without beggars in Pakistan. As per current estimates there are between five and 25 million beggars in Pakistan, which would be approximately 2.5 to 11 percent of our total population. … Unfortunately, the mafias that control the street beggars have remained operational.

Who is the richest beggar in India?

Bharat Jain Bharat Jain mostly works in the Parel region in Mumbai. Apart from owning two apartments valued at 70 lakhs each. According to Patrika’s report, he supposedly earns nearly Rs 75,000 a month.

Who is richest beggar in the world?

Here is the list of the richest beggars in the world.

What does it mean when beggars can’t be choosers?

Definition of beggars can’t be choosers used to say that people who need something should be satisfied with what they get even if it is not exactly what they wanted.

What is a impoverish?

transitive verb. 1 : to make poor. 2 : to deprive of strength, richness, or fertility by depleting or draining of something essential.

What is the opposite word of King?

(general or benevolent) Opposite of a person of high rank, status, power, or influence. queen. dame. duchess. empress.

How do you say I beg you formally?


  1. implore. `Tell me what to do!’ …
  2. beseech. She beseeched him to take more exercise.
  3. desire (formal) His Majesty desires me to make his wishes known to you.
  4. request. They requested him to leave.
  5. pray. They prayed for help.
  6. petition. She is petitioning to regain ownership of the business.
  7. conjure (formal)
  8. crave (informal)

What is a fancy word for tired?

fatigued, limp, played out, tuckered (out), worn-out.

Is begging demanding?

is that beg is to request the help of someone, often in the form of money while demand is to request forcefully.

Who are the poors?

A poor person is an individual who does not have the provisions or financial capabilities to fulfill the minimum essential necessities of life. Street cobblers, push-cart vendors, rag pickers, flower sellers, beggars, and vendors are some kinds of poor and weak groups in urban neighbourhoods.

How do you say poor people in a nice way?

Disadvantaged might be more PC. Are you looking for an adjective that describes their living conditions or a noun to call this person? Noun to call this person, @Mari-LouA. A pauper is one of the poor.

What is the strongest word for poor?
