1 : obvious to the eye or mind conspicuous changes The bird has a conspicuous red head. 2 : attracting attention : striking a conspicuous success His absence was conspicuous. 3 : marked by a noticeable violation of good taste.

What is another word for conspicuously?

Some common synonyms of conspicuous are noticeable, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, salient, and striking.

What does conspicuously displayed mean?

Conspicuously displayed means posted inside the permanent building in an area which is most likely to be visited by consumers and posted in a manner which allows the consumer to easily read and copy from the license.

What does the word distinct?

distinct, separate, discrete mean not being each and every one the same. distinct indicates that something is distinguished by the mind or eye as being apart or different from others. two distinct versions separate often stresses lack of connection or a difference in identity between two things.

What does conspicuously absent mean?

It means the person or thing wasn’t there and it was noticed or noticeable. For example, if you do not show up to your job, your boss will probably notice that you weren’t there. You would be conspicuously absent from work. See a translation.

What does the Latin phrase et al mean?

and others One of these is the Latin phrase et al., an abbreviation meaning and others. It is used to shorten lists of author names in text citations to make repeated referencing shorter and simpler.

What is a conspicuous person?

(knspkyus ) adjective. If someone or something is conspicuous, people can see or notice them very easily.

What does mercurial man mean?

Mercurial describes someone whose mood or behavior is changeable and unpredictable, or someone who is clever, lively, and quick. With a mercurial teacher, you never know where you stand.

What is corn specious good?

Definition: Conspicuous consumption is the practice of purchasing goods or services to publicly display wealth rather than to cover basic needs. … The term ‘Conspicuous consumption’ was first coined by American economist Thorstein Veblen in his 1889 book, The Theory of the Leisure Class.

Is conspicuousness a word?

The quality or state of being prominent; a standing out from something; conspicuousness.

How do you read conspicuous?

What does Con specious mean?

adjective. apparently good or right though lacking real merit; superficially pleasing or plausible: specious arguments. pleasing to the eye but deceptive.

What is distinct example?

The definition of distinct is separate from or different from. An example of distinct is an identity separate from that of your twin.

What does distinct mean sentence?

clearly or sharply defined to the mind. 1. It is necessary to keep these two issues distinct. 2. The two concepts are quite distinct .

What is the best synonym for distinct?

Synonyms & Antonyms of distinct

What does stifle mean in the dictionary?

to quell, crush, or end by force: to stifle a revolt; to stifle free expression. to suppress, curb, or withhold: to stifle a yawn. to kill by impeding respiration; smother. verb (used without object), stifled, stifling. to suffer from difficulty in breathing, as in a close atmosphere.

What does it mean to be green with envy?

: very envious They were green with envy over the neighbors’ new boat.

What is the root word of absent?

state of not being present, late 14c., from Old French absence absence (14c.), from Latin absentia, abstract noun from absentem (nominative absens), present participle of abesse be away from, be absent, from ab off, away from (see ab-) + esse to be (from PIE root *es- to be).

Is it rude to use et al?

Dear and hello are warm, positive words. Et al., the abbreviation of et alii, is about as friendly as a flu shot. They don’t fit well together. The use of et al. is not standard in greetings, so people will stumble over it, wondering whether they missed an important new rule somewhere.

When can I use et al?

The abbreviation et al. (meaning and others) is used to shorten in-text citations with three or more authors. Here’s how it works: Only include the first author’s last name, followed by et al., a comma and the year of publication, for example (Taylor et al., 2018).

How do you use et al in referencing?

If the work has four or more authors/editors the abbreviation ‘et al. ‘ should be used after the first author’s name. It is also acceptable to use ‘et al. ‘ after the first author if the work has three authors.

What does conspicuous mean in medical terms?

conspicuity (kon’spi-ky’i-t), The visibility of a structure of interest on a radiograph, a function of the inherent contrast of the structure and the complexity (noise) of the surrounding image.

What is the opposite of conspicuous?

Opposite of obvious or clearly noticeable. inconspicuous. unnoticeable. unnoticed. obscure.

What does a meddling person mean?

A meddlesome person gets in your business in a way that’s totally annoying. In other words, they meddle. Respect people’s privacy by not being meddlesome. In Yiddish, the word yenta is used for people who interfere in other people’s business. A defining quality of the yenta is that they’re meddlesome.

What is mercurial temper?

adjective. If you describe someone as mercurial, you mean that they frequently change their mind or mood without warning. [literary] …his mercurial temperament. Synonyms: capricious, volatile, unpredictable, erratic More Synonyms of mercurial.

What is mercurial energy?

Energy marks the Mercurial style. These individuals are lively, creative, busy, and engaging. They show initiative and can stir others to activity. Open mind. They are imaginative and curious, willing to experience and experiment with other cultures, roles, and value systems and to follow new paths.

What does pliant flexibility mean?

English Language Learners Definition of pliant : able to bend without breaking : flexible.

Why do people consume conspicuously?

According to Veblen’s theory, people consume conspicuously for two main reasons to be recognized by their peers and to achieve a higher social status in society. Both factors are a reflection of the culture and social or economic class that the consumers reside in.

What’s frigid mean?

intensely cold 1a : intensely cold frigid water. b : lacking warmth or ardor : indifferent had an emotionally frigid father. 2 : lacking imaginative qualities : insipid writing precise and frigid poetry. 3a : abnormally averse to sexual intercourse used especially of women.

Is conspicuous consumption good?

Because the activity of conspicuous consumption, itself, is a form of superior good, diminishing the income inequality of the income distribution by way of an egalitarian policy reduces the conspicuous consumption of positional goods and services.