Cojoin Definition of Cojoin by Merriam-Webster.

Is it conjoint or conjoined?

Usage notes Conjoint’ is often used, but ‘ conjoined is the preferred usage.

What is the synonym of conjoined?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for conjoined. fused,joined,linked, united.

What is a conjoined phrase?

Conjoined noun phrases e.g. the dog and the cat always involve at least two conjuncts that each have their own set of morphosyntactic features. Still, conjoined noun phrases must control agreement on agreement targets that can only have one set of features.

Are there conjoined triplets?

It is unique, nevertheless, in respect to the way the 3 fetuses were united. In a previous review of the literature, only 3 cases of true conjoined triplets have been found. However, all 3 cases occurred in the 19th or early 20th century.

What is to amalgamate mean?

transitive verb. : to unite in or as if in an amalgam especially : to merge into a single body They amalgamated the hospital with the university.

What is a conjoint?

1 : united, conjoined. 2 : related to, made up of, or carried on by two or more in combination : joint.

Can Siamese twins be separated?

Both children may have all the organs and other structures they need. They may share some structures or vital organs, like a heart. It may not be possible to separate the twins in all cases. Their bodies may be able to support both their lives, or it may be hard for 1 or both to survive because of health problems.

What does conjoint mean in music?

‘ ‘Today’s students commonly do a conjoint degree – the equivalent of two degrees at once, but with the work crammed into four years instead of six. ‘ ‘A conjoint folk musical element is a looseness, an improvisational openness that enlivens every track. ‘

What is Amagameted?

verb (used with object), amalgamated, amalgamating. to mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine: to amalgamate two companies. … verb (used without object), amalgamated, amalgamating. to combine, unite, merge, or coalesce: The three schools decided to amalgamate.

What were conjoined twins originally called?

Due to the popularity of their exhibition and their origin from Siam (later called Thailand), they became known as the Siamese twins, a term that was used to describe conjoined twins in general until the twentieth century.

What is the difference between joined and conjoined?

Key Difference: Joined is used to refer to a link or a connection. Conjoined is also described as a synonym to Joined, specifically in the form of ‘joined together’. … Conjoined is often used in context to conjoined twins; two babies that are born physically connected to each other.

Are is conjunction?

What is a conjunction? Conjunctions are words that join together other words or groups of words. A coordinating conjunction connects words, phrases, and clauses of equal importance. The main coordinating conjunctions are and, or, and but.

Can a boy and a girl be conjoined twins?

Conjoined twins, whose skin and internal organs are fused together, are rare. … As they come from the same egg, conjoined twins are genetically identical and always the same sex. Despite this, the surgeon at Sadar Hospital maintains in this case the twins could be of different genders.

Can one conjoined twin sleep?

For the first time, conjoined twins Abby and Erin Delaney can sleep in separate beds. The 10-month-old girls from North Carolina were born connected at the head, an extremely rare condition.

What is 9 babies at once called?

A Simple Chart of Multiple Birth Terms

Number of Babies Term Used
6 Sextuplets
7 Septuplets
8 Octuplets
9 Nonuplets

What is ambivalence?

Ambivalence is a state of having simultaneous conflicting reactions, beliefs, or feelings towards some object. … The term also refers to situations where mixed feelings of a more general sort are experienced, or where a person experiences uncertainty or indecisiveness.

What does coalescence mean?

coalesce koh-uh-LESS verb. 1 : to grow together. 2 a : to unite into a whole : fuse. b : to unite for a common end : join forces. 3 : to arise from the combination of distinct elements.

What does Reating mean?

n a sharp scolding or rebuke.

What is MaxDiff research?

Definition: MaxDiff analysis, also known as the best-worst scaling is an analytic approach used to gauge survey respondents preference score for different items. … Researchers ask the respondents to pick the most and least important factors in given answer options.

How does a conjoint study work?

Conjoint analysis works by asking users to directly compare different features to determine how they value each one. When a company understands how its customers value its products or services’ features, it can use the information to develop its pricing strategy.

How do you create a conjoint study?

Conjoint design involves four different steps: Determine the type of study. …

  1. Determine the type of study. …
  2. Identify the relevant attributes. …
  3. Specify the attributes’ levels. …
  4. Design questionnaire.

How do conjoined twins use the bathroom?

For example, the Hensel sisters share a single lower body. They would go to the bathroom like anybody else. Others may have an issue where one of the twins is in an uncomfortable position while the other is on the toilet.

What do conjoined twins do when one dies?

Eric Strauch, a pediatric surgeon at the University of Maryland Hospital for Children, says simply, They die. Once the dead twin’s heart stops, he adds, the blood stops pumping, the vessels dilate, and the conjoined twin will essentially bleed into the dead twin.

What is Omphalopagus?

Omphalopagus twins are conjoined twins sharing part of gastrointestinal system and abdominal wall. These types of twins have best chances of survival if successfully separated.

What does Thick and Thin mean?

: every difficulty and obstacle used especially in the phrase through thick and thin was loyal through thick and thin.

What is a bachelor’s conjoint?

A conjoint degree is when you study for two bachelors degrees at the same time. However, you don’t have to take some courses from one or both of the full degree schedules. This makes the conjoint shorter than the double degree. A double degree is when you study for two full bachelor degrees at the same time.

What is conjoint psychotherapy?

therapy in which the partners in a relationship or members of a family are treated together in joint sessions by one or more therapists, instead of being treated separately.