not cautious; careless; reckless; heedless. What does incautious mean in English?
: lacking in caution : careless an incautious remark. Other Words from incautious Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About incautious.

What does it mean when someone is ebullient?

Someone who is ebullient is bubbling over with enthusiasm, so it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that the adjective ebullient derives from the Latin verb ebullire, which means to bubble out. (The stem bullire is an ancestor of our word boil and derives from bulla, the Latin word for bubble.) In its earliest known … What is a inattentive?
: not attentive : not paying attention. Other Words from inattentive Example Sentences Learn More About inattentive.

Is incautious an adjective?

INCAUTIOUS (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary. What is the similar word of extremely bad in the text?

Horrible is popularly used to mean extremely bad—awful, dreadful, or horrendous.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is Infectious a real word?

adj. Capable of causing infection.

What is a roguish?

adjective. playfully mischievous: a roguish smile. pertaining to, characteristic of, or acting like a rogue; knavish or unscrupulous.

What does Bumptiously mean?

: presumptuously, obtusely, and often noisily self-assertive : obtrusive.

What does indiscreet mean in English?

: not having or showing good judgment : revealing things that should not be revealed He is indiscreet about his friend’s secrets. Other Words from indiscreet. indiscreetly adverb.

What does it mean to be witless?

What does ebullient mood mean?

overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited: The award winner was in an ebullient mood at the dinner in her honor.

How do you use ebullient in a sentence?

Ebullient in a Sentence

  1. The ebullient song was so uplifting that I danced in my chair.
  2. Because my Uncle Jake has an ebullient personality, he is a great circus clown.
  3. Jack always felt ebullient after drinking his morning coffee. …
  4. After being stranded in the airport for eight hours, we were far from ebullient.

What does ebullience mean in Lord of the Flies?

ebullience. eager enjoyment or approval. Then, with the martyred expression of a parent who has to keep up with the senseless ebullience of the children, he picked up the conch…

What is the sentence of inattentive?

Inattentive sentence example You were only inattentive , but you had talent–oh yes, you had talent! A doctor should be called when a person becomes confused, drowsy, or inattentive . Belle was sleepy, and Mildred inattentive . What if the toddler was defiant or inattentive to the sitter’s directions?

What does the apathetic mean?

: affected by, characterized by, or displaying apathy : having or showing little or no interest, concern, or emotion apathetic voters apathetic indifference an apathetic attitude/response It’s really easy to feel apathetic about politics and forget how much they affect our daily lives.—

What does overbearing mean in English?

1a : tending to overwhelm : overpowering had to deal with his overbearing mother. b : decisively important : dominant didn’t think it was the overbearing consideration here— J. S. Cooper. 2 : harshly and haughtily arrogant the mayor’s overbearing manner of dealing with employees.

What does injudicious mean in English?

: not judicious : indiscreet, unwise injudicious outbursts.

What is a better word for evil?

OTHER WORDS FOR evil 1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

Is terribleness a word?

adj. 1. Causing great fear or alarm; dreadful: a terrible bolt of lightning; a terrible curse.

What’s another word for not good?

What is another word for not good?

bad terrible
awful dreadful
lousy poor
atrocious cheap
crummy abysmal

What does Infectuous mean?

(of a disease or disease-causing organism) likely to be transmitted to people, organisms, etc., through the environment. translation of ‘infectuous’ adjective. സാംകമികമായ There are also some major ‘infectious’ diseases for which vaccinations have not been developed.

What does infectious mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of infectious 1 : producing or capable of producing infection bacteria and other infectious agents …

What is the difference between infectious and contagious?

Some — but not all — infectious diseases spread directly from one person to another. Infectious diseases that spread from person to person are said to be contagious. Some infections spread to people from an animal or insect, but are not contagious from another human.

What does roguishly handsome mean?

in a mischievous manner naughtily.

What mean waggish?

1 : resembling or characteristic of a wag a waggish friend a waggish prose style. 2 : done or made in waggery or for sport : humorous waggish spoofs of popular songs.

What does roguishly mean in the outsiders?

roguishly. dishonest; mischieviously; naughty. hesitation. to be reluctant or undecided.

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