a joint capsule or articular capsule is an envelope surrounding a synovial joint. Each joint capsule has two parts: an outer fibrous layer or membrane, and an inner synovial layer or membrane.

What is the long term lengthening of connective tissue called?

What are the yellow fibers that make connective tissue flexible? … What is the long-term lengthening of connective tissues called? plastic elongation. Which of the following results from poor posture?

Is described as a structural malformation of the spine in which the posterior portion of the spine fails to close during the first three months of pregnancy?

Spina bifida (Latin for split spine; SB) is a birth defect in which there is incomplete closing of the spine and the membranes around the spinal cord during early development in pregnancy.

What is an enclosed cavity filled with fluid that prevents friction on moving parts?

The structure of a synovial joint allows for the absorption of shock during movements and prevents bones from coming into direct contact. This joint is distinguishable from other types of joints because the synovial joint contains a fluid-filled enclosed cavity called a joint cavity.

What are joint capsules?

The joint capsule resembles a sac-like envelope that forms a sleeve around the synovial joint and encloses its cavity. The joint capsule is a dense fibrous connective tissue that is attached to the bones via specialized attachment zones at the end of each involved bone.

What is the articular capsule quizlet?

A two layered capsule that encloses a joint. made of a fibrous capsule and a synovial membrane. What are the two layers of an articular capsule? Part of the articular capsule, it is composed of dense irregular connective tissue.

What is isometric stretching?

Isometric stretching is a type of static stretching (meaning it does not use motion) which involves the resistance of muscle groups through isometric contractions (tensing) of the stretched muscles (see section Types of Muscle Contractions).

What is muscle stretching?

Stretching is a form of physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon (or muscle group) is deliberately flexed or stretched in order to improve the muscle’s felt elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone. The result is a feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion.

What is an example of an isometric contraction?

Isometric contraction occurs when muscle length remains relatively constant as tension is produced. For example, during a biceps curl, holding the dumbbell in a constant/static position rather than actively raising or lowering it is an example of isometric contraction.

Which of the following refers to malformation of the spinal cord before birth?

A myelomeningocele (pronounced my-elo-men-IN-go-seal) is a defect of the backbone (spine) and spinal cord. Before birth, the baby’s spine, the spinal cord and the spinal canal do not form or close normally. A myelomeningocele is the most serious form of spina bifida.

Is spina bifida anterior or posterior?

Spina bifida generally occurs as a failure of the posterior neuropore to close. Spina bifida occulta is the mildest form of spina bifida and is defined as an incomplete fusion of the posterior arch of the vertebrae.

What does Hydrosyringomyelia mean?

Syringomyelia cyst (syrinx) in the spinal cord Syringomyelia (sih-ring-go-my-E-lee-uh) is the development of a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) within your spinal cord. Over time, the cyst can enlarge, damaging your spinal cord and causing pain, weakness and stiffness, among other symptoms.

What is fibrous capsule?

Fibrous capsules are composed of thick fibrous connective tissue, which forms a protective sleeve around the joint. The capsule is attached to the bones forming the synovial joint at specific zones. The fibrous capsule is found in different thicknesses, depending on the amount of stress to which it is exposed.

What is the inside lining of a joint capsule?

The synovium, which is also sometimes called the stratum synoviale or synovial stratum, is connective tissue that lines the inside of the joint capsule. A joint capsule, also called an articular capsule, is a bubble-like structure that surrounds joints such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, knee, foot and ankle.

What is composed of hyaline cartilage and reduces friction between bones involved in a joint?

The bones of a synovial joint are covered by a layer of hyaline cartilage that lines the epiphyses of joint ends of bone with a smooth, slippery surface that does not bind them together. This articular cartilage functions to absorb shock and reduce friction during movement.

Which are parts of a joint capsule?

In anatomy, a joint capsule or articular capsule is an envelope surrounding a synovial joint. Each joint capsule has two parts: an outer fibrous layer or membrane, and an inner synovial layer or membrane.

What is the synovial capsule?

: the completely closed cavity containing synovial fluid formed by the smooth cartilages covering the articular surfaces of the bones and the surrounding joint capsulein freely movable joints.

What is capsule in cartilage?

The layer of matrix that forms the innermost portion of the wall of a lacuna enclosing a single cell or a group of cartilage cells. It is basophilic. See also: capsule.

Are joint capsules yellow fibers?

Elastic fibres, consisting of the protein elastin, are yellow in colour and much thinner and less wavy than collagen fibres. … Elastic fibres make up some of the connective tissue fibres of ligaments, joint capsules, fascia and connective tissue sheaths.

What is a synovial joint quizlet?

Synovial joints. have a small synovial cavity between the two bones that permits a greater amount of movement than fibrous or cartilaginous joints. Majority of the joints in the human body. Dense fibrous connective tissue. found on the exterior of the joint; holds the bones together.

What is the function of the fibrous layer of the articular capsule of a synovial joint quizlet?

Function- The fibrous capsule helps to strengthen the joint, while the synovial membrane lines the joint and secretes synovial fluid. Thin layer of glassy-smooth cartilage that is quite spongy and covers the end of bones at joint. You just studied 8 terms!

What is an eccentric stretch?

In an eccentric contraction a muscle resists the stretching load. In so doing, the attached cross bridges are themselves stretched, adding to the overall tension such that the force produced by the muscle is greater than the isometric strength of the muscle.

What is physical flexibility?

Flexibility is the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion. … The range of motion will be influenced by the mobility of the soft tissues that surround the joint. These soft tissues include: muscles, ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, and skin.

What is Slideshare stretching?

DEFINITION • Stretching is a general term used to describe any therapeutic maneuver designed to increase the extensibility of soft tissues, thereby improving flexibility by elongating (lengthening) structures that have adaptively shortened and have become hypomobile over time.

What are the 3 types of stretching?

When it comes to stretching, there are three main techniques: static, dynamic, and ballistic stretching.

What is stretch reflex?

The stretch reflex or myotatic reflex refers to the contraction of a muscle in response to its passive stretching by increasing its contractility as long as the stretch is within physiological limits.

What is an example of ballistic stretching?

An example of ballistic stretching is reaching over to touch your toes and bouncing to increase the range. This type of stretching is rarely recommended due to the injury possibilities and no beneficial effect over other, safer, forms of stretching such as PNF and dynamic stretches.

What is a isometric contraction?

Isometric exercises are contractions of a particular muscle or group of muscles. During isometric exercises, the muscle doesn’t noticeably change length and the affected joint doesn’t move. Isometric exercises help maintain strength. They can also build strength, but not effectively.

What is isometric and isotonic contraction?

Isometric: A muscular contraction in which the length of the muscle does not change. isotonic: A muscular contraction in which the length of the muscle changes. eccentric: An isotonic contraction where the muscle lengthens. concentric: An isotonic contraction where the muscle shortens.

What are isometric muscles?

An isometric contraction is a muscle contraction without motion. Isometric contractions are used to stabilize a joint, such as when a weight is held at waist level neither raising nor lowering it.