What are morphometric traits?

Morphometrics can be used to quantify a trait of evolutionary significance, and by detecting changes in the shape, deduce something of their ontogeny, function or evolutionary relationships. A major objective of morphometrics is to statistically test hypotheses about the factors that affect shape.

What are morphometric measurements?

Morphometrics (from Greek morph, meaning ‘shape’ or ‘form’, and metra, meaning ‘measurement’) refers to the quantitative analysis of form. Morphometrics analyzes lengths, widths, masses, angles, ratios and areas. Morphometric data is a measurement of size.

What is morphometric analysis?

Morphometric analysis is a quantitative measurement and mathematical analysis of landforms. It plays a significant role in understanding the geohydrological characteristics of a drainage basin in relation to the terrain feature and its flow patterns.

Which method is carried out in morphometric study?

Abstract. The study of morphology is a common means of biological grouping and classification. In recent years, morphometric studies have been dominated by quantitative geometric-morphometric methods of data extraction such as outline or landmark-based analysis.

What is geometric morphometric approach?

Geometric morphometrics is an approach that studies shape using Cartesian landmark and semilandmark coordinates that are capable of capturing morphologically distinct shape variables. … Geometric morphometrics is part of a larger subfield in anthropology, which has more recently been named virtual anthropology.

Why is morphometry important?

Morphometry plays an important role in basin-level construction and flood control planning. The present study tries to unearth the morphological and hydrological characteristics from different morphometric parameters as well as changes of morphometric parameters in different morpho-climatic settings.

What is meristic and morphometric?

A meristic is a countable trait, such as number of gill rakers or number of dorsal fin spines. Morphometrics examines the size and shape using a measurable trait, such as standard length or wet weight, which can be gauged as a length, mass, angle or ratio of other measurements.

What is morphometric analysis of drainage basin?

Morphometric analysis of a basin describes characteristics of basin based on quantitative evaluation of different parameters. Parameters are allocated according to their dimensional aspects; linear aspects, areal aspects, and relief aspects.

What are meristic traits?

A meristic (countable trait) can be used to describe a particular species of fish, or used to identify an unknown species. Meristic traits are often described in a shorthand notation called a meristic formula. … These characters are among the characters most commonly used for differentiation of species and populations.

What is ruggedness number?

The ruggedness number combines the slope steepness and length indicating the extent of the instability of land surface (Strahler, 1957). In the case of the study basin, the ruggedness number is 3.1 which is considered high showing the area has a rugged topography, susceptible to soil erosion and structurally complex.

What is the importance of morphometric analysis in geomorphic studies?

Drainage morphometric parameters are important indicator to understand the hydrological and morphological characteristics of any region. Present study aims to understand the hydrological and morphological characteristics in two different morpho-climatic settings from drainage basin morphometric parameters.

How is ruggedness number calculated?

Ruggedness number of the Banas River basin has 0.0588 (Table 6). Rn indicates the structural complexity of the terrain in association with relief and drainage density. The MRn is calculated by using total basin relief divided by total basin areas of the watershed (Melton 1965).

What is 3d morphometric analysis?

The geometric morphometric method conceives the shapes of different items as sets of points in a common Cartesian space, in contrast to traditional quantitative shape analysis methods, which only measure distances between points on the items themselves without referring to a common set of axes.

What is lake morphometry?

1. 1. Morphometry of lakes, ponds and streams. Morphometry is the measurement of external form or shape of a selected water body. It is that branch of limnology which deals with the measurement of significant morphological features of any basin and its included water mass is known as morphometry.

What are Semilandmarks?

Semilandmark analysis – semilandmarks are the points along a curve. If strategically spaced, they can be submitted to Procrustes analysis and analyzed just like ordinary landmarks.

What are the importance of measuring the morphometric characters in fish?

Morphometric differences among stocks of a species are recognized as important for evaluating the population structure and as a basis for identifying stocks [2,3]. Morphometric measurements are widely used to identify differences between fish populations [4-6].

What is geometric morphometrics and its importance?

Geometric morphometrics (GM) has become a standard in biological research because it combines statistical rigour and ease of interpretation. Through geometric morphometrics, biological form is quantified, analysed and the results are expressed as easily interpretable and visually impactful shape changes.

What is centroid size?

Centroid size is the measure of size used almost universally in geometric morphometrics: it is the square root of the sum of squared distances of all the landmarks of an object from their centroid (center of gravity, whose location is obtained by averaging the x and y coordinates of all landmarks).

What are meristic traits examples?

Meristic traits are those in which the phenotypes are recorded by counting whole numbers. Examples of meristic traits include the num- ber of seeds in a pod or the number of eggs laid by a chicken in a year. These are quantitative traits, but they do not have an infinite range of phenotypes.

What’s the study of fish called?

Ichthyology, scientific study of fishes, including, as is usual with a science that is concerned with a large group of organisms, a number of specialized subdisciplines: e.g., taxonomy, anatomy (or morphology), behavioral science (ethology), ecology, and physiology.

What is meristic variation in biology?

Meristic variations are changes in the number of recurring parts of an animal, e.g., presence of six digits in man instead of normal five. Substantive variations are changes in the shape, size or colour of an organism.

What is circulatory ratio?

Circulatory ratio is defined as the ratio of watershed area to the area of the circle having the same perimeter as the watershed perimeter.

What is the largest watershed in America?

The Mississippi River watershed The Mississippi River watershed is the biggest watershed in the United States, draining more than three million square kilometers (one million square miles) of land.

How do you calculate stream length?

Mean stream length (Lsm) reveals the characteristic size of components of a drainage network and its contributing surfaces (Strahler 1964). It has been computed by dividing the total stream length of order ‘u’ by the number of stream segments in the order (Table 3).

What is a qualitative trait?

A qualitative trait is a trait that can be described as a category. For example, black or red coat color, horned or polled, coat color dilution are all qualitative traits. Qualitative traits are frequently controlled by one or just a few genes meaning they are simply-inherited traits.

What are threshold traits?

Quantitative traits that are discretely expressed in a limited number of phenotypes (usually two), but which are based on an assumed continuous distribution of factors that contribute to the trait (underlying liability).

Are traits quantitative?

A quantitative trait is a measurable phenotype that depends on the cumulative actions of many genes and the environment. These traits can vary among individuals, over a range, to produce a continuous distribution of phenotypes. Examples include height, weight and blood pressure.