Elastosis perforans serpiginosa is a rare skin disease characterized by transepidermal elimination of abnormal elastic fibers. This condition classically presents as small papules arranged in serpiginous or annular patterns on the neck, face, arms, or other flexural areas.

What is perforating elastoma?

Elastosis perforans serpiginosa (perforating elastoma) is a disorder of elastic tissue characterized by an annular, arciform, or linear arrangement of keratotic papules. 142. The individual papules measure 24 mm in diameter, but collectively can lead to lesions as long as 1520 cm in overall length.

What is dermal Elastosis?

Elastosis refers to degenerative changes in the dermal tissue with increased deposition of elastin material. Elastosis is a prominent feature of several skin conditions. They are distinguished by clinical features and histopathological features seen on skin biopsy.

What is perforating folliculitis?

In perforating folliculitis, keratotic follicular papules develop, particularly over extensor surfaces. Microscopically, the disorder is characterized by disruption of the infundibular portion of the follicular wall, with transepidermal (transfollicular) elimination of connective-tissue elements and cellular debris.

What is solar Elastosis?

Without the supportive connective tissue, the skin loses its elastic quality. This condition, known as solar elastosis (e-las-TOE-sis), is characterized by yellowed, thickened skin with deep wrinkles that don’t disappear with stretching.

What is acquired perforating dermatosis?

Acquired perforating dermatosis (APD) is an uncommon disease characterized by lesions exhibiting transepidermal elimination of collagen or elastic fibers. APD affects adults and is associated with systemic diseases, mainly diabetes mellitus and renal failure.

What is Elastoderma?

Elastoderma is an exceedingly rare condition that is characterized clinically as an acquired localized laxity of skin resembling cutis laxa and histologically as an excessive accumulation of pleomorphic elastic structures within the dermis.

What is the cause of Elastosis?

The origin of the elastotic material in the dermis has been postulated to be due to degradation of collagen and/or elastic fibers, overactive sun-damaged fibroblast synthesizing new elastic tissue, and an abnormal synthetic and degradative process [4].

How is Elastosis treated?

Actinic elastosis is treated with topical solutions, namely chemical peels. It can also be treated with skin resurfacing treatments such as dermabrasion or microdermabrasion, and other in-clinic dermatological treatments as required.

What is linear focal Elastosis?

Linear focal elastosis is the term used to denote asymptomatic, palpable, striae-like lines extending horizontally across the middle and lower back. Histologically these lesions present a focal increase in elastic fibres separating the dermal collagen bundles.

What causes perforating folliculitis?

Acquired perforating dermatoses are often associated with diabetes mellitus or chronic renal disease; however, they may also occur in patients with other systemic diseases, in association with medications such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitors, and in patients without an underlying disease.

What is perforated skin?

Abstract. Background: Perforating disorders of the skin, is an often overlooked entity characterized by transepidermal elimination of material from the upper dermis and are classified histopathologically according to the type of epidermal disruption and the nature of the eliminated material.

What is perforating granuloma annulare?

Perforating granuloma annulare (PGA) is a rare inflammatory condition characterized by transepithelial elimination of necrobiotic collagen with granulomas in the dermis. It commonly presents as umbilicated papules or pustules on the extremities and dorsal hands.

Is solar elastosis precancerous?

It has a wide range of uses including precancerous conditions of the skin such as solar elastosis and skin cancers other than melanoma. It also has significant cosmetic value in reducing the impact of facial lines or wrinkles.

Can solar elastosis be reversed?

However it is possible that dermal repair and reversal of solar elastosis may require topical application of tretinoin cream for a longer period than the six months used in this trial.

What causes solar elastosis?

The sun’s UV rays break down the collagen and elastic fibers in your skin, causing the skin to lose its strength, flexibility and structural support. Because it is primarily caused by UV damage, solar elastosis is most commonly seen on areas of the body that are exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, and arms.

How do you get Morgellons disease?

The exact cause remains unknown. However, some healthcare professionals and researchers believe Morgellons disease results from a tick-borne bacterial infection, similar to Lyme disease. Others consider Morgellons disease to be a mental health disorder.

What is Blau syndrome?

Blau syndrome (BS) is a rare autosomal dominant, autoinflammatory syndrome characterized by the clinical triad of granulomatous recurrent uveitis, dermatitis and symmetric arthritis. The gene responsible for BS has been identified in the caspase recruitment domain gene CARD15/NOD2.

What are some rare skin diseases?

10 Rare Skin Diseases