The scapula has three angles (superior/medial, lateral, inferior), three borders (medial, lateral/axillary, and superior), and two surfaces (ventral and dorsal). The scapula has three processes: the acromion, the spine, and the coracoid process.

How many borders are in scapula bone?

Externally, a normal scapula can be seen to have four angles (lateral, superior, inferior, and medial) formed from four borders (lateral, superior, inferior, and superomedial and inferomedial). The position of the medial angle is of significant importance in muscle biomechanics.

What is another name for the medial border of the scapula?

The medial border (also called the vertebral border or medial margin) is the longest of the three borders, and extends from the superior angle to the inferior angle. In animals it is referred to as the dorsal border.

What attaches to the vertebral border of the scapula?

The posterior folds of the levator scapulae and the rhomboideus minor muscles were attached to the dorsal surface of the medial border of the bone opposite the supraspinous fossa and the root of the spine respectively, while their anterior flaps gained attachment on the costal surface of the border at the level of the …

Where is the axillary border of scapula?

The axillary border of the scapula is the thickest of the three borders of the scapula bone. It extends down from the lower margin of the glenoid cavity all the way along the lateral edge of the scapula to the inferior angle.

What is a medial border?

Anatomical Parts The medial border (vertebral border) is the longest of the three, and extends from the medial to the inferior angle. It is arched, intermediate in thickness between the superior and the axillary borders, and the portion of it above the spine forms an obtuse angle with the part below.

Where is the medial border of scapula?

The medial border is a thin border and runs parallel to the vertebral column and is therefore often called the vertebral border. The lateral border is often called the axillary border as it runs superolaterally towards the apex of the axilla. It is the thickest and strongest of the three borders for muscle attachment.

Which bone is anterior to the scapula?

clavicle The clavicle is a vaguely z-shaped bone which articulates with the scapula in the anterior and articulates with the sternum in the posterior. The flatter broader end is the acromial extremity, which articulates with the acromion process of the scapula.

What muscles are around the scapula?

The intrinsic muscles of the scapula include the rotator cuff muscles, teres major, subscapularis, teres minor, and infraspinatus. These muscles attach the scapular surface and assist with abduction and external and internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint.

How do you identify the medial and lateral borders of the scapula?

The lateral or axillary border runs from the inferior angle to the lateral angle of the scapula. This is thin and extends from superior to inferior angle. With the arm resting by the side, the medial or vertebral border runs almost parallel to the spinal column.

What is the collarbone called?

clavicle Your collarbone (or clavicle) is the bone that runs horizontally between the top of your breastbone (sternum ) and shoulder blade (scapula). You can feel your collarbone by touching the area between your neck and your shoulder. A broken collarbone, also called a clavicle fracture, is when this bone breaks.

Where is the greater tubercle?

humerus The greater tuberosity is the prominent area of bone at the top of the humerus and is the attachment for the two large, powerful rotator cuff muscles – supraspinatus and infraspinatus. It is injured/fractured in a fall by either landing directly onto the side of your shoulder or landing with your arm outstretched.

Which border of scapula is not palpable?

In its lower two-thirds, i.e. where it forms the medial boundary of the infraspinous fossa, this border can easily be felt through the skin, but its upper third is more deeply placed and cannot be palpated in the normal subject. The superior border, thin and sharp, is the shortest of the three borders.

What is attached to the scapula?

Each scapula has 17 muscles attached to it: … Posteriorly, from superficial to deep: trapezius, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, levator scapulae, teres minor, teres major, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, and subscapularis. 2.

What is winging of scapula?

Scapular winging, sometimes called a winged scapula, is a condition that affects the shoulder blades. Scapula is the anatomical term for the shoulder blade. The shoulder blades usually rest flat against the back of the chest wall. Scapular winging occurs when a shoulder blade sticks out.

Where is the scapular notch?

The supra scapular notch is situated in the lateral part of the superior border of the scapula, adjacent to the base of the coracoid process. The notch is converted into a foramen by the transverse scapular ligament and it serves as a passage for the suprascapular nerve.

What is the scapula?

The scapula, or shoulder blade, is a large triangular-shaped bone that lies in the upper back. The bone is surrounded and supported by a complex system of muscles that work together to help you move your arm.

What is the scapular region?

The scapular region is on the superior posterior surface of the trunk and is defined by the muscles that attach to the scapula (shoulder blade). These muscles can be divided into: … As it continues laterally, this spine forms the acromion (the bony high point of the shoulder).

What is the function of the medial border?

Medial border from the pointed edge close to origin of the spine extending to the superior angle of the scapula can be regarded as the superomedial border which gives attachment to the levator scapulae.

What is lateral border?

The lateral border (axillary border) is the thickest of the three borders of the scapula. It begins above at the lower margin of the glenoid cavity, and inclines obliquely downward and backward to the inferior angle.

What is a Subscapular fossa?

Medical Definition of subscapular fossa : the concave depression of the anterior surface of the scapula.

What are the borders of the axilla?

There are five anatomic borders of the axilla: the superior, anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial walls. The medial wall is the serratus anterior and the first four ribs.

Is sternal anterior or posterior?

The sternum is the bone that lies in the anterior midline of our thorax. It forms part of the rib cage and the anterior-most part of the thorax.

Where is the sternal located?

chest What You Need to Know About Your Sternum. Your sternum is a bone that’s located in the middle of your chest. It’s also sometimes referred to as the breastbone. Your sternum protects the organs of your torso from injury and also serves as a connection point for other bones and muscles.

What is the sacrum?

The sacrum is a shield-shaped bony structure that is located at the base of the lumbar vertebrae and that is connected to the pelvis. … Joined at the very end of the sacrum are two to four tiny, partially fused vertebrae known as the coccyx or tail bone.

Where is the anterior part of the shoulder?

In human anatomy, the shoulder joint comprises the part of the body where the humerus attaches to the scapula, and the head sits in the glenoid cavity. …

Capsule of shoulder-joint (distended). Anterior aspect.
Latin articulatio humeri

What is the anatomy of the shoulder?

The shoulder is made up of three bones: the scapula (shoulder blade), clavicle (collarbone) and humerus (upper arm bone). Two joints in the shoulder allow it to move: the acromioclavicular joint, where the highest point of the scapula (acromion) meets the clavicle, and the glenohumeral joint.

What are the 4 shoulder tendons?

These tendons connect the four muscles, and they are the following: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, Teres minor, and the subscapularis. The shoulder also has many other tendons, but these are the primary tendons that stabilize the shoulder and allow the humerus to sit in the glenoid cavity.