The tributaries of the axillary vein are the subscapular, circumflex humeral, lateral thoracic, thoracoacromial, and cephalic veins, most of which correspond to the branches of the axillary artery.

Is there a major vein in your armpit?

The axillary vein is a major vein in the upper body that carries blood from the upper limb, armpit, and the upper side of the chest wall towards the heart.

What veins form axillary veins?

brachial veins The axillary vein is formed at the inferior border of the axilla by the union of the paired brachial veins (venae comitantes of the brachial artery) and the basilic vein 1 , 2.

Which vessel does the axillary vein drain into?

subclavian vein

Axillary vein
Drains from axilla
Source basilic vein, brachial veins, cephalic vein
Drains to subclavian vein
Artery axillary artery

What is the function of a axillary vein?

The axillary vein drains deoxygenated blood from the arm, axilla and superolateral chest wall 4. It also receives contributions from the thoracoepigastric vein of the anterolateral abdominal wall 5.

Is axillary vein deep or superficial?

Deep veins The deep veins of the upper extremity include the paired ulnar, radial, and interosseous veins in the forearm; paired brachial veins of the upper arm; and axillary vein. The axillary vein becomes the subclavian vein at the lower border of the teres major muscle (figure 2).

How do you know if you have an axillary vein?

The axillary vein can be visualized simply as a bluish cord while dissecting yellowish fat globules around it after opening the fibrous fascia. The axillary vein is then dissected downwards and laterally along its course towards the arm.

What artery is under your armpit?

Axillary Artery: This is a continuation of the subclavian artery. This artery travels deep in the arm pit, feeding muscles and bones around the shoulder with its branches. It eventually turns into the brachial artery.

What organ is under left armpit?

Lymph nodes help filter toxins from the lymph and deliver white blood cells to help fight disease. The armpit houses a large number of lymph nodes. Lymph nodes swell as part of an overall reaction by the immune system, such as to an infection or illness.

What is axillary nerve?

The axillary nerve or the circumflex nerve is a nerve of the human body, that originates from the brachial plexus (upper trunk, posterior division, posterior cord) at the level of the axilla (armpit) and carries nerve fibers from C5 and C6.

What is axillary vein thrombosis?

Definition. Acute swelling and pain in the upper limb due to occlusion of the axillary and/or subclavian veins by thrombus. This may occur as a primary phenomenon or as a result of secondary factors such as the placement of an indwelling venous catheter, thrombophilia or thoracic outlet syndrome.

What is axillary sheath?

The axillary sheath is a fibrous sheath that encloses the axillary artery and the three cords of the brachial plexus to form the neurovascular bundle, surrounded by the axillary fat. It is an extension of the prevertebral fascia of the deep cervical fascia.

What is the longest vein in the body?

Great Saphenous Vein Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) The GSV is the large superficial vein of the leg and the longest vein in the entire body. It can be found along the length of the lower limb, returning blood from the thigh, calf, and foot to the deep femoral vein at the femoral triangle. The femoral triangle is located in the upper thigh.

Where is Antecubital?

The median cubital vein (antecubital vein) is a prominent superficial upper limb vessel. Its location is in the cubital fossa, on the anterior/flexor aspect of the elbow joint. This region of the upper limb is sometimes referred to as the antecubital area.

What are the contents of axilla?

The main contents of the axilla are the axillary vein and artery, the axillary lymph nodes, with a portion of the brachial plexus and its branches. Brachial plexus – a complex network of nerves formed by the lower cervical and upper thoracic ventral nerve roots, which begins in the neck and extends into the axilla.

Where does the axillary vein begin?

teres major muscle The axillary vein originates at the lower border of the teres major muscle as a continuation of the basilic vein and becomes the subclavian vein at the lateral margin of the first rib.

What are axial veins?

The axial veins of the lower extremities include the femoral vein (often and incorrectly referred to as the superficial femoral vein), the popliteal vein, and the great and short saphenous veins (GSV and SSV).

Can you get a blood clot under your armpit?

The condition develops when a vein in the armpit (the axilla) or in the front of the shoulder (the subclavian vein) is compressed by the collarbone (clavicle), the first rib, or the surrounding muscle.

Which leg veins are deep?

There are seven deep veins located in the lower extremities, they include:

What is a radial vein?

The radial vein is one of the two major deep veins of the forearm, along with the ulnar vein. As is usual in the upper and lower limbs, there are often two veins (venae comitantes) that run on either side of the radial artery and anastomose freely with each other. It forms in the hand from the deep palmar venous arch.

Which veins are considered deep?

Deep veins in the arms/upper extremities include: radial, ulnar, brachial, axillary, and subclavian veins.

Is the axillary vein in the axillary sheath?

The structures traversing the apex of the axilla are grouped into a neurovascular bundle. However, the axillary vein (as well as lymphatics and lymph nodes) is outside the axillary sheath, providing room for it to expand. …

What are the axillary lymph nodes?

The axillary lymph nodes, also known commonly as axillary nodes, are a group of lymph nodes in the axilla and receive lymph from vessels that drain the arm, the walls of the thorax, the breast and the upper walls of the abdomen.

Where is the brachial vein?

At this point, the brachial veins join the basilic vein to form the axillary vein. The brachial veins also have small tributaries that drain the muscles of the upper arm, such as biceps brachii muscle and triceps brachii muscle.

What is the purpose of armpits?

One of the warmest areas of the body, the armpit, or axilla, performs its most important function as home to more than 20 lymph nodes called the axillary lymph nodes . The axillary lymph nodes oversee the regulation and filtration of lymph through the upper limbs and back.

What is the difference between armpit and underarm?

Your armpit is the area underneath your upper arm, where it connects to your shoulder. … Another common word for armpit is underarm, while the official anatomical term is axilla.

Why is an armpit called an armpit?

armpit (n.) mid-14c., hollow place under the shoulder, from arm (n. 1) + pit (n. … Another Middle English word was asselle (early 15c.), from Old French asselle, from Latin axilla. Colloquial armpit of the nation for any locale regarded as ugly and disgusting was in use by 1965.

Can armpit pain be heart related?

Just as narrowing of the blood vessels of the heart can cause chest pain and heart attacks, narrowing of the major blood vessels supplying the arm (peripheral artery disease) can lead to pain that is felt in the armpit.

Can stress cause pain in armpit?

While anxiety can be a cause of underarm pain (and can be addressed in order to make the pain go away), it will be important to be sure that it is not being caused by something more serious, as doing so can actually help relieve your anxiety.

How do you check armpit lymph nodes?

To check for a swollen lymph node in the armpit, lift that arm slightly and gently place your fingers into that armpit. Press your fingers against the center of the armpit and then around the front and back of the armpit along the chest wall. Do the same on the other side.