Physical properties of polymers include molecular weight, molar volume, density, degree of polymerization, crystallinity of material, and so on.

What is bulk polymerization in chemistry?

Bulk polymerization, which may also be referred to as mass polymerization, involves a monomer and an initiator as the main components, without a solvent. The polymerization conforms to the fixed shape of the reaction vessel when solidification occurs.

Which monomer mixture is used in bulk polymerization?

In mass or bulk polymerization, the reaction mixture consists mainly of monomers, and in the case of free-radical or ionic polymerization, of vinyl monomers and a soluble initiator. Thus, the polymerization is carried out in undiluted monomers. This type of polymerization is frequently used for step-growth polymers.

What is a polymer example?

Examples of synthetic polymers include nylon, polyethylene, polyester, Teflon, and epoxy. Natural polymers occur in nature and can be extracted. They are often water-based. Examples of naturally occurring polymers are silk, wool, DNA, cellulose and proteins.

What are the 4 types of polymers?

Synthetic polymers are human-made polymers. They can be classified into four main categories: thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, and synthetic fibers.

What are the 3 main types of polymers?

There are 3 principal classes of polymers – thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers. Differentiation between these classes is best defined by their behaviour under applied heat. Thermoplastic polymers can be either amorphous or crystalline. They behave in a relatively ductile manner but often have low strength.

How is bulk polymerization carried?

Bulk polymerization or mass polymerization is carried out by adding a soluble radical initiator to pure monomer in liquid state. The initiator should dissolve in the monomer. The reaction is initiated by heating or exposing to radiation. … The reaction is exothermic and a wide range of molecular masses are produced.

How do you classify polymers?

The most common way of classifying polymers is to separate them into three groups – thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers. The thermoplastics can be divided into two types – those that are crystalline and those that are amorphous.

What is a monomer solution?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Solution polymerization is a method of industrial polymerization. In this procedure, a monomer is dissolved in a non-reactive solvent that contains a catalyst or initiator. The reaction results in a polymer which is also soluble in the chosen solvent.

What is chain transfer agent?

Chain transfer is a polymerization reaction by which the activity of a growing polymer chain is transferred to another molecule. … Chain-transfer agent: Substance able to react with a chain carrier by a reaction in which the original chain carrier is deactivated and a new chain carrier is generated.

Which is the simplest hydrocarbon polymer?

Benzene (C6H6), the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon, was first isolated in 1825 by English chemist Michael Faraday from the oily residues left from illuminating gas.

What are the two categories of polymers?

Polymers fall into two categories:

Which is the best definition of polymer?

: a chemical compound or mixture of compounds formed by polymerization and consisting essentially of repeating structural units.

What are common polymers?

The eight most common types of synthetic organic polymers, which are commonly found in households are:

Is wood a polymer?

Wood itself contains polymers such as lignin, cellulose, and various hemi- celluloses but has very different properties from the synthetic polymers with which it is most often combined. Wood is less expensive, stiffer, and stronger than these synthetic polymers, making it a useful filler or reinforcement.

What are the uses of polymer?

Uses of polymers

Polymer Properties Uses
Poly(chloroethene) ‘PVC’ Tough, electrical insulator, can be made hard or flexible Insulation for electrical wires, windows, gutters, pipes
Poly(tetrafluoroethene) ‘PFTE’ Slippery, chemically unreactive Non-stick coatings for pans, containers for laboratory substances

Is resin a polymer?

Resin is an organic material that natural forms in plants while polymers are large molecules with repeating structural units of monomers. The key difference between resin and polymer is that resins have small molecular weights, whereas polymers have large molecular weights.

What is the function of polymer?

Organic polymers play a crucial role in living things, providing basic structural materials and participating in vital life processes. For example, the solid parts of all plants are made up of polymers. These include cellulose, lignin, and various resins.

What is the strongest polymer?

PBO was first developed in the 1980’s and is the world’s strongest man-made fiber. It is also the first organic fiber whose cross-sectional strength outperforms both steel and carbon fiber. Zylon® PBO is a rigid-rod isotropic crystal polymer that is spun by a dry-jet wet spinning process.

Which of the polymer is most hard?

Also polycarbonates, which are commonly known by the trademark name Lexan, are a type of thermoplastic polymer, which, due to their durability, are widely used in bullet-resistant ‘glass’.

Is DNA a polymer?

The proteins we eat, and which we’re made of, are polymers made up of amino acids. And even our DNA is a polymer—it’s made of monomers called nucleotides.

What is the difference between bulk and solution polymerization?

Solution polymerization occur in existence of inert solvent and suitable catalyst, on the contrary of bulk polymerization which doesn’t need any additives just monomer and a suitable initiator, which has two types batch and continuous bulk polymerization.

Which of the following is a natural polymer?

Proteins are the natural polymers.

What are the polymerization techniques?

Polymerization techniques

Which is an example of thermosetting polymer?

Common examples of thermoset plastics and polymers include epoxy, silicone, polyurethane and phenolic. In addition, some materials such as polyester can occur in both thermoplastic and thermoset versions.

Is plastic a polymer?

Plastics are a group of materials, either synthetic or naturally occurring, that may be shaped when soft and then hardened to retain the given shape. Plastics are polymers. A polymer is a substance made of many repeating units.

What is syndiotactic polymer?

Syndiotactic polymers are polymer materials which have the substituents in an alternating pattern. Therefore, substituent groups have alternate positions along the backbone of the polymer.

What are the 4 types of monomers?

Monomers are atoms or small molecules that bond together to form more complex structures such as polymers. There are four main types of monomer, including sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, and nucleotides.

What is a monomer in simple terms?

Monomer, a molecule of any of a class of compounds, mostly organic, that can react with other molecules to form very large molecules, or polymers. The essential feature of a monomer is polyfunctionality, the capacity to form chemical bonds to at least two other monomer molecules.

What is a monomer example?

Examples of the monomers are glucose, vinyl chloride, amino acids, and ethylene. Every monomer can link up to form a variety of polymers in different ways. For example, in glucose, glycosidic bonds that bind sugar monomers to form polymers such as glycogen, starch, and cellulose.