There are two basic types of congenital chest wall deformities: Pectus Excavatum (sunken chest), and Pectus Carinatum (a protuberant or pigeon chest). Some patients are born with a combination of the two, which creates an asymmetric deformity.

Why do I have a weird shaped chest?

Pectus carinatum is a genetic disorder of the chest wall. It makes the chest jut out. This happens because of an unusual growth of rib and breastbone (sternum) cartilage . The bulging gives the chest a birdlike appearance.

What is deformed chest?

A chest wall deformity is a structural abnormality of the chest that can range from mild to severe. Chest wall deformities occur when the cartilage that connects the ribs grows unevenly. It is not clear why this happens, but the condition tends to run in families.

What are sternal abnormalities?

Sternal defects can be categorized into four types, all of which are rare: thoracic ectopia cordis, cervical ectopia cordis, thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis, and cleft sternum. Thoracic ectopia cordis, or naked heart, is the result of failure of somatic structures to form over the heart, leaving it completely exposed.

How do you describe your chest shape?

Side to side symmetric chest shape. Distance from the front to the back of the chest (anterior-posterior diameter) less than the size of the chest from side to side (transverse diameter) Normal chest shape, with no visible deformities, such as a barrel chest, kyphosis, or scoliosis. No muscle retractions when breathing.

What is bell shaped chest?

ATD is characterized by abnormal development of the rib cage (thorax) resulting in a small thoracic cavity. The characteristic “bell-shaped” chest cavity restricts the growth of the lungs and results in a variable degree of lung hypoplasia and breathing problems (respiratory distress) in the newborn period.

What is a pigeon chest?

Pectus carinatum (pigeon chest) is when part of your child’s breastbone is pressed outwards or raised up. It usually first develops during a rapid growth spurt, in children and adolescents aged 10 and older. Pigeon chest develops differently in different people.

What is bird chest?

Pectus carinatum is a chest deformity where the sternum (breastbone) sticks out too far. It is sometimes called “bird chest” or “pigeon chest” because of the protrusion of the sternum. The condition happens because of abnormal growth of cartilage (tough, connective tissue) on the ribs and sternum.

What causes a pigeon chest?

Pectus carinatum is caused by the abnormal development of the cartilage that connects the ribs. The exact cause is not known. The condition can run in families, however, so genetics may be a risk factor. Pectus carinatum occurs more frequently in people who have specific genetic conditions.

Why do I have a dent in my chest?

Severe cases of pectus excavatum can eventually interfere with the function of the heart and lungs. Pectus excavatum is a condition in which a person’s breastbone is sunken into his or her chest. In severe cases, pectus excavatum can look as if the center of the chest has been scooped out, leaving a deep dent.

What is pectus Arcuatum?

Pectus arcuatum (other names pouter pigeon chest, Currarino-Silverman syndrome, chondro-manubrial deformity, type 2 pectus carinatum) is a rear congenital chest wall deformity with main feature being protrusion and early ossification of Sternal (Lewis) angle together with bilateral deformity of 2nd to 4th cartilages (1 …

What is cleft sternum?

Cleft sternum is a rare congenital defect of the anterior chest wall and is the result of a failed midline fusion of the sternum. Depending on the degree of separation, there are complete and incomplete forms. Its clinical significance is that it leaves the heart and great vessels unprotected.

What is a barrel chest?

The term barrel chest describes a rounded, bulging chest that resembles the shape of a barrel. Barrel chest isn’t a disease, but it may indicate an underlying condition.

What’s it called when your chest sticks out?

Pectus carinatum is a condition in which the sternum (breastbone) protrudes, or sticks out, more than usual. It is the opposite of pectus excavatum, in which the breastbone is depressed inward and gives the chest a sunken appearance.

What is a broad chest?

Barrel chest generally refers to a broad, deep chest found on a patient. A barrel chested person will usually have a naturally large ribcage, very round (i.e., vertically cylindrical) torso, large lung capacity, and can potentially have great upper body strength.

How do you inspect chest wall symmetry?

Method Of Exam

  1. Have patient seated erect or stand with arms on the side. Stand behind patient. …
  2. Place your hands over upper chest and apex and repeat the process.
  3. Next, stand in front and lay your hands over both apices of the lung and anterior chest and assess chest expansion.

How do you assess chest movements?

  1. Overall Chest Expansion: Take a tape and encircle chest around the level of nipple. Take measurements at the end of deep inspiration and expiration. Normally, a 2-5 of chest expansion can be observed. …
  2. Symmetry of Chest Expansion: Have patient seated erect or stand with arms on the side. Stand behind patient.

What is June’s disease?

Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, also known as Jeune syndrome, is an inherited disorder of bone growth characterized by a narrow chest, short ribs, shortened bones in the arms and legs, short stature, and extra fingers and toes (polydactyly).

Why my rib cage is so small?

An uneven rib cage can be the result of trauma, a birth defect, or another condition. If your rib cage is only slightly uneven, you may be able to improve your condition with repeated stretching and exercise. More serious cases of rib cage unevenness may need to be fixed surgically.

How is Jeune Syndrome diagnosed?

Jeune syndrome may be detected prenatally through ultrasound imaging. More often, it is diagnosed after birth through X-rays. Genetic testing can also be used to confirm a diagnosis of Jeune syndrome.

How would you describe pectus?

Simple clinical description of severity of pectus is based on the depth the sternum is pushed inwards. Other ways of describing pectus excavatum include the type of deformity such as ‘trench-like’, cup-shaped or saucer-shaped.

Why do my ribs show on my chest?

The eating-disorders police have branded visible ribs above the breasts a sign of an eating disorder, but nowhere in medical literature does it state that this is a tell-tale sign of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. A woman’s body has relatively low levels of fat in the region above her breasts.

How would you describe pectus Carinatum?

Pectus carinatum, also known as pigeon chest, is a deformity of the chest wall in which the breastbone and ribs are pushed outward. The condition occurs in about 1 out of 1,500 children and more frequently in boys. It’s often asymmetrical, with one side of the chest affected more than the other.

What is dog pigeon chest?

Pectus carinatum (pigeon breast) is a chest bone and rib disfigurement causing the chest to bow outwards into a point instead of a curve. Both of these disfigurements can cause serious compression of the lungs and heart.

What doctor treats pigeon chest?

If you or your child has pectus excavatum, you might first discuss the condition with your family doctor. He or she may refer you to a doctor who specializes in pediatric or thoracic surgery.