Thumb arthritis is common with aging and occurs when cartilage wears away from the ends of the bones that form the joint at the base of your thumb — also known as the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint.

Which type of joint is Carpometacarpal?

synovial joints The carpometacarpal (CMC) joints are synovial joints formed by articulations of the distal carpal row and the metacarpal bones.

How do you treat a CMC joint?

The following are nonsurgical treatment options:

  1. Activity modification.
  2. Massage.
  3. Over the counter NSAID’s (ibuprofen or naproxen)
  4. Anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric or ginger.
  5. Topical pain relief creams/gels.
  6. Occupational/physical therapy.
  7. Corticosteroid injections.
  8. Prescription anti-inflammatory medications.

What type of joint is carpometacarpal joint #1?

synovial joints The carpometacarpal (CMC) joints are synovial joints formed by articulations of the distal carpal row and the metacarpal bones.

What is CMC arthroplasty surgery?

Thumb CMC arthroplasty involves removing the small wrist bone that is part of the CMC joint and replacing it with a wrist flexor tendon. During the procedure, a small incision (approximately 1.5 inches) is made over the CMC joint, and the trapezium wrist bone is removed.

How many Carpometacarpal joints are there?

five CMC joints There are five CMC joints. The first CMC joint is located between the trapezium and the base of the first metacarpal. The second CMC joint is located between the trapezoid and the base of the second metacarpal. The third CMC joint is located between the capitate and the base of the third metacarpal.

Where is the 1st carpometacarpal joint?

The 1st CMC (carpometacarpal) joint is a specialized saddle-shaped joint at the base of the thumb. The trapezium carpal bone of the wrist and the first metacarpal bone of the hand form the 1st CMC or thumb basal joint.

What is the type of the 2nd 5th carpometacarpal joints?

The carpometacarpal joints of second through fifth digits are arthrodial. … The second to fifth joints are synovial ellipsoidal joints with a nominal degree of freedom (flexion/extension). The second and third joints are however essentially immobile and can be considered to have zero degrees of freedom in practice.

What type of joint is interphalangeal?

The interphalangeal joints of the hand are the hinge joints between the phalanges of the fingers that provide flexion towards the palm of the hand.

What is moderate first carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis?

Carpometacarpal osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition of the hand that causes pain, stiffness and weakness. It is the second most common site of degenerative disease in the hand after arthritis of the distal interphalangeal joints.

Is thumb arthritis a disability?

Many people may wonder is arthritis a disability. Yes. Arthritis can prompt incapacity, as can numerous other mental and physical conditions. If your arthritis confines your daily movements, or activities you may qualify for disability benefits.

What are the 5 worst foods to eat if you have arthritis?

The 5 Best and Worst Foods for Those Managing Arthritis Pain

What is Carpometacarpal?

The base of the thumb where it meets the hand is called the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint. This joint allows the thumb to move freely in many directions. It also provides strength so the hand can grasp and grip. A smooth tissue called cartilage lines and cushions the bones of the CMC joint.

What type of joint is found between the first metacarpal and the trapezium?

saddle joint The first carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is particularly important; the articulation between the first metacarpal and the trapezium bone forms a saddle joint and allows a wide range of movement, including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction and opposition of the thumb.

How many carpal bones are there?

Your wrist is made up of eight small bones (carpal bones) plus two long bones in your forearm — the radius and the ulna. The most commonly injured carpal bone is the scaphoid bone, located near the base of your thumb.

Where is the trapezium bone?

At the base of the thumb is a small bone called the trapezium which, together with the metacarpal bone above, forms a joint called the carpometacarpal joint (CMCJ). Removal of the trapezium bone can reduce the pain and allow easier use of the thumb.

Can I type after CMC arthroplasty?

You can use your hand for very light activities of daily living, such as eating, writing, typing, getting dressed, and brushing your teeth. Avoid any heavy gripping, pulling, or pinching with the thumb until your surgeon or therapist says you may do these things.

How is CMC diagnosed?

CMC joint osteoarthritis is diagnosed by history, physical examination, and x-rays. Ligaments and muscles are the two key factors that affect joint stability in the thumb. Treatment options for CMC joint osteoarthritis include conservative care, steroid injections, and surgery.

How many degrees of freedom does the 1st CMC joint have?

These two CMCs provide the other three CMCs with a fixed and stable axis. While the mobility of the fourth CMC joint is perceptible, the first joint is a saddle joint with 2 degrees of freedom, which except for flexion/extension, also enables abduction/adduction and a limited amount of opposition.

How many phalanges are in the hand?

Phalanges. The 14 bones that are found in the fingers of each hand and also in the toes of each foot. Each finger has 3 phalanges (the distal, middle, and proximal); the thumb only has 2. Metacarpal bones.

Which carpometacarpal joint is least mobile?

The metacarpal bone of the little finger is most movable, then that of the ring finger; the metacarpal bones of the index and middle fingers are almost immovable.

What is the 2nd metacarpal?

The second metacarpal bone (metacarpal bone of the index finger) is the longest, and its base the largest, of all the metacarpal bones.

Which is the first metacarpal?

the thumb Anatomical terms of bone The first metacarpal bone or the metacarpal bone of the thumb is the first bone proximal to the thumb. It is connected to the trapezium of the carpus at the first carpometacarpal joint and to the proximal thumb phalanx at the first metacarpophalangeal joint.

What is the first interphalangeal joint?

Proximal Interphalangeal Joint (PIP Joint) The PIP joint is the first joint of the finger and is located between the first two bones of the finger. The PIP joint can bend and extend the finger. It becomes stiff easily after injury and has very limited side to side motion.

What is a CMC joint?

The thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) joint, a biconcave-convex saddle joint, consists of the articulation between the first metacarpal of the thumb and the trapezium carpal bone. Other significant articulations of the trapezial bone are the scaphoid and trapezoid carpal bones and the second metacarpal bone.

What are the articulating bones of the interphalangeal joint?

Interphalangeal joints are the articulations between consecutive phalanges of the foot. Each foot has nine interphalangeal joints: two on each of the four lateral toes and one on the big toe.

What is DIP and PIP joints?

proximal interphalangeal joints (PIJ or PIP), those between the first (also called proximal) and second (intermediate) phalanges. distal interphalangeal joints (DIJ or DIP), those between the second (intermediate) and third (distal) phalanges.

What is Dip finger?

The DIP joint is the first knuckle from the top of the finger. It connects the distal phalanx and middle phalanx, which are the two bones at the tip of the finger. Experiencing DIP joint pain is often a sign of a type of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or psoriatic arthritis.

What is the first finger joint called?

proximal interphalangeal joint The first joint, closest to the knuckle joint, is the proximal interphalangeal joint or PIP joint. The second joint nearer the end of the finger is called the distal interphalangeal joint, or DIP joint. The thumb in the human body only has 2 phalanges and one interphalangeal joint.

What is the first metacarpophalangeal joint?

Each metacarpophalangeal joint is formed by the convex heads of the metacarpal bones which are received by the concave bases of the proximal phalanges. … Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints.

Type Synovial, condyloid joint
Ligaments Collateral ligament, palmar ligament, deep transverse metacarpal ligaments