Splenic flexure syndrome occurs when gas builds up or becomes trapped in your colon. Thought to be the primary cause of this condition, gas accumulation causes trapped air to push on the inner lining of your stomach and digestive tract. As a result, pressure can build on surrounding organs causing pain and discomfort.

What happens at the hepatic flexure?

The right colic or hepatic flexure separates the ascending and transverse colon, and the left colic or splenic flexure separates the transverse and descending colon. In dogs and cats, the large intestine contributes 20% to 25% of the total (small and large) intestinal length.

What does hepatic flexure syndrome feel like?

Symptoms. The symptoms of splenic flexure syndrome include bloating, pain in the upper left abdomen, and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Causes.

Is hepatic flexure curable?

One patient with anastomotic leakage healed within 3 weeks. Other patients were cured without postoperative complications. The total 3-year and 5-year survival rates after surgery were 53.8% and 9.2%, respectively.

What is hepatic flexure in colon?

The right colic flexure or hepatic flexure (as it is next to the liver) is the sharp bend between the ascending colon and the transverse colon. The hepatic flexure lies in the right upper quadrant of the human abdomen. It receives blood supply from the superior mesenteric artery.

Can IBS cause upper right quadrant pain?

Patients with IBS typically present with abdominal pain and cramping. The pain can be located in the upper quadrants (right and/or left) of the abdomen or it can be diffuse in nature. Patients often have a difficult time describing the pain quality.

Is the hepatic flexure part of the large intestine?

Hepatic flexure. In the upper right part of your abdomen, under your liver, this part of the large intestine makes a turn to the left.

Is hepatic flexure part of ascending colon?

The ascending colon is bordered posteriorly by the iliacus and quadratus lumborum musculature. More anteriorly, it is bordered by the greater omentum and small bowel loops. The ascending colon extends cranially to the caudal liver surface, where it is often referred to as the hepatic flexure.

What does the Mesocolon do?

The mesocolon or mesentery of the sigmoid colon provides a major avenue for spread of disease between the abdominal cavity and the pelvis. It is directly continuous with the posterior bare area of the colon, the bare area of the rectum, and in females, the broad ligament.

Can hepatic flexure cause pain?

Pain in IBS may be focal at the splenic flexure or the hepatic flexure, it may or may not be associated with disturbed bowel habit and there is usually localised tenderness in this area.

Where is hepatic flexure polyp?

The polyps are usually solitary, and although most commonly detected in adults they can be found in all age groups [6]. IFPs are most commonly located in the gastric antrum followed by the small bowel and rarely the esophagus and colon [7]. Endoscopically IFP is a smooth sessile or pedunculated polyp.

Can gas get stuck in your intestines?

Gas trapped in the intestines can be incredibly uncomfortable. It may cause sharp pain, cramping, swelling, tightness, and even bloating. Most people pass gas between 13 and 21 times a day. When gas is blocked from escaping, diarrhea or constipation may be responsible.

Are adenomas always benign?

Adenomas are generally benign or non cancerous but carry the potential to become adenocarcinomas which are malignant or cancerous. As benign growths they can grow in size to press upon the surrounding vital structures and leading to severe consequences.

Can a large mass in colon be benign?

Giant lipomas (>4 cm) are the most common benign tumors in the colon that cause intussusception, although no specific incidence data have been documented. Even patients with large lipomas may have nonspecific or intermittent symptoms, which causes delay and difficulty in making the diagnosis.

What part of colon are most cancers found?

Another oncologist who reviewed the findings said that they have implications for patients deciding on which tool — a sigmoidoscope or colonoscope — to opt for in colon cancer screening.

What is malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure?

Summaries for Hepatic Flexure Cancer MalaCards based summary : Hepatic Flexure Cancer, also known as malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon, is related to trachea carcinoma in situ and signet ring basal cell carcinoma.

How many polyps are normal in a colonoscopy?

The average BBPS was 7.2 1.5, and adequate bowel preparation (a score of 2 in each segment of the colon) was achieved in 88.2 % of patients (1709 /1937). The mean number of endoscopically detected polyps per procedure was 1.5 2.3 (95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.4 1.6).

What causes upper right quadrant pain besides gallbladder?

Causes of Right Upper Quadrant Pain

What Does pain under right rib cage mean?

A sudden, sharp pain under the right rib cage can be a sign of gallstones. These are small stones of bile or cholesterol that are made in the gallbladder (a small organ located just below the liver). Gallstones are common in adults but don’t usually cause symptoms.

What is the most common cause of right upper quadrant pain?

Acute cholecystitis is the most common diagnosable cause for right upper quadrant abdominal (RUQ) pain in patients who present to the emergency department (ED). However, over one-third of patients initially thought to have acute cholecystitis actually have RUQ pain attributable to other causes.

Is the hepatic flexure retroperitoneal?

The ascending colon runs superiorly on the right side of the abdomen from the right iliac fossa to the right lobe of the liver. At this point, it makes a left turn at the right colic flexure (hepatic flexure). Ascending colon is a retroperitoneal organ and has paracolic gutters on either side.

What is sigmoid flexure?

noun. Zoology. an S-shaped curve in a body part. Also called sigmoid colon. an S-shaped curve of the large intestine between the descending colon and the rectum.

Where is the jejunum?

the small intestine The middle part of the small intestine. It is between the duodenum (first part of the small intestine) and the ileum (last part of the small intestine).

What is a rectosigmoid?

The rectosigmoid is that portion of the large intestine in which the narrow sigmoid colon undergoes a gradual enlargement before joining the rectum. Its exact position is variable.

How much of your colon can be removed?

The surgeon takes out the part of the colon with the cancer and a small segment of normal colon on either side. Usually, about one-fourth to one-third of the colon is removed, depending on the size and location of the cancer.

Can the mesentery be removed?

While parts of the mesentery may be removed due to illness or injury, removing the entire mesentery is not possible. And when something goes wrong with the mesentery it can cause problems for the whole system. A variety of problems can develop in the mesentery, says Adler.

What is omentum and mesentery?

Definition. Omentum refers to a fold of peritoneum, connecting the stomach with other abdominal organs while mesentery refers to a fold of the peritoneum, which attaches the stomach, small intestine, pancreas, spleen, and other organs to the posterior wall of the abdomen.

What creates mesentery?

The mesentery is an organ that attaches the intestines to the posterior abdominal wall in humans and is formed by the double fold of peritoneum. It helps in storing fat and allowing blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves to supply the intestines, among other functions.