informal + impolite. used to show that one is angry or annoyed Damn it!

Is a dam a female?

1. A female parent of an animal, especially a domesticated mammal such as a horse.

Does dam mean mother?

Female parent, mother, generally regarding breeding of animals (correlative to sire). A barrier against the passage of liquid or loose material, as a rubber sheet used in dentistry to isolate one or more teeth from the rest of the mouth. … Dam is defined as to create a barrier to hold back liquid.

Why is it called a dam?

Hydropower is often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity. … The earliest known dam is the Jawa Dam in Jordan, dating to 3,000 BC. The word dam can be traced back to Middle English, and before that, from Middle Dutch, as seen in the names of many old cities, such as Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

Is dam a bad word?

The words dam and damn are homophones: they sound the same but have different meanings. … As a verb, dam means to hold back or confine. As a verb, damn means to criticize or to condemn as bad or inferior. As an interjection, damn is used to express anger, frustration, or disappointment.

What is a dam in animals?

: the female parent of a domestic animal (as a dog or horse) dam. noun.

Which animals live in a dam?

Many animals live in or near freshwater ponds, dams and lakes, rivers and streams. These include small insects, snails, clams, crabs, frogs and fish. Larger animals like turtles, snakes, ducks and large fish, as well as hippos and crocodiles also live in or near water.

What is a mother dog called?

The female parent of puppies is referred to as the dam and the male parent is referred to as the sire. … A whelp is a newborn puppy and giving birth to dogs is called whelping.

What is a dam in English?

A dam is a large wall or barrier that blocks or stops the flow of water, forming a reservoir or a lake. Most dams have a section called a spillway or weir over which, or through which, water flows, either sometimes or always. Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water.

Are dams good or bad?

Dams store water, provide renewable energy and prevent floods. Unfortunately, they also worsen the impact of climate change. They release greenhouse gases, destroy carbon sinks in wetlands and oceans, deprive ecosystems of nutrients, destroy habitats, increase sea levels, waste water and displace poor communities.

What is the utility of dams?

Dams and waterways store and provide water for irrigation so farmers can use the water for growing crops. … Irrigation is an important part of using water. In areas where water and rain are not abundant (like the desert), irrigation canals from rivers and dams are used to carry water.

Why do dams release water?

The primary purpose of their dams is to capture water in order to generate hydroelectricity and/or provide water for cities and irrigation projects. To release the water into the river downstream is normally to waste it. … People living below dams expect that the huge structures will save them from flooding.

Is Jeez short for Jesus?

Jeez comes from a shortening of Jesus, which makes it a euphemisma milder way of saying something that may be considered offensive, blasphemous, or harsh. Many other words like this (often called mild oaths or minced oaths) are formed in a similar way. The word gosh, for example, is an alteration of the word God.

How does a dam produce electricity?

An impoundment facility, typically a large hydropower system, uses a dam to store river water in a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity.

Why do beavers make dams?

Why do beavers build dams? Beavers build dams across streams to create a pond where they can build a beaver lodge to live in. These ponds provide protection from predators like wolves, coyotes, or mountain lions.

Do dams help animals?

Dams prevent the natural highs and lows of rivers They can also reduce the breeding ground of migratory fisha key food source for egretsand cloud the waters, making it harder for egrets to spot their prey. All river dolphins need freshwater fish, quality water and safe migratory routes to survive.

How do dams destroy habitats?

Dams alter habitat They can trap sediment, burying rock riverbeds where fish spawn. Gravel, logs, and other important food and habitat features can also become trapped behind dams. This negatively affects the creation and maintenance of more complex habitat (e.g., riffles, pools) downstream.

How do dams affect living things?

Temprature of water, salt and oxygen distribution may change vertically as a consequence of reservoir formation. This may cause the generation of new living species.

What is a dam Class 5?

A dam is a barrier across flowing water which hamper, directs or reduces the flow of water. … Dams and reservoirs can be effectively used to control floods by regulating river water flows downstream the dam.

Where is the world’s largest dam?

Currently, the tallest dam in the world is Nurek Dam on the Vakhsh River in Tajikistan. It is 984 feet (300 meters) tall. Hoover Dam is 726.4 feet (221.3 meters) tall.

What is meant by gravity dam?

A gravity dam is a dam constructed from concrete or stone masonry and designed to hold back water by using only the weight of the material and its resistance against the foundation to oppose the horizontal pressure of water pushing against it.