ABSTRACT: Aristotle argues that temperance is the mean concerned with pleasure and pain (NE 1107b5-9 and 1117b25-27). Most commentators focus on the moderation of pleasures and hardly discuss how this virtue relates to pain.

Is temperance a virtue Aristotle?

Temperance is a major Athenian virtue, as advocated by Plato; self-restraint (sôphrosune) is one of his four core virtues of the ideal city, and echoed by Aristotle.

What is Plato’s definition of temperance?

Temperance is one of Plato’s four virtues. In a just polis, temperance exists in everyone agreeing to obey the hierarchy and those above them. In the individual, temperance means that all three parts of the soul agree to let the rational soul rule above all. Temperance, in this sense, is self-mastery.

What are Aristotle’s 4 virtues?

In order for one to be virtuous they must display prudence, temperance, courage, and justice; moreover, they have to display all four of them and not just one or two to be virtuous.

What is an example of temperance?

Temperance is defined as showing restraint in eating or drinking, and especially avoiding alcohol. An example of temperance is when you refrain from drinking any alcohol. … Abstinence from or moderation in drinking alcoholic beverages.

What is prudence according to Aristotle?

For Aristotle, prudence or practical wisdom is a virtue of thought that is practical rather than theoretical and deliberative rather than intuitive. It is the intellectual virtue that perfects reasoning in regard to decision making in the realm of human action.

What are the Seven Heavenly Sins?

The seven deadly sins are pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth. The seven heavenly virtues are faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance and prudence.

Why is temperance The first virtue?

For Franklin, then, temperance came first primarily because if one can control powerful bodily urges to eat and drink to excess, the control of other virtues–resolution, frugality, industry, among others–becomes more easily accomplished. In other words, if men can exercise one virtue, they can exercise all virtues.

Why is temperance so important?

The temperance movement was also important because it was fundamental to the concept of individual choice and responsibility. Taking the pledge was a conscious act that one person did in an effort to make himself or herself a better human being.

What are the 4 Socratic virtues?

In books II and Iv of Plato’s Republic, Socrates introduces and describes the four chief virtues needed for justice to thrive in a polis He presents them as Courage, Moderation, Justice and Wisdom.

What Aristotle called the golden mean?

The basic principle of the golden mean, laid down by Aristotle 2,500 years ago is moderation, or striving for a balance between extremes. … The golden mean focuses on the middle ground between two extremes, but as Aristotle suggests, the middle ground is usually closer to one extreme than the other.

How do you show temperance?

Here are some helpful tips in showing the manly virtue of temperance.

  1. Analyze your life and be specific.
  2. Analyze the area where you lack self-control.
  3. Set goals easily accomplished.
  4. Stay accountable.
  5. Review your progress regularly with others.
  6. Deny yourself.
  7. Don’t remove your desire from your life.

What is Aristotle’s virtue theory?

Virtue ethics is a philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks. … This character-based approach to morality assumes that we acquire virtue through practice. By practicing being honest, brave, just, generous, and so on, a person develops an honorable and moral character.

What is Aristotle’s moral theory?

The moral theory of Aristotle, like that of Plato, focuses on virtue, recommending the virtuous way of life by its relation to happiness. … In subsequent books, excellent activity of the soul is tied to the moral virtues and to the virtue of “practical wisdom” – excellence in thinking and deciding about how to behave.

What is Aristotle’s view of the good life?

According to Aristotle, happiness consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime, all the goods — health, wealth, knowledge, friends, etc. — that lead to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. This requires us to make choices, some of which may be very difficult.

What is too much temperance?

Temperance – is moderation in the desire for physical pleasures. An excess of desire is overindulgence. Deficiency has no common name, but may be labeled “insensitivity.” Generosity or Liberality – is moderation in the size of the gifts one is prone to give or accept.

How do you explain temperance to a child?

The virtue of temperance is about practicing self-control. It helps you control your actions, thoughts, and feelings. Our bodies need things that help it grow and flourish like food, water, exercise, and rest. Temperance helps you balance what your body needs without having too much or too little of it.

What does temperance mean in a love reading?

In romance, the upright Temperance tarot love meaning suggests patience, moderation, understanding and going the middle path. This card indicates that we must avoid going to extremes, and to be cautious and thoughtful of our actions.

How does Aristotle distinguish prudence from cleverness?

Aristotle argues that wisdom and prudence are valuable on their own. They help form the state of virtue, which is what leads to happiness. … Prudent people also need cleverness, the capacity to act successfully on a decision. Cleverness is not innately good.

What is example prudence?

Prudence is defined as the act of being careful, often with money. An example of prudence is checking your bank account before you spend money. … The quality or fact of being prudent.

What is prudence virtue?

Thus, as a practical virtue, prudence involves being considerate, judicious and cautious, as well as acting deliberately with one’s own discretion and in one’s best interest.

What are the three worst sins?

These evil thoughts can be categorized into three types: lustful appetite (gluttony, fornication, and avarice) irascibility (wrath) corruption of the mind (vainglory, sorrow, pride, and discouragement)

What are the 3 most important virtues?

The cardinal virtues are not the same as the three theological virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity (Love), named in 1 Corinthians 13. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

What are the 7 vices and virtues?

Christian doctrine incorporates into the Judeo-Christian tradition the deadly sins that we all know (and their demons), as well as the virtues that are supposed to defeat or at least neutralize: 1) pride / humility, 2) greed / generosity, 3) lust / chastity, 4) anger / patience, 5) gluttony / temperance, 6) envy / …

What are the 13 virtues?

His list of 13: Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity and Humility. Thirteen wasn’t a nod to the original colonies, nor was it random. He chose 13 because that number fits neatly into a calendar.

What does order mean in the 13 virtues?

Order. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time. Franklin was ambitious and had many interests. He believed that order would allow him to pursue all things, as long as they were done efficiently.

What virtue is hardest for Franklin to master?

Temperance is the most important virtue because it involves the calmness of the head and prevents acting on temptations. The virtue of order gave Franklin the most difficulty.

How does temperance contribute to happiness?

In the Christian religion, temperance is a virtue that moderates attraction and desire for pleasure and “provides balance in the use of created goods”. More recently, in positive psychology, temperance was defined to include these four main character strengths: forgiveness, humility, prudence, and self-regulation.

What does the Bible says about temperance?

Galatians 5.22 ESV And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.