1 : coming from another source and not inherent or innate a Federal house without adventitious later additions adventitious influences. 2 : arising or occurring sporadically or in other than the usual location adventitious roots.

What is the meaning of adventitious in science?

dvn-tshs, -vn- Arising from an external cause or factor; not inherent. adjective. 1. (biology) Of or belonging to a structure that develops in an unusual place.

What is the adverb form of adventitious?

adventitiously (adventitiously) adverb. Word origin. C17: from Latin adventcius coming from outside, from adventus a coming.

What part of speech is the word adventitious?

adjective ADVENTITIOUS (adjective) definition and synonyms Macmillan Dictionary.

What is adventitious shoot?

Adventitious shoot is a kind of shoot not formed in its main location (at the end of stem and node); for example, it is formed in the internodal part of explants or other parts. The reason for adventitious shoot formation is dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of some cells.

How do you use adventitious in a sentence?

Adventitious in a Sentence

  1. The weird-looking plant is adventitious and not native to this country.
  2. While the band was not popular in its native country, it did find adventitious celebrity in other countries.

What are adventitious roots Class 11?

Hint: The roots that do not arise from the organ of the plant root are called adventitious roots. They mainly arise from the stem, leaf. They propagate vegetatively. The life of the adventitious roots is short. They are shallow and can grow either underground or serial.

What is adventitious root example?

Adventitious roots include those formed on stem and leaf cuttings and those produced by air layering. … For example, Ficus produces free-hanging aerial roots that originate in the branches and undergo secondary thickening before they reach the soil. In many lianas roots also arise from aerial organs.

What is a adventitious root system?

Definition of Adventitious Root System: Roots that grow from any part of plant other than the radicle or its branches are called adventitious roots (L. adventitious extraordinary). … Adventitious root system may be underground or aerial. They generally develop from stem nodes, intermodals, leaves, etc.

What is the meaning of adventitious buds?

botany. : a bud arising in other than the normal position (as where elongation has ceased) and lacking a vascular trace compare trace bud.

What is the definition of unpremeditated?

: not characterized by willful intent and forethought : not planned in advance : not premeditated unpremeditated murder.

What is Advent adverbial?

adventitiously. in an adventitious manner; sporadically.

What do you understand by adventitious deafness?

a loss of hearing that results from injury or illness following a period of normal hearing ability.

What does benumbed mean in English?

1 : to make inactive : deaden. 2 : to make numb especially by cold.

What does Orgastic mean?

1. the intense physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of sexual excitation, usu. accompanied in the male by ejaculation and in the female by vaginal contractions; climax. 2. intense or unrestrained excitement.

What is adventitious shoot regeneration?

Adventitious shoots regeneration of plants is affected by internal signals and external conditions. There were many factors that affect regeneration, including plant growth regulators, the duration of dark culture, different genotypes, and basal medium components.

Does ethylene promote root hair formation?

Root hairs are an extensive structure of root epidermal cells and are critical for nutrient acquisition, soil anchorage, and environmental interactions in sessile plants. The phytohormone ethylene (ET) promotes root hair growth and also mediates the effects of different signals that stimulate hair cell development.

What do you mean Embryoids write its application?

Somatic embryogenesis is the formation of embryos from the callus tissue directly and these embryos are called Embryoids or from the in vitro cells directly form pre-embryonic cells which differentiate into embryoids.

How do you use Pasquinade in a sentence?

Pasquinade in a Sentence

  1. The politician was unamused at the latest pasquinade published in the newspaper.
  2. The pasquinade went viral on the internet.
  3. His first job as a reporter was creating a pasquinade on the local election. …
  4. Angry about the latest pasquinade, an avid newspaper reader wrote the editor a letter.

How do you use superfluous in a sentence?

Superfluous in a Sentence

  1. Isn’t it superfluous to have 20 pairs of shoes when you only wear the same 5 pairs?
  2. It’s superfluous to say something is both necessary and useful.
  3. Because I have already answered your question several times, answering it again would be superfluous.

How do you use circumstantial in a sentence?

Circumstantial in a Sentence

  1. Circumstantial evidence made me believe the dog ate the food on the counter.
  2. The teacher believed that she knew who stole the test scores but it was all circumstantial belief.
  3. In law school, we learned that circumstantial evidence is inadmissible in a court of law.

Which part of potato is eaten?

tuber The edible portion is a rhizome (an underground stem) that is also a tuber. The eyes of the potato are lateral buds. Potatoes come in white, yellow, orange, or purple-colored varieties. The edible portion is the inner stalk (stem) whose sap is a source of sugar.

Is asparagus a modified root?

Asparagus is the example of a modified adventitious root in which roots are modified for the storage of food. The adventitious roots are generally developed from the stem nodes, intermodal, leaves, etc.

What is the function of adventitious roots?

Adventitious roots facilitate gas transport and water and nutrient uptake during flooding. Following flooding, they help take up nutrients and ensure plant survival (Sauter, 2013).

Why is it called adventitious roots?

Post-embryonic roots can develop from stems, leaves or other vegetative non-root organs, either constitutively or in response to stress. Such roots are referred to as adventitious, a term that etymologically indicates their unusual and surprising origin (Figure 1) [1].

Is Monstera adventitious roots?

In a few plants such as banyan tree, Monstera and grass the roots arise from parts of the plant other than the radicle and are referred to as adventitious roots.

What are adventitious organs?

in plants, an organ, such as a bud or root, that arises at sites where it ordinarily does not develop. For example, adventitious buds often arise not in the axils of leaves or at the stem apex, as usual, but on internodes, roots, or leaves. Such organs have great biological significance. …

What is palmate root?

Palmate tuberous roots : In Orchis there is a pair of succulent tuberous root, one of which perishes every year while another new one is formed by its side. Such orchid roots may sometimes be of palmate shape, therefore, called palmate roots.

What are examples of fibrous roots?

Key Differences (Taproot vs Fibrous Root)

Basis for Comparison Taproot Fibrous Root
Examples Some examples of plants that have a tap root system include carrot, mustard, radish, turnip, beetroot, parsley, coriander, etc. Some plants with fibrous root systems include grasses, wheat, rice, corn, rosemary, coconut, etc.

How do adventitious roots differ from regular roots?

type of root system, the adventitious root system, differs from the primary variety in that the primary root is often short-lived and is replaced or supplemented by many roots that form from the stem.