: able to be afforded : having a cost that is not too high products sold at affordable prices an affordable purchase affordable housing [=housing that is not too expensive for people of limited means]

What is a another word for affordable?

Reasonable or low in cost or price. cheap. inexpensive. reasonable. economical.

What is the synonym and antonym of affordable?

Antonyms: expensive. Synonyms: low-cost, low-priced.

What is another word for being cheap?

1 thrifty, chary, provident, careful, prudent, penny-wise, scrimping; miserly, stingy, tight, penny-pinching. 2 scant, slim, sparing, skimpy.

What does affordable mean in business?

If something is affordable, its price is reasonable, it is inexpensive, most people can afford it. An affordable product or service is one that is within most people’s budget. In this context, the word ‘budget’ means how much money somebody has available or put aside to purchase something.

How do you use affordable?

(1) This weapons system is an affordable, hi-tech solution. (2) The restaurant serves good food at affordable prices. (3) There are few affordable apartments in big cities. (4) Though I’m a woman, but I did it affordable, to put next.

How do you say cheap in a nice way?


  1. affordable,
  2. bargain-basement,
  3. budget,
  4. cheapie,
  5. cheapo,
  6. chintzy,
  7. cut-price.
  8. [chiefly British],

How do you say cheap in slang?

frugal (This word has a neutral to positive association.) penny pincher (This word has a negative association.) thrifty (This is a neutral word.) tightwad (This word has a very negative association.)

How do you describe something cheap?

adjective, cheaper, cheapest. costing very little; relatively low in price; inexpensive: a cheap dress. … charging low prices: a very cheap store. of little account; of small value; mean; shoddy: cheap conduct; cheap workmanship.

What’s a word for high quality?

What is another word for high-quality?

excellent fine
superior choice
exceptional great
marvellousUK marvelousUS
quality select

What is a positive connotation for the word cheap?

The denotative meaning of economical and cheap both mean to save money. BUT, the connotative meaning of economical is positive. It connotes being careful with one’s money. The connotative meaning of cheap is negative.

How do you say cheap person?


  1. Scrooge.
  2. skinflint.
  3. tightwad.
  4. penny pincher.
  5. piker.

What is the means of cheap?

adjective, cheaper, cheapest. costing very little; relatively low in price; inexpensive: a cheap dress. costing little labor or trouble: Words are cheap. charging low prices: a very cheap store. of little account; of small value; mean; shoddy: cheap conduct; cheap workmanship.

What is a cheap girl?

1) a girl that is easy to get. 2) a girl you can buy with money or material stuff (like a gold digger) 3) a girl with no manners and etiquette. 4) a girl who uses or who can sincerely like things which are not expensive.

How do you measure affordability?

Preferred Measure: Affordability measured by the ratio of housing expenditure to income, sometimes referred to as the traditional measure of affordability. The measure compares a household’s gross income to its housing costs, including rent, mortgage payments and real estate taxes and insurance.

What is affordability method?

The affordable methodA budgeting technique whereby companies spend what they think they can afford promoting a product., or what you think you can afford, is a method used often by small businesses. … that is, they try to keep their promotional spending comparable to the competitors’ spending level.

What does not affordable mean?

: too costly to be paid for : not affordable unaffordable tuition.

What is the sentence of affordable?

Affordable sentence example. Our aim is to provide quality goods at affordable prices! The staff is attentive, and prices are affordable , considering the quality of the food. Here you’ll find stylish dresses at affordable prices.

How is healthcare more affordable?

Poor sections of society must be provided free medicines. Primary Health Centres should be constructed in backward areas. Free medical check-up camps should be arranged to aid all sections of our society. The healthcare facilities need to be improved at all the levels of society.

What is the opposite of affordable?

Opposite of reasonable or low in cost or price. costly. expensive. pricey. deluxe.

What is the opposite of being cheap?

Opposite of low in price. expensive. costly. dear. highly priced.

What is the informal of inexpensive?

low-cost, cut-price, economical, cheapo (informal) in the sense of economical.

What is the difference between cheap and inexpensive?

Cheap can refer to both price and quality. Something made cheaply is of poor quality and more likely to break or become worn down, e.g. The heel on the cheap shoes broke a day after Jessica bought them. Inexpensive refers to price, either low priced by design or on sale/discounted.