OVERVIEW OF OSSEOUS TRAUMA Acute trauma may result in impaction injuries (ranging from bone contusions to complete fractures) or avulsion fractures in which a tendon or ligament pulls off a piece of bone, cartilage, or both.

What is acute osseous abnormality of the knee?

Osseous disorders related to the patellar ligament include acute avulsion fracture of the tibial tuberosity, notably in the children, or known as Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) and acute avulsion of the inferior pole of the patella, also known as Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome (SLJS).

What does osseous?

Osseous: Having to do with bone, consisting of bone, or resembling bone.

What is osseous bone?

Bone is made up of compact tissue (the hard, outer layer) and cancellous tissue (the spongy, inner layer that contains red marrow). … Osseous tissue is maintained by bone-forming cells called osteoblasts and cells that break down bone called osteoclasts.

What is osseous avulsion?

An avulsion fracture is an injury to the bone in a location where a tendon or ligament attaches to the bone. When an avulsion fracture occurs, the tendon or ligament pulls off a piece of the bone.

What are abnormalities in the knee?

Congenital abnormalities that affect the knee include intrinsic joint disorders, bone and carti- lage diseases and soft tissue disorders. The abnor- mality may be isolated to the knee, be unilateral or bilateral and symmetrical or asymmetrical.

What is osseous structures of the knee?

Bones. The femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), and patella (kneecap) make up the bones of the knee. The knee joint keeps these bones in place. The patella is a small, triangle shaped bone that sits at the front of the knee, within the quadriceps muscle.

What does small effusion mean?

Excess fluid around a joint—called an effusion—affects larger joints, such as the knee. A joint effusion can occur as a result of injury, infection, or different types of arthritis. In many cases, fluid can be drained, and steps taken to address the cause (such as antibiotics for an infection).

What is an example of osseous?

Osseous tissues are of two major types: the compact bone and the spongy bone tissues. … See also: skeletal system, skeleton, bone.

What are the two basic types of osseous tissue?

There are two types of bone tissue: compact and spongy.

What is a osseous lesion?

Bone lesions are areas of bone that are changed or damaged. Causes of bone lesions include infections, fractures, or tumors. When cells within the bone start to divide uncontrollably, they are sometimes called bone tumors. Most bone lesions are benign, meaning they are not cancerous.

Where is osseous found?

The bone is made up of compact bone, spongy bone, and bone marrow. Compact bone makes up the outer layer of the bone. Spongy bone is found mostly at the ends of bones and contains red marrow. Bone marrow is found in the center of most bones and has many blood vessels.

Is osseous tissue avascular or vascular?

Bone is a richly vascularized connective tissue. As the main source of oxygen, nutrients, hormones, neurotransmitters and growth factors delivered to the bone cells, vasculature is indispensable for appropriate bone development, regeneration and remodeling.

What does osseous body mean?

Osseous means bony. … Osseous comes from the Latin word for bone, oss. You can use osseous to describe things that are literally made of bone, like the osseous structure of your skeleton. You can also use osseous to describe things that have hardened like bones.

Is an avulsion fracture serious?

An avulsion fracture is a serious injury that can stop you from playing your favorite sports. You’ll need a cast and rest, and possibly surgery. You should follow up with your healthcare providers for help.

Can a chipped bone heal on its own?

Most minor fractures will heal on their own, but only if you refrain from activities that put weight or stress on the affected area. During your recovery time, it’s important to modify your activity. Once the pain is gone and you’re ready to get back in action, do it slowly to avoid re-injury.

How is avulsion treated?

Treatment of an avulsion fracture typically includes resting and icing the affected area, followed by controlled exercises that help restore range of motion, improve muscle strength and promote bone healing. Most avulsion fractures heal very well without surgical intervention.

What are the most common knee problems?

The most common causes of knee pain are related to aging, injury or repeated stress on the knee. Common knee problems include sprained or strained ligaments, cartilage tears, tendonitis and arthritis.

What is the most common disease that can affect the knee?

The most common disease affecting the knee is osteoarthritis. The cartilage in the knee gradually wears away, causing pain and swelling. Injuries to ligaments and tendons also cause knee problems. A common injury is to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

What diseases can you get in your knee?

The varieties most likely to affect the knee include:

How do I know if my knee injury is serious?

Signs knee pain may be serious include:

  1. Extreme pain.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Large wounds.
  4. Knee deformity.
  5. Feeling or hearing a popping when injury occurs.
  6. Joint instability.
  7. Inability to bear weight on affected leg.
  8. Inability to straighten leg.

What does a deformed knee look like?

Deformed Knees The end result is typically a knee that looks smaller or shrunken when it is not swollen. Knee deformities tend to be more noticeable when a patient is standing, and they may cause a person to stand with their knee and lower leg turned outwards or inwards.

What is the back of the knee called?

popliteal fossa The popliteal fossa (sometimes referred to as the back knee, hough, or kneepit in analogy to the cubital fossa) is a shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint. The bones of the popliteal fossa are the femur and the tibia.

Is fluid on the knee serious?

Yes, fluid on the knee can get worse if you don’t address the issue. A bacterial infection could spread and lead to permanent damage. 11 A meniscus tear can lead to long-term, debilitating pain and loss of mobility if it isn’t treated. This is why it’s important to get an immediate diagnosis from a healthcare provider.

Can fluid in the knee spread?

Knee bursitis is any kind of inflammation that affects the bursae in your knee. Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that pad and protect your knee. Bacteria can penetrate these sacs and create an infection. Warmth and swelling then occur as the infection spreads throughout the rest of your knee joints.

Does knee effusion need surgery?

Surgical and other procedures Treating the underlying cause of a swollen knee might require: Arthrocentesis. Removing fluid from the knee can help relieve pressure on the joint. After aspirating joint fluid, your doctor might inject a corticosteroid into the joint to treat inflammation.

Is osseous tissue connective?

Bone, or osseous tissue, is a hard, dense connective tissue that forms most of the adult skeleton, the support structure of the body.

Where is osseous compact bone found?

long bones Compact bone forms a shell around cancellous bone and is the primary component of the long bones of the arm and leg and other bones, where its greater strength and rigidity are needed.

What would you find in the marrow cavity of the diaphysis?

The diaphysis is the main or midsection (shaft) of a long bone. It is made up of cortical bone and usually contains bone marrow and adipose tissue (fat). It is a middle tubular part composed of compact bone which surrounds a central marrow cavity which contains red or yellow marrow.