the state of being very dry and without enough rain for plants: the aridity of much of the Australian interior.

How do you use aridity in a sentence?

Aridity in a Sentence

  1. The aridity of the soil was not ideal for planting.
  2. The aridity of my lips caused them to crack and bleed.
  3. When we visited the Sahara, I was not prepared for the level of aridity in the desert. …
  4. Because of the drought, the river beds cracked from aridity.

What’s the difference between drought and aridity?

Drought is a period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently long enough to cause a serious hydrological imbalance. Aridity is measured by comparing long-term average water supply (precipitation) to long-term average water demand (evapotranspiration). … Aridity is permanent, while drought is temporary.

What causes aridity?

The causes of aridity are: (1) Distance 2) Wind System) Rain and (4) Temperature.

What is Monomaniacally?

Definitions of monomaniacal. adjective. obsessed with a single subject or idea. Synonyms: neurotic, psychoneurotic. affected with emotional disorder.

What is meant by the term aridity?

Definitions of aridity. a deficiency of moisture (especially when resulting from a permanent absence of rainfall) synonyms: aridness, thirstiness. type of: dryness, waterlessness, xerotes. the condition of not containing or being covered by a liquid (especially water)

How do you use disenchantment in a sentence?

1, Voters have expressed growing disenchantment with the government. 2, There is growing disenchantment with the way the country/school/club is being run. 3, This disenchantment reflects an unpalatable truth about their country. 4, The disenchantment affects all workers, even before they are ever laid off.

How do you use sham in a sentence?

Sham in a Sentence

  1. When we found out that the engagement was just a sham, we were very upset.
  2. My mother said that the product in the infomercial was a sham and didn’t work.
  3. The sham was telling the birthday boy that they were headed to the dentist, when there was a surprise party waiting for him.

How do you use perennial in a sentence?

Perennial sentence example

  1. Twining plants with running perennial roots. …
  2. There are no rivers and few perennial streams in the islands. …
  3. It is really a biennial, but grows itself so freely as to become perennial in the garden.

Where is desertification in Africa?

Practically every country of Africa is prone to desertification, but the Sahelian countries at the southern fringe of the Sahara are particularly vulnerable. Only about 19% of Niger is non-desert and of this 17% belongs to high and very high vulnerability classes.

How do you calculate aridity?

Aridity Index (AI) is a numerical indicator which is used for measuring the degree of dryness of climate of a place. It is opposite to humidity index. It is calculated as the ratio of P/PET, where P is the average annual precipitation and PET is the potential evapotranspiration (UNEP, 1992).

What is the difference between precipitation and rainfall?

Distinguish between Rainfall and Precipitation. … Climate.

Rainfall Precipitation
(i)Rainfall is a type of precipitation when moisture falls on the earth in the form of drops of water. (i)It is the collective name given to different forms of release of moisture after condensation.

What is high aridity?

Aridity is a nature produced permanent imbalance in the water availability consisting in low average annual precipitation, with high spatial and temporal variability, resulting in overall low moisture and low carrying capacity of the ecosystems.

What are the main forces that produce precipitation and aridity?

What are the main forces that produce precipitation and aridity? Precipitation is the result of air rising and cooling. As warm moist air rises, it cools at the environmental laps rate (-3.6F per 1,000 feet) stationary or slow rate. For faster moving air, the cooling rate is -5.5Fper 1,000 feet.

How important is aridity to the West?

It provides the narrative framework we live within. Aridity is the unifying property of what we consider to be the West. This elemental fact shapes and is shaped by the way that we think about water in the region’s literature.

What does Psychoneurotically disturbed mean?

affected with emotional disorder. synonyms: neurotic aboulic, abulic. suffering from abulia; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions.

What does gnarly mean?

1 : gnarled gnarly branches. 2 slang : very bad: such as. a : very difficult or challenging to deal with a gnarly [=thorny, knotty] problem gnarly conditions Having

What is a fanatic?

A fanatic is a person with an extreme and often unquestioning enthusiasm, devotion, or zeal for something, such as a religion, political stance, or cause. … Less commonly, fanatic can be used as an adjective meaning the same thing as fanaticalhaving and motivated by extreme enthusiasm or devotion.

What is spiritual aridity?

Spiritual aridity is a condition of soul in which a person derives no consolation or satisfaction from prayer. This absence of spiritual gratification makes it very difficult for one to produce the intellectual and affective acts of prayer. According to spiritual writers, aridity may be due to different causes.

What does Willow Grove mean?

n. 1 any of numerous salicaceous trees and shrubs of the genus Salix, such as the weeping willow and osiers of N temperate regions, which have graceful flexible branches and flowers in catkins. 2 the whitish wood of certain of these trees.

What means disenchanted?

: no longer happy, pleased, or satisfied : disappointed, dissatisfied disenchanted voters/workers/fans But midway through his architectural training at the Rhode Island School of Design, he grew disenchanted with the pretentious edifice of postmodern design.

How do you use drudgery in a sentence?

Drudgery sentence example

  1. No man was less fitted by temperament for the necessary drudgery and worry. …
  2. But, though everybody was kind and ready to help us, there was only one hand that could turn drudgery into pleasure. …
  3. This can make the task seem less like drudgery and is perfect for busy people.

What are pillow shams?

Often referred to interchangeably as a sham, pillow sham, or bed sham, these pillow covers turn traditional-sized pillows into decorations for your bed. While similar to a normal pillowcase, they often have a more decorative front and an opening in the back rather than the end.

What does it mean to call someone a sham?

/m/ something that is not what it seems to be and is intended to deceive people, or someone who pretends to be something they are not: It turned out that he wasn’t a real doctor at all – he was just a sham.

What does sham mean in Irish?

1. Sham – A friend. 2. Gowl – Annoying stupid person.

What’s the meaning of perennially?

adjective. lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring: her perennial beauty. (of plants) having a life cycle lasting more than two years. lasting or continuing throughout the entire year, as a stream. perpetual; everlasting; continuing; recurrent.

How do you use perfidy in a sentence?

Perfidy in a Sentence

  1. Because my husband’s perfidy hurt me terribly, I served him with divorce papers.
  2. The evil witch is such a cruel woman that there is no perfidy beyond her imagination.

How do you use aquamarine in a sentence?

a shade of blue tinged with green. 1) The television screen became a rectangle of icy aquamarine. 2) The water is the deepest hue of aquamarine and whipped up into meringue peaks. 3) Deep rose merged with the turquoise and aquamarine of fast-fading night.