At most refers to a maximum amount, while at least generally refers to a minimum. At most means that any number less than the number presented is acceptable or true, while at least means the opposite any number greater than the number stated is possible.

Is it at least or atleast?

At Least: Which One Is Correct? The bottom line is that atleast is not a word. The correct version is at least.

What does at least mean example?

According to the lowest possible assessment, no less than. For example, At least a dozen more chairs are needed, or The job will take four hours at the least. [

What is the synonym of at least?

Synonyms of at least

What is the meaning of at least and at most?

At least in the probability means, that all the probabilities that are larger than the given probability. Whereas, At most in the probability means that all the probabilities that are smaller than the given probability. So, we can say that at most means maximum, whereas at least means minimum.

Is at least an idiom?

Idiom: at (the very) least At the very least I expect you to start arriving on time every day this month or we’re going to terminate your employment. I may not like it but at least I have a job. At least you could have let me know that you’d changed your mind and weren’t coming.

Is at least a single word?

2 Answers. It is incorrect to write ‘at least’ as one word. (You have to be careful using Google to justify things: (1) people make mistakes, and (2) sometimes Google tries to be smarter than you, e.g. it will actually search for the corrected version, not the misspelling you entered.

How do you use at least?

You use at least to say that a number or amount is the smallest that is possible or likely and that the actual number or amount may be greater. The forms at the least and at the very least are also used. Aim to have at least half a pint of milk each day.

What is the meaning of atlast?

(idiomatic) In the end; finally; ultimately. After all their troubles, at last they lived happily ever after.

What word class is at least?

At least in the example given (faster than sound at least) is an adverb phrase qualifying faster. It is not a quantifier, as these qualify nouns, not adjectives, and at least does not qualify the word sound. Within the adverb phrase, at is a preposition and least is an adjective functioning as a noun.

How do you use at least in a sentence?

  1. At least they died happy.
  2. At least ten people were killed in the crash.
  3. Thus much at least is clear.
  4. She earns at least 600 quid a week.
  5. At least eighteen bullets were fired.
  6. At least he didn’t suffer overmuch before he died.
  7. Marinate the chicken for at least 4 hours.

What kind of phrase is at least?

At is a preposition, but it acts on the noun least to create an adverbial phrase at least. It’s exactly the same grammar as something like on the table: preposition+noun->adverb. That’s how most prepositional phrases work (although a few become adjectives or nouns rather than adverbs).

What is the opposite word of at least?

What is the opposite of at least?

at maximum at most
up to at the most
no more than

Is at the very least meaning?

used to indicate the least thing that is true, acceptable, desirable, or certain to happen He wanted to win the race, or at the least, to finish second.It will change your life or, at the very least, teach you something new.At the very least, she deserves to be heard.

What is the synonym of minimal?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for minimal, like: basic, insignificant, bare, minimum, smallest, least, low-level, littlest, token, maximal and most.

What does at least 8 mean?

Suppose, if we say two dice are thrown and the probability to get at least 8 means, we should get a minimum value of 8. … Therefore, in probability, at least mean the minimum value that should occur once a random event happens.

Is there a symbol for at least?

The notation a b or a b means that a is greater than or equal to b (or, equivalently, at least b, or not less than b).

How do you use at least and at most in a sentence?

it can be 5 , or any number greater than 5 . So, the phrase ‘x is at least 5 ‘ means ‘x5 x 5 ‘. …

  1. x is at least 3. 3.
  2. x is at most 5. …
  3. x is greater than or equal to 3. 3.
  4. x is less than or equal to 5.

What does at least as good mean?

It means A is good and B is good and they are equally good ( say choices) It means A may be even better than B at least as good means = equal and maybe better.

Does at least mean greater than?

When we say ‘as many as’ or ‘no more than’, we mean ‘less than or equal to’ which means that a could be less than b or equal to b. But, when we say ‘at least’, we mean ‘greater than or equal to’. Here a could be greater than b or equal to b.

What is the meaning of in the least?

: not at all : not in any way or respect It did not interest me in the least.

Is the word at least one word or two?

Writing atleast, is a common error that depicts the correct phrase at least as a single term. The only proper use is the two-word phrase, at least, which is a phrase that combines the preposition at and the noun or adverb least to mean at minimum.

Whats the difference between list and least?

List: a short note of several things. Please add milk and eggs to your grocery list. List: a nautical term indicating lean. That ship has a starboard list. It means the ship is leaning to the right instead of balanced. Least: not much, very little, not important.

Is alot a word?

First thing’s first: alot is not a word. … A lot is always two words. Allot means to give or apportion something to someone as a share or task.

How do you use at length?

(1) He succeeded at length. (2) Mr Perks questioned them at length to establish their bona fides. (3) ‘I’m still not sure,’ he said at length. (4) ‘OK,’ he replied at length.

What is the sentence of at night?

1) It’s one of those arts programmes late at night. 2) I always sweat at night. 3) Our cat usually stays out at night. 4) Some animals hunt at night.

How do you use sleet in a sentence?

1, Conditions were damp and foggy after morning sleet.2, The wind began to build and the sleet to blow about.3, The rain was turning to sleet. 4, Driving sleet brought more problems to roads last night.

Are at a loss?

If you say that you are at a loss, you mean that you do not know what to do in a particular situation.

What is Atlas in Tagalog?

atlas atlas. libro ng mga mapa atlas.

What is at the latest mean?

phrase. You use at the latest in order to indicate that something must happen at or before a particular time and not after that time. [emphasis] She should be back by ten o’clock at the latest.